Java VK Bots Long Poll API 4.1.8 API

Main classes.
Contains JSON deserializer for specific POJOs.
Exceptions occur in Java VK Bots Long Poll API library.
Helper classes to upload attachments.
HTTP wrappers.
VK API methods.
Implementation of VK API methods.
Methods to work with community discussion board.
Methods to work with documents.
Methods to work with community events.
Methods to work with groups.
Methods to work with market.
Methods to work with messages.
Other VK methods.
Methods to work with photos.
Methods to work with stories.
Methods to upload files.
Methods to work with users.
Methods to work with utils.
Methods to work with community wall.
VK API model.
Event objects.
Community discussion board events.
"Like" events.
Market events.
Message events.
Other events.
Photo events.
User events.
Video events.
Wall comment events.
Addition VK objects.
Objects to create buttons.
Objects to create carousel.
VK main objects.
VK media objects.
VK response objects.
Utils classes.
VK response validators.