Interface ObligationPolicyDatabaseEntry

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ObligationPolicyDatabaseEntry
Interface defining an entry in the ObligationPolicyDatabase. Checks called methods to see what actions they apply.
David Hovemeyer
  • Method Details

    • getEntryType

      Get the type of entry (STRONG or WEAK).
    • getActions

      boolean getActions(org.apache.bcel.generic.ReferenceType receiverType, String methodName, String signature, boolean isStatic, Collection<ObligationPolicyDatabaseAction> actionList)
      Get the ObligationPolicyDatabaseActions that should be applied when the method described by the parameters is called.
      receiverType - receiver type of called method
      methodName - name of called method
      signature - signature of called method
      isStatic - true if called method is static, false otherwise
      actionList - List of ObligationPolicyDatabaseActions to be applied when a called method is matched by this entry
      true if one or more actions were added, false if no actions were added
    • getAllObligations

      Collection<Obligation> getAllObligations()