Class TypeContext

  • public class TypeContext
    extends Object
    Context in which types can be resolved (as well as their declared fields and methods).
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      TypeContext​(com.fasterxml.classmate.AnnotationConfiguration annotationConfig)
      TypeContext​(com.fasterxml.classmate.AnnotationConfiguration annotationConfig, SchemaGeneratorConfig generatorConfig)
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      FieldScope createFieldScope​(com.fasterxml.classmate.members.ResolvedField field, com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedTypeWithMembers declaringTypeMembers)
      Construct a FieldScope instance for the given field.
      MethodScope createMethodScope​(com.fasterxml.classmate.members.ResolvedMethod method, com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedTypeWithMembers declaringTypeMembers)
      Construct a MethodScope instance for the given method.
      TypeScope createTypeScope​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType type)
      Construct a TypeScope instance for the type.
      com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType getContainerItemType​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType containerType)
      Identify the element/item type of the given SchemaKeyword.TAG_TYPE_ARRAY.
      String getFullTypeDescription​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType type)
      Constructing a string that fully represents the given type (including possible type parameters and their actual types).
      String getMethodPropertyArgumentTypeDescription​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType type)
      Returns the type description for an argument in a method's property name.
      String getSimpleTypeDescription​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType type)
      Constructing a string that represents the given type (including possible type parameters and their actual types).
      <A extends Annotation>
      getTypeAnnotationConsideringHierarchy​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType targetType, Class<A> annotationType)
      Look-up the given annotation on the targeted type or one of its declared interfaces or super types.
      <A extends Annotation>
      getTypeParameterAnnotation​(Class<A> annotationClass, AnnotatedType annotatedContainerType, Integer containerItemIndex)
      Return the annotation of the given type from the annotated container's item, if such an annotation is present.
      com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType getTypeParameterFor​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType type, Class<?> erasedSuperType, int parameterIndex)
      Find type parameterization for the specified (super) type at return the type parameter at the given index.
      com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType getTypeWithAnnotation​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType targetType, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType)
      Find the (super) type, including interfaces, that has the designated type annotation.
      boolean isContainerType​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType type)
      Determine whether a given type should be treated as SchemaKeyword.TAG_TYPE_ARRAY in the generated schema.
      boolean isDerivingFieldsFromArgumentFreeMethods()
      Getter for the flag indicating whether to derive fields from argument-free methods.
      com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType resolve​(Type type, Type... typeParameters)
      Resolve actual type (mostly relevant for parameterised types, type variables and such.
      com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType resolveSubtype​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType supertype, Class<?> subtype)
      Resolve subtype considering the given super-types (potentially) known type parameters.
      com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedTypeWithMembers resolveWithMembers​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType resolvedType)
      Collect a given type's declared fields and methods.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TypeContext

        public TypeContext​(com.fasterxml.classmate.AnnotationConfiguration annotationConfig)
        annotationConfig - annotation configuration to apply when collecting resolved fields and methods
      • TypeContext

        public TypeContext​(com.fasterxml.classmate.AnnotationConfiguration annotationConfig,
                           SchemaGeneratorConfig generatorConfig)
        annotationConfig - annotation configuration to apply when collecting resolved fields and methods
        generatorConfig - generator configuration indicating whether argument free methods should be represented as fields
    • Method Detail

      • isDerivingFieldsFromArgumentFreeMethods

        public boolean isDerivingFieldsFromArgumentFreeMethods()
        Getter for the flag indicating whether to derive fields from argument-free methods.
        whether argument-free methods should be represented as fields
      • resolve

        public final com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType resolve​(Type type,
                                                                  Type... typeParameters)
        Resolve actual type (mostly relevant for parameterised types, type variables and such.
        type - java type to resolve
        typeParameters - (optional) type parameters to pass on
        resolved type
        See Also:
        TypeResolver.resolve(Type, Type...)
      • resolveSubtype

        public final com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType resolveSubtype​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType supertype,
                                                                         Class<?> subtype)
        Resolve subtype considering the given super-types (potentially) known type parameters.
        supertype - already resolved super type
        subtype - erased java subtype to resolve
        resolved subtype
        See Also:
        TypeResolver.resolveSubtype(ResolvedType, Class)
      • resolveWithMembers

