Class ClassInfoAnalysisEngine

All Implemented Interfaces:
IAnalysisEngine<ClassDescriptor,XClass>, IClassAnalysisEngine<XClass>

public class ClassInfoAnalysisEngine extends Object implements IClassAnalysisEngine<XClass>
Analysis engine to produce the ClassInfo for a loaded class. We parse just enough information from the classfile to get the needed information.
David Hovemeyer
  • Constructor Details

    • ClassInfoAnalysisEngine

      public ClassInfoAnalysisEngine()
  • Method Details

    • analyze

      public ClassInfo analyze(IAnalysisCache analysisCache, ClassDescriptor descriptor) throws CheckedAnalysisException
      Description copied from interface: IAnalysisEngine
      Perform an analysis on class or method named by given descriptor.
      Specified by:
      analyze in interface IAnalysisEngine<ClassDescriptor,XClass>
      analysisCache - the analysis cache
      descriptor - the descriptor of the class or method to be analyzed
      the result of the analysis of the class or method
    • registerWith

      public void registerWith(IAnalysisCache analysisCache)
      Description copied from interface: IAnalysisEngine
      Register the analysis engine with given analysis cache.
      Specified by:
      registerWith in interface IAnalysisEngine<ClassDescriptor,XClass>
      analysisCache - the analysis cache
    • canRecompute

      public boolean canRecompute()
      Description copied from interface: IClassAnalysisEngine
      Return true if analysis results produced by this analysis engine can be recomputed. Unless some correctness criterion prevents analysis results from being recomputed, analysis engines should return true (allowing the cache to be kept to a manageable size).
      Specified by:
      canRecompute in interface IClassAnalysisEngine<XClass>
      true if analysis results produced by this engine can be recomputed, false if for some reason the analysis results must be retained indefinitely