
package ghscala

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. ghscala
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  2. Show all
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  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class Blob(content: String, encoding: String, sha: String, size: Long, url: String) extends JsonToString[Blob] with Product with Serializable

  2. final case class Branch(name: String, commit: Branch.Commit) extends JsonToString[Branch] with Product with Serializable

  3. type CodecJson[A] = argonaut.CodecJson[A]

  4. final case class Comment(updated_at: String, id: Long, created_at: String, path: Option[String], body: String, html_url: String, commit_id: String, user: User, url: String, position: Option[Long], line: Option[Long]) extends JsonToString[Comment] with Product with Serializable

  5. final case class Commit(tree: Commit.Tree, message: String, url: String, author: Commit.User, committer: Commit.User) extends Product with Serializable

  6. final case class CommitResponse(stats: Stats, commit: Commit, url: String, sha: String, author: User, committer: User, files: List[File], parents: List[Commit.Tree]) extends JsonToString[CommitResponse] with Product with Serializable

  7. final case class Contents(sha: String, name: String, path: String, content: String, _links: Links, type: String, encoding: String, size: Long, url: String, html_url: String, git_url: String) extends JsonToString[Contents] with Product with Serializable

  8. type DateTime = org.joda.time.DateTime

  9. case class Download(content_type: Option[String], description: String, created_at: DateTime, html_url: String, url: String, size: Long, name: String, id: Long, download_count: Long) extends Product with Serializable

  10. sealed abstract class EventType extends AnyRef

  11. final case class File(deletions: Long, changes: Long, additions: Long, status: String, raw_url: String, filename: String, blob_url: String, patch: String, sha: String) extends Product with Serializable

  12. final case class Gist(comments: Long, comments_url: String, commits_url: String, created_at: String, description: String, files: Map[String, Gist.File], forks: List[Fork], forks_url: String, git_pull_url: String, git_push_url: String, history: List[History], html_url: String, id: String, public: Boolean, updated_at: String, url: String, user: User) extends Product with Serializable

  13. final case class Gists(files: Map[String, Gists.File], html_url: String, forks_url: String, comments: Long, created_at: String, id: String, owner: Option[User], commits_url: String, git_pull_url: String, public: Boolean, updated_at: String, comments_url: String, url: String, description: Option[String], git_push_url: String) extends JsonToString[Gists] with Product with Serializable

  14. case class GitObj(type: String, sha: String, url: String) extends Product with Serializable

  15. final case class Gitignore(name: String, source: String) extends JsonToString[Gitignore] with Product with Serializable

  16. final case class Issue(comments: Long, user: User, labels: List[Label], state: String, number: Long, pull_request: Option[PullRequest], milestone: Option[Milestone], assignee: Option[User], html_url: String, url: String, body: Option[String], closed_at: Option[DateTime], title: String, updated_at: DateTime, created_at: DateTime) extends JsonToString[Issue] with Product with Serializable

  17. final case class IssueEvent(event: String, actor: User, id: Long, created_at: DateTime, commit_id: Option[String], url: String) extends JsonToString[IssueEvent] with Product with Serializable

  18. final case class IssueEvent2(event: String, actor: User, issue: Issue, id: Long, commit_id: Option[String], created_at: DateTime, url: String) extends JsonToString[IssueEvent2] with Product with Serializable

  19. final case class Label(color: String, url: String, name: String) extends JsonToString[Label] with Product with Serializable

  20. final case class Links(self: String, git: String, html: String) extends JsonToString[Links] with Product with Serializable

  21. final case class Milestone(title: String, closed_issues: Long, due_on: Option[DateTime], number: Long, created_at: DateTime, description: Option[String], creator: User, state: String, id: Long, open_issues: Long, url: String) extends JsonToString[Milestone] with Product with Serializable

  22. final case class Org(login: String, id: Long, avatar_url: String, url: String) extends JsonToString[Org] with Product with Serializable

  23. final case class Organization(type: String, avatar_url: String, blog: Option[String], company: Option[String], created_at: Option[DateTime], email: Option[String], followers: Long, following: Long, html_url: String, id: Long, location: Option[String], login: String, name: Option[String], public_gists: Long, public_repos: Long, url: String) extends JsonToString[Organization] with Product with Serializable

