Interface RepositoryLookupFailureCallback

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBugReporter, BugCollectionBugReporter, BugReportDispatcher, BugReporterDecorator, CategoryFilteringBugReporter, DebugRepositoryLookupFailureCallback, DelegatingBugReporter, EmacsBugReporter, ErrorCountingBugReporter, ExcludingHashesBugReporter, FilterBugReporter, HTMLBugReporter, MaxRankDecorator, PrintingBugReporter, SarifBugReporter, SortingBugReporter, SuppressionDecorator, TextUIBugReporter, XDocsBugReporter, XMLBugReporter

public interface RepositoryLookupFailureCallback extends IErrorLogger
An interface which Repository class lookup failures are reported to. Some of the analysis classes make use of class hierarchy information. In collecting this information, errors can result because some classes in the hierarchy can't be found; e.g., when the runtime classpath is incomplete. When possible, the analysis classes will be conservative in the event of a lookup failure. However, it is important to report such lookup failures to the user. So, classes that use the Repository should have a callback object to report lookup failures to.
David Hovemeyer