Interface INullnessAnnotationDatabase

All Known Implementing Classes:
NullnessAnnotationDatabase, TypeQualifierNullnessAnnotationDatabase

public interface INullnessAnnotationDatabase
Interface for querying nullness annotations on methods, fields, and parameters.
David Hovemeyer
  • Method Details

    • parameterMustBeNonNull

      boolean parameterMustBeNonNull(XMethod m, int param)
      Determine whether given parameter must be non-null.
      m - a method
      param - parameter (0 == first parameter)
      true if the parameter must be non-null, false otherwise
    • getResolvedAnnotation

      @CheckForNull NullnessAnnotation getResolvedAnnotation(Object o, boolean getMinimal)
      Get a resolved NullnessAnnotation on given XMethod, XField, or XMethodParameter.
      o - an XMethod, XField, or XMethodParameter
      getMinimal - TODO: what does this mean?
      resolved NullnessAnnotation
    • loadAuxiliaryAnnotations

      void loadAuxiliaryAnnotations()
      Load "built-in" annotations that might not be evident from the analyzed/referenced code.
    • addFieldAnnotation

      void addFieldAnnotation(@DottedClassName String cName, String mName, String mSig, boolean isStatic, NullnessAnnotation annotation)
      Add a field annotation to the database.
      cName - dotted class name
      mName - field name
      mSig - field signature
      isStatic - true if field is static, false otherwise
      annotation - NullnessAnnotation to add
    • addMethodAnnotation

      void addMethodAnnotation(@DottedClassName String cName, String mName, String mSig, boolean isStatic, NullnessAnnotation annotation)
      Add a method annotation to the database.
      cName - dotted class name
      mName - method name
      mSig - method signature
      isStatic - true if method is static, false otherwise
      annotation - NullnessAnnotation to add
    • addMethodParameterAnnotation

      void addMethodParameterAnnotation(@DottedClassName String cName, String mName, String mSig, boolean isStatic, int param, NullnessAnnotation annotation)
      Add a method parameter annotation to the database.
      cName - dotted class name
      mName - method name
      mSig - method signature
      isStatic - true if method is static, false otherwise
      param - parameter (0 == first parameter)
      annotation - the NullnessAnnotation to add
    • addDefaultAnnotation

      void addDefaultAnnotation(AnnotationDatabase.Target target, @DottedClassName String c, NullnessAnnotation n)
      Add a default annotation to the database.
      target - one of AnnotationDatabase.METHOD, AnnotationDatabase.FIELD, AnnotationDatabase.PARAMETER, or AnnotationDatabase.ANY
      c - dotted class name of class default annotation pertains to
      n - the default NullnessAnnotation