All Classes and Interfaces

A container of a WireMockApp instance
Matches the number of requests made using relational predicates.
Distribution that models delays.
Convenience class to override in order to change specific methods without implementing all the others.
An implementation of the HttpServer that doesn't actually run an HTTP server.
This abstract class is the base for all defined Handlebars helper in wiremock.
This class uses HandlebarsXmlHelper as a base an just set a prefix which reduce the written handlebars helper to the relevant part
This class uses javax.xml.xpath.* for reading a xml via xPath so that the result can be used for response templating.
Exposed Jetty tuning options.
Transforms a LoggedResponse into a ResponseDefinition, which will be used to construct a StubMapping
Returns log normally distributed values.
A predicate to filter proxied ServeEvents against RequestPattern filters and IDs
Encapsulates options for generating and outputting StubMappings
Factory for the StringValuePattern to use in a recorded stub mapping to match request bodies
Creates a RequestPatternBuilder from a Request's URL, method, body (if present), and optionally headers from a whitelist.
Wraps a list of generated StubMappings into a SnapshotRecordResult object
Transforms ServeEvents to StubMappings using RequestPatternTransformer and LoggedResponseDefinitionTransformer
Performs stateful post-processing tasks on stub mappings generated from ServeEvents: 1.
Applies all registered StubMappingTransformer extensions against a stub mapping when applicable, passing them any supplied Parameters.
Note: BETA This interface and everything else under the stores package is in beta so breaking changes may occur between minor releases.
Base class for stub mapping transformer extensions.
Distribution that returns values uniformally distributed across a range.
JUnit Jupiter extension that manages a WireMock server instance's lifecycle and configuration.
This enum is implemented similar to the StringHelpers of handlebars.
JUnit disallows this approach from version 4.11.
Wrapper class to make it easy to retrieve X509 PrivateKey and certificate chains