        public final com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedTypeWithMembers resolveWithMembers​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType resolvedType)
        Collect a given type's declared fields and methods.
        resolvedType - type for which to collect declared fields and methods
        collection of (resolved) fields and methods
      • createFieldScope

        public FieldScope createFieldScope​(com.fasterxml.classmate.members.ResolvedField field,
                                           com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedTypeWithMembers declaringTypeMembers)
        Construct a FieldScope instance for the given field.
        field - targeted field
        declaringTypeMembers - collection of the declaring type's (other) fields and methods
        created FieldScope instance
      • createMethodScope

        public MethodScope createMethodScope​(com.fasterxml.classmate.members.ResolvedMethod method,
                                             com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedTypeWithMembers declaringTypeMembers)
        Construct a MethodScope instance for the given method.
        method - targeted method
        declaringTypeMembers - collection of the declaring type's fields and (other) methods
        created MethodScope instance
      • createTypeScope

        public TypeScope createTypeScope​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType type)
        Construct a TypeScope instance for the type.
        type - targeted type
        created TypeScope instance
      • getTypeParameterFor

        public com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType getTypeParameterFor​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType type,
                                                                        Class<?> erasedSuperType,
                                                                        int parameterIndex)
        Find type parameterization for the specified (super) type at return the type parameter at the given index.
        type - type to find type parameter for
        erasedSuperType - (super) type to find declared type parameter for
        parameterIndex - index of the single type parameter's declared type to return
        declared parameter type; or Object.class if no parameters are defined; or null if the given type or index are invalid
        See Also:
      • isContainerType

        public boolean isContainerType​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType type)
        Determine whether a given type should be treated as SchemaKeyword.TAG_TYPE_ARRAY in the generated schema.
        type - type to check
        whether the given type is an array or sub type of Collection
      • getContainerItemType

        public com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType getContainerItemType​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType containerType)
        Identify the element/item type of the given SchemaKeyword.TAG_TYPE_ARRAY.
        containerType - type to extract type of element/item from
        type of elements/items
        See Also:
      • getTypeParameterAnnotation

        public <A extends Annotation> A getTypeParameterAnnotation​(Class<A> annotationClass,
                                                                   AnnotatedType annotatedContainerType,
                                                                   Integer containerItemIndex)
        Return the annotation of the given type from the annotated container's item, if such an annotation is present.
        Type Parameters:
        A - type of annotation
        annotationClass - type of annotation
        annotatedContainerType - annotated container type that is considered if it is an AnnotatedParameterizedType
        containerItemIndex - parameter index of the desired item on the container type
        annotation instance (or null if no annotation of the given type is present)
      • getTypeWithAnnotation

        public com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType getTypeWithAnnotation​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType targetType,
                                                                          Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType)
        Find the (super) type, including interfaces, that has the designated type annotation.
        targetType - type to check for the annotation, potentially iterating over its declared interfaces and super types
        annotationType - type of annotation to look for
        (super) type with the targeted annotation (or null if the annotation wasn't found on any of its interfaces or super types)
      • getTypeAnnotationConsideringHierarchy

        public <A extends Annotation> A getTypeAnnotationConsideringHierarchy​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType targetType,
                                                                              Class<A> annotationType)
        Look-up the given annotation on the targeted type or one of its declared interfaces or super types.
        Type Parameters:
        A - type of annotation to look for
        targetType - type to find annotation on (or on any of its declared interfaces or super types)
        annotationType - type of annotation to look for
        annotation instance (or null if not found)
      • getSimpleTypeDescription

        public final String getSimpleTypeDescription​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType type)
        Constructing a string that represents the given type (including possible type parameters and their actual types).
        This calls Class.getSimpleName() for a single erased type – i.e. excluding package names.
        type - the type to represent
        resulting string
      • getFullTypeDescription

        public final String getFullTypeDescription​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType type)
        Constructing a string that fully represents the given type (including possible type parameters and their actual types).
        This calls Class.getName() for a single erased type.
        type - the type to represent
        resulting string
      • getMethodPropertyArgumentTypeDescription

        public String getMethodPropertyArgumentTypeDescription​(com.fasterxml.classmate.ResolvedType type)
        Returns the type description for an argument in a method's property name.
        type - method argument's type to represent
        argument type description