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accept(T) - Method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.ExceptionfulConsumer
accept(T, U) - Method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.ExceptionfulBiConsumer
AdaptingCatcher<S,D> - Class in com.github.sviperll.result4j
Allows to adapt exception-throwing methods to return Result-type instead.
AdaptingCatcher.ForBiConsumers<S,D> - Class in com.github.sviperll.result4j
Specialized version of AdaptingCatcher that deals with methods that correspond to a shape of BiConsumer functional interface.
AdaptingCatcher.ForBiFunctions<S,D> - Class in com.github.sviperll.result4j
Specialized version of AdaptingCatcher that deals with methods that correspond to a shape of BiFunction functional interface.
AdaptingCatcher.ForConsumers<S,D> - Class in com.github.sviperll.result4j
Specialized version of AdaptingCatcher that deals with methods that correspond to a shape of Consumer functional interface.
AdaptingCatcher.ForFunctions<S,D> - Class in com.github.sviperll.result4j
Specialized version of AdaptingCatcher that deals with methods that correspond to a shape of Function functional interface.
AdaptingCatcher.ForRunnables<S,D> - Class in com.github.sviperll.result4j
Specialized version of AdaptingCatcher that deals with methods that correspond to a shape of Runnable functional interface.
AdaptingCatcher.ForSuppliers<S,D> - Class in com.github.sviperll.result4j
Specialized version of AdaptingCatcher that deals with methods that correspond to a shape of Supplier functional interface.
andThen(ExceptionfulFunction<? super R, ? extends S, ? extends E>) - Method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.ExceptionfulFunction
andThen(Result<U, E>) - Method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result
Combines this result with another one.
andThen(Result<U, E>) - Method in record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Error
andThen(Result<U, E>) - Method in record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Success
apply(T) - Method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.ExceptionfulFunction
apply(T, U) - Method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.ExceptionfulBiFunction


Catcher<E> - Class in com.github.sviperll.result4j
Allows to adapt exception-throwing methods to return Result-type instead.
Catcher.ForBiConsumers<E> - Class in com.github.sviperll.result4j
Specialized version of Catcher that deals with methods that correspond to a shape of BiConsumer functional interface.
Catcher.ForBiFunctions<E> - Class in com.github.sviperll.result4j
Specialized version of Catcher that deals with methods that correspond to a shape of BiFunction functional interface.
Catcher.ForConsumers<E> - Class in com.github.sviperll.result4j
Specialized version of Catcher that deals with methods that correspond to a shape of Consumer functional interface.
Catcher.ForFunctions<E> - Class in com.github.sviperll.result4j
Specialized version of Catcher that deals with methods that correspond to a shape of Function functional interface.
Catcher.ForRunnables<E> - Class in com.github.sviperll.result4j
Specialized version of Catcher that deals with methods that correspond to a shape of Runnable functional interface.
Catcher.ForSuppliers<E> - Class in com.github.sviperll.result4j
Specialized version of Catcher that deals with methods that correspond to a shape of Supplier functional interface.
catching(ExceptionfulBiConsumer<? super T, ? super U, ? extends S>) - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.AdaptingCatcher.ForBiConsumers
Allows to adapt exception-throwing methods to return Result-type instead.
catching(ExceptionfulBiFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? extends R, ? extends S>) - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.AdaptingCatcher.ForBiFunctions
Allows to adapt exception-throwing methods to return Result-type instead.
catching(ExceptionfulConsumer<? super T, ? extends S>) - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.AdaptingCatcher.ForConsumers
Allows to adapt exception-throwing methods to return Result-type instead.
catching(ExceptionfulFunction<? super T, ? extends R, ? extends S>) - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.AdaptingCatcher.ForFunctions
Allows to adapt exception-throwing methods to return Result-type instead.
catching(ExceptionfulRunnable<? extends S>) - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.AdaptingCatcher.ForRunnables
Allows to adapt exception-throwing methods to return Result-type instead.
catching(ExceptionfulSupplier<? extends T, ? extends S>) - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.AdaptingCatcher.ForSuppliers
Allows to adapt exception-throwing methods to return Result-type instead.
com.github.sviperll.result4j - module com.github.sviperll.result4j
The module provides the definition of the Result-type similar to Result-type in Rust that allows to return either successful result or otherwise some kind of error.
com.github.sviperll.result4j - package com.github.sviperll.result4j
The package provides Result-type similar to Result-type in Rust that allows to return either successful result or otherwise some kind of error.
compose(ExceptionfulFunction<? super U, ? extends T, ? extends E>) - Method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.ExceptionfulFunction


discardError() - Method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result
Produces optional-value, that is present when this is a successful result.
discardError() - Method in record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Error
discardError() - Method in record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Success


equals(Object) - Method in record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Error
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Success
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
error() - Method in record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Error
Returns the value of the error record component.
error(E) - Static method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result
Produces Result-value containing given error value.
Error(E) - Constructor for record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Error
Creates an instance of a Error record class.
errorMapping(Function<? super E1, ? extends E2>) - Static method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result
Produces function-object that transforms error-values of results.
ExceptionfulBiConsumer<T,U,E> - Interface in com.github.sviperll.result4j
Like BiConsumer, but throws checked exception.
ExceptionfulBiFunction<T,U,R,E> - Interface in com.github.sviperll.result4j
Like BiFunction, but throws checked exception.
ExceptionfulConsumer<T,E> - Interface in com.github.sviperll.result4j
Like Consumer, but throws checked exception.
ExceptionfulFunction<T,R,E> - Interface in com.github.sviperll.result4j
Like Function, but throws checked exception.
ExceptionfulRunnable<E> - Interface in com.github.sviperll.result4j
Like Runnable, but throws checked exception.
ExceptionfulSupplier<R,E> - Interface in com.github.sviperll.result4j
Like Supplier, but throws checked exception.


