Class CustomDefinition

    • Constructor Detail

      • CustomDefinition

        public CustomDefinition​(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode value)
        Constructor for a custom definition that should follow the standard behaviour in regards to be inlined or mentioned in the "definitions".
        value - generated custom definition
      • CustomDefinition

        public CustomDefinition​(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode value,
                                boolean meantToBeInline)
        Constructor for a custom definition.
        value - generated custom definition
        meantToBeInline - whether the definition should be inlined even if it occurs multiple times; otherwise applying standard behaviour
      • CustomDefinition

        public CustomDefinition​(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode value,
                                CustomDefinition.DefinitionType definitionType,
                                CustomDefinition.AttributeInclusion attributeInclusion)
        Constructor for a custom definition.
        value - generated custom definition
        definitionType - whether the definition should be inlined even if it occurs multiple times; otherwise applying standard behaviour
        attributeInclusion - whether additional attributes should be applied on top of this custom definition
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode getValue()
        Getter for the actual custom definition.
        node containing the custom definition
      • getDefinitionType

        public CustomDefinition.DefinitionType getDefinitionType()
        Getter for the associated definition type.
        indication whether a custom definition should always be inlined or follow the standard behaviour
      • isMeantToBeInline

        public final boolean isMeantToBeInline()
        Getter for the flag indicating whether this custom definition should be inlined even if it occurs multiple times.
        whether this custom definition should be inlined even if it occurs multiple times
      • shouldAlwaysProduceDefinition

        public final boolean shouldAlwaysProduceDefinition()
        Getter for the flag indicating whether this custom definition should always be included in the SchemaKeyword.TAG_DEFINITIONS even if it occurs only once.
        whether an occurrence of this custom definition should always be replaced by a reference
      • getAttributeInclusion

        public CustomDefinition.AttributeInclusion getAttributeInclusion()
        Getter for the associated extent of additional attributes being collected and applied.
        indication whether the normal attribute collection should be performed and any attributes should be added to the custom definition
      • shouldIncludeAttributes

        public boolean shouldIncludeAttributes()