
package httpz

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. httpz
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. type Action[A] = EitherT[Requests, Error, A]

  2. type ActionE[E, A] = EitherT[Requests, E, A]

  3. final class ActionEOps[E, A] extends AnyVal

  4. type ActionNel[A] = EitherT[Requests, ErrorNel, A]

  5. trait ActionOpsTemplate[E, A] extends Any

  6. type Config = Endo[Request]

  7. sealed class Core[F[_]] extends AnyRef

  8. sealed abstract class Error extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable

  9. type ErrorNel = NonEmptyList[Error]

  10. abstract class Interpreter[F[_]] extends AnyRef

  11. type InterpreterF[F[_]] = NaturalTransformation[RequestF, F]

  12. abstract class InterpretersTemplate extends AnyRef

  13. abstract class JsonToString[A <: JsonToString[A]] extends AnyRef

  14. final case class Request(url: String, method: String = "GET", body: Option[Array[Byte]] = scala.None, params: Map[String, String] = ..., headers: Map[String, String] = ..., basicAuth: Option[(String, String)] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  15. sealed abstract class RequestF[A] extends Product with Serializable

  16. type Requests[A] = Free[[x]Coyoneda[RequestF, x], A]

  17. sealed abstract class Time extends AnyRef

  18. type Times[A] = WriterT[scalaz.Id.Id, List[Time], A]

Value Members

  1. def Action[E, A](a: Requests[\/[E, A]]): ActionE[E, A]

  2. implicit val ActionMonad: Monad[Action]

  3. implicit val ActionNelMonad: Monad[ActionNel]

  4. val ActionNelZipAp: Apply[ActionNel]

  5. def ActionZipAp[E](implicit arg0: Semigroup[E]): Apply[[α]EitherT[[A]Free[[x]Coyoneda[RequestF, x], A], E, α]]

  6. object BuildInfoHttpz extends Product with Serializable

    This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.

  7. object Core extends Core[RequestF]

  8. object Error extends Serializable

  9. object Request extends Serializable

  10. object RequestF extends Serializable

  11. implicit val RequestsMonad: Monad[Requests]

  12. object Time

  13. object Z

  14. def actionEMonad[E]: Monad[[α]EitherT[[A]Free[[x]Coyoneda[RequestF, x], A], E, α]]

  15. val emptyConfig: Config

  16. implicit def toActionEOps[E, A](a: ActionE[E, A]): ActionEOps[E, A]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
