

package agg

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class AggFuncExpr(aggFunc: FunctionSymbol, params: ConstArray[Node], orderBy: ConstArray[(Node, Ordering)] = slick.util.ConstArray.empty, filter: Option[Node] = scala.None, distinct: Boolean = false, forOrderedSet: Boolean = false)(buildType: Type) extends SimplyTypedNode with Product with Serializable

    An aggregate function call expression

  2. case class AggFuncParts(aggFunc: FunctionSymbol, params: Seq[Node] = immutable.this.Nil, orderBy: Option[Ordered] = scala.None, filter: Option[Node] = scala.None, distinct: Boolean = false, forOrderedSet: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable

    pg aggregate function support, usage:

  3. case class AggFuncRep[R](_parts: AggFuncParts)(implicit evidence$2: TypedType[R]) extends TypedRep[R] with Product with Serializable

  4. case class OrderedAggFuncRep[R](_parts: AggFuncParts)(implicit evidence$4: TypedType[R]) extends TypedRep[R] with Product with Serializable

  5. case class OrderedAggFuncRepWithTypes[T, R](_parts: AggFuncParts)(implicit evidence$6: TypedType[R]) extends TypedRep[R] with Product with Serializable

  6. trait PgAggFuncSupport extends JdbcTypesComponent

Value Members

  1. object AggFuncRep extends Serializable

  2. object OrderedAggFuncRep extends Serializable

  3. object PgAggFuncSupport extends PgAggFuncSupport with PostgresDriver
