Interface CustomDefinitionProvider

    • Method Detail

      • provideCustomSchemaDefinition

        CustomDefinition provideCustomSchemaDefinition​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType javaType,
                                                       TypeContext context)
        Look-up the non-standard JSON schema definition for a given type. If it returns null, the next definition provider is expected to be applied.
        javaType - generic type to provide custom definition for
        context - overall type resolution context being used
        non-standard JSON schema definition (may be null)
      • provideCustomSchemaDefinition

        default CustomDefinition provideCustomSchemaDefinition​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType javaType,
                                                               SchemaGenerationContext context)
        Description copied from interface: CustomDefinitionProviderV2
        Look-up the non-standard JSON schema definition for a given type. If it returns null, the next definition provider is expected to be applied.
        Specified by:
        provideCustomSchemaDefinition in interface CustomDefinitionProviderV2
        javaType - generic type to provide custom definition for
        context - generation context allowing to let the standard generation take over nested parts of the custom definition
        non-standard JSON schema definition (may be null)