  24. final case class Pull(updated_at: DateTime, head: Pull.Ref, title: String, id: Long, created_at: DateTime, _links: PullLinks, merged_at: Option[DateTime], base: Pull.Ref, diff_url: String, body: String, state: String, html_url: String, issue_url: String, user: User, url: String, patch_url: String, number: Long, closed_at: Option[DateTime]) extends JsonToString[Pull] with Product with Serializable

  25. final case class PullLinks(self: Link, review_comments: Link, issue: Link, html: Link, comments: Link, commits: Link, statuses: Link) extends JsonToString[PullLinks] with Product with Serializable

  26. final case class PullRequest(patch_url: Option[String], diff_url: Option[String], html_url: Option[String]) extends JsonToString[PullRequest] with Product with Serializable

  27. case class Ref(ref: String, url: String, object: GitObj) extends Product with Serializable

  28. final case class Repo(has_downloads: Option[Boolean], name: String, has_issues: Boolean, forks: Int, private: Boolean, size: Int, open_issues: Int, url: String, description: Option[String], pushed_at: Option[DateTime], git_url: String, has_wiki: Boolean, fork: Boolean, id: Int, language: Option[String], homepage: Option[String], created_at: DateTime, html_url: String, updated_at: DateTime, watchers: Int, default_branch: Option[String], owner: User) extends JsonToString[Repo] with Product with Serializable

  29. final case class RepoEvent(id: String, type: String, actor: User, payload: JsonObject, public: Boolean, created_at: DateTime) extends JsonToString[RepoEvent] with Product with Serializable

  30. final case class SearchCode(total_count: Long, items: List[Item]) extends JsonToString[SearchCode] with Product with Serializable

  31. final case class SearchIssues(total_count: Long, items: List[Issue]) extends JsonToString[SearchIssues] with Product with Serializable

  32. final case class SearchRepo(total_count: Long, items: List[Repo]) extends JsonToString[SearchRepo] with Product with Serializable

  33. sealed abstract class SearchRepoSort extends AnyRef

  34. sealed abstract class State extends AnyRef

  35. final case class Stats(total: Long, deletions: Long, additions: Long) extends JsonToString[Stats] with Product with Serializable

  36. final case class Tag(name: String, zipball_url: String, tarball_url: String, commit: Tag.Commit) extends JsonToString[Tag] with Product with Serializable

  37. final case class Tree(url: String, sha: String, type: String, mode: String, size: Option[Long], path: String) extends Product with Serializable

  38. case class TreeResponse(sha: String, tree: List[Tree], url: String) extends Product with Serializable

  39. sealed trait TreeType extends Any

  40. final case class Trees(sha: String, url: String, tree: List[Tree]) extends JsonToString[Trees] with Product with Serializable

  41. final case class User(login: String, id: Long, avatar_url: String, gravatar_id: Option[String], url: String) extends JsonToString[User] with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object Blob extends Serializable

  2. object Branch extends Serializable

  3. object BuildInfoGhScala extends Product with Serializable

    This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.

  4. object Closed extends State with Product with Serializable

  5. val CodecJson: argonaut.CodecJson.type

  6. object Comment extends Serializable

  7. object Commit extends Serializable

  8. object CommitResponse extends Serializable

  9. object Contents extends Serializable

  10. object EventType

  11. object File extends Serializable

  12. object Gist extends Serializable

  13. object Gists extends Serializable

  14. object Github

  15. object Gitignore extends Serializable

  16. object Issue extends Serializable

  17. object IssueEvent extends Serializable

  18. object IssueEvent2 extends Serializable

  19. object Label extends Serializable

  20. object Links extends Serializable

  21. object Milestone extends Serializable

  22. object Open extends State with Product with Serializable

  23. object Org extends Serializable

  24. object Organization extends Serializable

  25. object Pull extends Serializable

  26. object PullLinks extends Serializable

  27. object PullRequest extends Serializable

  28. object Repo extends Serializable

  29. object RepoEvent extends Serializable

  30. object SearchCode extends Serializable

  31. object SearchIssues extends Serializable

  32. object SearchRepo extends Serializable

  33. object SearchRepoSort

  34. object State

  35. object Stats extends Serializable

  36. object Tag extends Serializable

  37. object Tree extends Serializable

  38. object TreeType

  39. object Trees extends Serializable

  40. object User extends Serializable

  41. implicit val datetimeCodecJson: CodecJson[DateTime]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