flatMap(Function<? super R, ? extends Result<U, E>>) - Method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result
Transforms a value of this result, when this is a successful result.
flatMapping(Function<? super T, ? extends Result<R, E>>) - Static method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result
Produces function-object that transforms values of successful results.
forBiConsumers() - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.AdaptingCatcher
Specializes AdaptingCatcher to deal with methods that correspond to a shape of BiConsumer functional interface.
forBiConsumers() - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Catcher
Specializes Catcher to deal with methods that correspond to a shape of BiConsumer functional interface.
forBiFunctions() - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.AdaptingCatcher
Specializes AdaptingCatcher to deal with methods that correspond to a shape of BiFunction functional interface.
forBiFunctions() - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Catcher
Specializes Catcher to deal with methods that correspond to a shape of BiFunction functional interface.
forConsumers() - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.AdaptingCatcher
Specializes AdaptingCatcher to deal with methods that correspond to a shape of Consumer functional interface.
forConsumers() - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Catcher
Specializes Catcher to deal with methods that correspond to a shape of Consumer functional interface.
forFunctions() - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.AdaptingCatcher
Specializes AdaptingCatcher to deal with methods that correspond to a shape of Function functional interface.
forFunctions() - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Catcher
Specializes Catcher to deal with methods that correspond to a shape of Function functional interface.
forRunnables() - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.AdaptingCatcher
Specializes AdaptingCatcher to deal with methods that correspond to a shape of Runnable functional interface.
forRunnables() - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Catcher
Specializes Catcher to deal with methods that correspond to a shape of Runnable functional interface.
forSuppliers() - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.AdaptingCatcher
Specializes AdaptingCatcher to deal with methods that correspond to a shape of Supplier functional interface.
forSuppliers() - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Catcher
Specializes Catcher to deal with methods that correspond to a shape of Supplier functional interface.
fromOptional(Optional<R>, E) - Static method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result
Produces Result-value from Optional value.
fromOptionalResult(Optional<Result<R, E>>) - Static method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result
Produces Result-value with Optional successful result value.


get() - Method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.ExceptionfulSupplier


hashCode() - Method in record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Error
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Success
Returns a hash code value for this object.


ifSuccess(Consumer<R>) - Method in record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Error
ifSuccess(Consumer<R>) - Method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result
Invokes given consumer for a successful result value.
ifSuccess(Consumer<R>) - Method in record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Success
isError() - Method in record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Error
isError() - Method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result
Checks that this value is an error.
isError() - Method in record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Success


map(Function<? super D, ? extends E>) - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.AdaptingCatcher.ForBiConsumers
map(Function<? super D, ? extends E>) - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.AdaptingCatcher.ForBiFunctions
map(Function<? super D, ? extends E>) - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.AdaptingCatcher.ForConsumers
map(Function<? super D, ? extends E>) - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.AdaptingCatcher.ForFunctions
map(Function<? super D, ? extends E>) - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.AdaptingCatcher.ForRunnables
map(Function<? super D, ? extends E>) - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.AdaptingCatcher.ForSuppliers
map(Function<? super D, ? extends E>) - Method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.AdaptingCatcher
map(Function<? super R, ? extends U>) - Method in record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Error
map(Function<? super R, ? extends U>) - Method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result
Transforms a value of this result, when this is a successful result.
map(Function<? super R, ? extends U>) - Method in record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Success
mapError(Function<? super E, ? extends E1>) - Method in record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Error
mapError(Function<? super E, ? extends E1>) - Method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result
Transforms an error-value of this result, when this is an error.
mapError(Function<? super E, ? extends E1>) - Method in record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Success
mapping(Function<? super T, ? extends R>) - Static method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result
Produces function-object that transforms values of successful results.


of(Class<E>) - Static method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Catcher


recoverError(Function<? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Error
recoverError(Function<? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result
Recovers from error and produces the value of the successful result.
recoverError(Function<? super E, ? extends R>) - Method in record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Success
result() - Method in record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Success
Returns the value of the result record component.
Result<R,E> - Interface in com.github.sviperll.result4j
A result that is either a successful execution with the value or a failure with the error-value.
Result.Error<R,E> - Record Class in com.github.sviperll.result4j
Result.Success<R,E> - Record Class in com.github.sviperll.result4j
ResultCollectors - Class in com.github.sviperll.result4j
run() - Method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.ExceptionfulRunnable


success(R) - Static method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result
Produces Result-value containing given successful result value.
Success(R) - Constructor for record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Success
Creates an instance of a Success record class.


throwError(Function<? super E, X>) - Method in interface com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result
Throws an exception, by converting error-value to an exception instance.
toSingleResult(Collector<? super T, ?, R>) - Static method in class com.github.sviperll.result4j.ResultCollectors
toString() - Method in record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Error
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.github.sviperll.result4j.Result.Success
Returns a string representation of this record class.
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