

package chart

This package contains wrappers for the JFreeChart library. The basic starting point is to import the org.sfree.chart.Charting object:

import org.sfree.chart.Charting._

With this import you can convert Scala collections to JFreeChart datasets and use chart factories:

val data = Seq((1,2),(2,4),(3,6),(4,8))
val dataset = data.toXYSeriesCollection("some points")
val chart = XYLineChart(dataset, title = "My Chart of Some Points")

There are also implicit conversions / views available in the org.sfree.chart.views package, but they are not contained by org.sfree.chart.Charting, because of ambiguity issues with implicit conversions.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. chart
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ChartFactory extends AnyRef

    Contains factory methods to conveniently create charts.

  2. trait Charting extends RichChartingCollections with ChartFactory with RichChart

    Contains all enrichments.

  3. trait RichChart extends AnyRef

    Contains an enriched JFreeChart that provides convenient access to e.

  4. trait RichChartingCollections extends AnyRef

    Contains enrichments for collections for conversions to datasets.

Value Members

  1. object ChartFactory extends ChartFactory

    Contains factory methods to conveniently create charts.

  2. object Charting extends Charting

    Contains all enrichments.

  3. object RichChart extends RichChart

    Contains an enriched JFreeChart that provides convenient access to e.

  4. object RichChartingCollections extends RichChartingCollections

    Contains enrichments for collections for conversions to datasets.

  5. package views

    This package contains implicit views / implicit conversions for SFreeChart.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
