App |
represents a github app.
Branch |
represents a branch in a repo.
Branch.Protection |
the protection object returned in branch calls.
Branch.Protection.AllowDeletions |
Branch.Protection.AllowForcePushes |
Branch.Protection.EnforceAdmins |
setting for including admins in the enforcement of the protection policies.
Branch.Protection.RequireCommitSignatures |
requires zzzax preview
Branch.Protection.RequiredLinearHistory |
Branch.Protection.RequiredPullRequestReviews |
Branch.Protection.RequiredPullRequestReviews.DismissalRestrictions |
Branch.Protection.RequiredStatusChecks |
Branch.Protection.Restrictions |
Branch.Protection.UpdateAdapter |
moshi adapter to parse a protection object to update
Commit |
represents a commit.
CommunityProfileMetric |
CommunityProfileMetric.Files |
CommunityProfileMetric.Files.CodeOfConduct |
CommunityProfileMetric.Files.File |
Content |
represents a content object for a repo.
File |
represents a file in a repo.
Github |
main class of this library.
Github.Builder |
Language |
lists the number of bytes written for each language.
License |
Links |
MediaTypes |
media types given by the github api.
Options |
options object for request params.
Organisation |
represents an organisation.
Organisation.RepositoryAdapter |
adapter to create a repository in an organisation.
Owner |
Plan |
Repository |
represents a repository in github.
Repository.Adapter |
adapter for creating/updating repositories
chain the setters to set the values.
Repository.DeployKey |
Repository.Permissions |
permissions granted to the user for this repo.
Tag |
represents a tag in a github repo.
Team |
represents a team in an organisation.
User |
a user of github.