Class FragmentFinder

  • public class FragmentFinder
    extends Object
    Searches for and returns layout dialect fragments within a given scope/element.
    zhanhb, Emanuel Rabina
    • Constructor Detail

      • FragmentFinder

        public FragmentFinder​(String dialectPrefix)
        Constructor, create a new fragment finder to search for fragments using the given prefix as the one configured for the layout dialect.
        dialectPrefix -
    • Method Detail

      • findFragments

        public Map<String,​List<IModel>> findFragments​(IModel model)
        Find and return models for layout dialect fragments within the scope of the given model, without delving into layout:include or layout:replace elements, mapped by the name of each fragment.
        model - Model whose events are to be searched.
        Map of fragment names and their elements.
      • getDialectPrefix

        public final String getDialectPrefix()