Class Locales

  • public class Locales
    extends java.lang.Object
    Utilities for manipulating Java locales.
    Garret Wilson
    See Also:
    RFC 4646
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static char LANGUAGE_TAG_SEPARATOR
      The character '-' used to separate components in language tags as defined in RFC 4646, "Tags for the Identifying".
      static char LOCALE_SEPARATOR
      The character used to separate components in a locale: '_'.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static java.util.Locale createDisplayLanguageLocale​(java.lang.String displayLanguage)
      Retrieves a locale based upon a given display name in the current local.
      static java.util.Locale createLocale​(java.lang.String localeString)
      Constructs a locale object from a locale string with a language, an optional country code, and an optional variant.
      static java.lang.String[] getAvailableDisplayCountries()
      Retrieves a sorted list of display countries for all available locales.
      static java.lang.String[] getAvailableDisplayCountries​(java.util.Locale inLocale)
      Retrieves a sorted list of display countries for all available locales.
      static java.lang.String getLanguageTag​(java.util.Locale locale)
      Determines the string to represent a language identifier according as defined in RFC 4646, "Tags for the Identification of Languages".
      static java.lang.String getLocaleCandidatePath​(java.lang.String basePath, java.util.Locale locale, int depth)
      TODO move to Rincl
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static final char LOCALE_SEPARATOR
        The character used to separate components in a locale: '_'.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final char LANGUAGE_TAG_SEPARATOR
        The character '-' used to separate components in language tags as defined in RFC 4646, "Tags for the Identifying".
        See Also:
        RFC 4646, Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • Locales

        public Locales()
    • Method Detail

      • createLocale

        public static java.util.Locale createLocale​(java.lang.String localeString)
        Constructs a locale object from a locale string with a language, an optional country code, and an optional variant. These components can be separated by underscore characters ('_') as represented by Locale, or by hyphen characters ('-') as defined in RFC 4646, "Tags for Identifying Languages".
        localeString - The string containing the language, optional country, and optional variant.
        A local corresponding to the given local string.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given locale string has more than three components.
        See Also:
        RFC 4646
      • createDisplayLanguageLocale

        public static java.util.Locale createDisplayLanguageLocale​(java.lang.String displayLanguage)
        Retrieves a locale based upon a given display name in the current local. That is, if the default locale is en_US, the display language "French" will return the local for fr.
        displayLanguage - The name of a language in the current locale.
        The local that matches the given language, or null if no locale could be found with the given display language.
      • getAvailableDisplayCountries

        public static java.lang.String[] getAvailableDisplayCountries()
        Retrieves a sorted list of display countries for all available locales. The display countries will use the default locale for the localized name.
        An array of display country names for installed locales.
      • getAvailableDisplayCountries

        public static java.lang.String[] getAvailableDisplayCountries​(java.util.Locale inLocale)
        Retrieves a sorted list of display countries for all available locales. The display countries will use the given locale for the localized name.
        inLocale - The locale for which the country names should be localized.
        An array of display country names for installed locales.
      • getLanguageTag

        public static java.lang.String getLanguageTag​(java.util.Locale locale)
        Determines the string to represent a language identifier according as defined in RFC 4646, "Tags for the Identification of Languages".
        locale - The language identifier.
        The string representation of the language identifier.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given locale is null.
        See Also:
        RFC 4646
      • getLocaleCandidatePath

        public static java.lang.String getLocaleCandidatePath​(java.lang.String basePath,
                                                              java.util.Locale locale,
                                                              int depth)
        TODO move to Rincl
        Determines the locale-sensitive path of the given base path based upon a depth index. Based upon the provided locale and depth, a candidate resource path is generated as follows:
        depth 3
        basePath + "_" + language + "_" + country + "_" + variant + "." + extension
        depth 2
        basePath + "_" + language + "_" + country + "." + extension
        depth 1
        basePath + "_" + language + "." + extension
        depth 0
        basePath + "." + extension
        Any extension of the base path will be preserved. If the resource does not have sufficient components for the given depth, null will be returned.
        basePath - The base path for which a candidate path should be generated.
        locale - The locale to use in generating the candidate path.
        depth - The depth at which the candidate path should be generated.
        The candidate path for provided base path at the given locale and depth, or null if the given locale does not have enough information to generate a candidate path at the given depth.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given base path and/or locale is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given depth is not within the range (depth>=0 and depth<=3).