Class VariableDeclarationParser

  • public class VariableDeclarationParser
    extends Object
    Parser for variable declaration strings, which are the expressions that are found withing th:with processors. This is really a wrapper around Thymeleaf's AssignationUtils class, which is a crazy house of code that splits the expression string into the parts needed by this dialect.
    zhanhb, Emanuel Rabina
    • Constructor Detail

      • VariableDeclarationParser

        public VariableDeclarationParser​(IExpressionContext context)
        Constructor, sets the processing context for the parser.
        context -
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public List<VariableDeclaration> parse​(String declarationString)
        Parse a variable declaration string, returning as many variable declaration objects as there are variable declarations.
        declarationString -
        List of variable declaration objects.