



package matches

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class BannedChampion(championId: Int = 0, pickTurn: Int = 0) extends Product with Serializable

  2. case class Event(ascendedType: String = "", assistingParticipantIds: List[Int] = Nil, buildingType: String = "", creatorId: Int = 0, eventType: String = "", itemAfter: Int = 0, itemBefore: Int = 0, itemId: Int = 0, killerId: Int = 0, laneType: String = "", levelUpType: String = "", monsterType: String = "", participantId: Int = 0, pointCaptured: String = "", position: Position = Position(), skillSlot: Int = 0, teamId: Int = 0, timestamp: Long = 0, towerType: String = "", victimId: Int = 0, wardType: String = "") extends Product with Serializable

  3. case class Frame(event: Event = Event(), participantFrames: Map[String, ParticipantFrame] = Map.empty, timestamp: Long = 0) extends Product with Serializable

  4. case class Mastery(masteryId: Long = 0, rank: Long = 0) extends Product with Serializable

  5. case class MatchDetail(mapId: Int, matchCreation: Long, matchDuration: Long, matchId: Long, matchMode: String, matchType: String, matchVersion: String, participantIdentities: List[ParticipantIdentity], participants: List[Participant], platformId: String, queueType: String, region: String, season: String, teams: List[Team], timeline: Timeline) extends Product with Serializable

  6. case class Participant(championId: Int = 0, highestAchievedSeasonTier: String = "", masteries: List[Mastery] = Nil, participantId: Int = 0, runes: List[Rune] = Nil, spell1Id: Int = 0, spell2Id: Int = 0, stats: ParticipantStats = ParticipantStats(), teamId: Int = 0, timeline: ParticipantTimeline = ParticipantTimeline()) extends Product with Serializable

  7. case class ParticipantFrame(currentGold: Int = 0, dominionScore: Int = 0, jungleMinionsKilled: Int = 0, level: Int = 0, minionsKilled: Int = 0, participantId: Int = 0, position: Position, teamScore: Int = 0, totalGold: Int = 0, xp: Int = 0) extends Product with Serializable

  8. case class ParticipantIdentity(participantId: Int = 0, player: Player = Player()) extends Product with Serializable

  9. case class ParticipantStats(assists: Long = 0, champLevel: Long = 0, combatPlayerScore: Long = 0, deaths: Long = 0, doubleKills: Long = 0, firstBloodAssist: Boolean = false, firstBloodKill: Boolean = false, firstInhibitorAssist: Boolean = false, firstInhibitorKill: Boolean = false, firstTowerAssist: Boolean = false, firstTowerKill: Boolean = false, goldEarned: Long = 0, goldSpent: Long = 0, inhibitorKills: Long = 0, item0: Long = 0, item1: Long = 0, item2: Long = 0, item3: Long = 0, item4: Long = 0, item5: Long = 0, item6: Long = 0, killingSprees: Long = 0, kills: Long = 0, largestCriticalStrike: Long = 0, largestKillingSpree: Long = 0, largestMultiKill: Long = 0, magicDamageDealt: Long = 0, magicDamageDealtToChampions: Long = 0, magicDamageTaken: Long = 0, minionsKilled: Long = 0, neutralMinionsKilled: Long = 0, neutralMinionsKilledEnemyJungle: Long = 0, neutralMinionsKilledTeamJungle: Long = 0, nodeCapture: Long = 0, nodeCaptureAssist: Long = 0, nodeNeutralize: Long = 0, nodeNeutralizeAssist: Long = 0, objectivePlayerScore: Long = 0, pentaKills: Long = 0, physicalDamageDealt: Long = 0, physicalDamageDealtToChampions: Long = 0, physicalDamageTaken: Long = 0, quadraKills: Long = 0, sightWardsBoughtInGame: Long = 0, teamObjective: Long = 0, totalDamageDealt: Long = 0, totalDamageDealtToChampions: Long = 0, totalDamageTaken: Long = 0, totalHeal: Long = 0, totalPlayerScore: Long = 0, totalScoreRank: Long = 0, totalTimeCrowdControlDealt: Long = 0, totalUnitsHealed: Long = 0, towerKills: Long = 0, tripleKills: Long = 0, trueDamageDealt: Long = 0, trueDamageDealtToChampions: Long = 0, trueDamageTaken: Long = 0, unrealKills: Long = 0, visionWardsBoughtInGame: Long = 0, wardsKilled: Long = 0, wardsPlaced: Long = 0, winner: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable

  10. case class ParticipantTimeline(ancientGolemAssistsPerMinCounts: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), ancientGolemKillsPerMinCounts: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), assistedLaneDeathsPerMinDeltas: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), assistedLaneKillsPerMinDeltas: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), baronAssistsPerMinCounts: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), baronKillsPerMinCounts: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), creepsPerMinDeltas: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), csDiffPerMinDeltas: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), damageTakenDiffPerMinDeltas: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), damageTakenPerMinDeltas: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), dragonAssistsPerMinCounts: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), dragonKillsPerMinCounts: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), elderLizardAssistsPerMinCounts: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), elderLizardKillsPerMinCounts: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), goldPerMinDeltas: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), inhibitorAssistsPerMinCounts: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), inhibitorKillsPerMinCounts: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), lane: String = "", role: String = "", towerAssistsPerMinCounts: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), towerKillsPerMinCounts: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), towerKillsPerMinDeltas: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), vilemawAssistsPerMinCounts: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), vilemawKillsPerMinCounts: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), wardsPerMinDeltas: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), xpDiffPerMinDeltas: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData(), xpPerMinDeltas: ParticipantTimelineData = ParticipantTimelineData()) extends Product with Serializable

  11. case class ParticipantTimelineData(tenToTwenty: Double = 0, thirtyToEnd: Double = 0, twentyToThirty: Double = 0, zeroToTen: Double = 0) extends Product with Serializable

  12. case class Player(matchHistoryUri: String = "", profileIcon: Int = 0, summonerId: Long = 0, summonerName: String = "") extends Product with Serializable

  13. case class Position(x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0) extends Product with Serializable

  14. case class Rune(rank: Long = 0, runeId: Long = 0) extends Product with Serializable

  15. case class Team(bans: List[BannedChampion] = Nil, baronKills: Int = 0, dominionVictoryScore: Long = 0, dragonKills: Int = 0, firstBaron: Boolean = false, firstBlood: Boolean = false, firstDragon: Boolean = false, firstInhibitor: Boolean = false, firstTower: Boolean = false, inhibitorKills: Int = 0, teamId: Int = 0, towerKills: Int = 0, vilemawKills: Int = 0, winner: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable

  16. case class Timeline(frameInterval: Long = 0, frames: List[Frame] = Nil) extends Product with Serializable

