Class URIs

  • public class URIs
    extends java.lang.Object
    Various URI manipulating functions for working with URIs as defined in RFC 3986, "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax".

    For file URIs Java incorrectly uses the form file:/mnt/sdcard/... instead of file:///mnt/sdcard/..., but these utilities use the former for consistency.

    See Also:
    URI, RFC 3986 - Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static addRawNameExtension​( uri, java.lang.String extension)
      Adds the given extension to a URI name and returns the new URI with the new extension.
      static appendQueryParameter​( uri, java.lang.String paramName, java.lang.String paramValue)
      Constructs a query string for a URI with a single name/value parameter, and appends it to the query of the given URI, if any.
      static java.lang.String appendQueryParameters​(java.lang.String query, URIQueryParameter... params)
      Constructs a query string for a URI and appends it to the given query, if any.
      static appendQueryParameters​( uri, URIQueryParameter... params)
      Constructs a query string for a URI and appends it to the query of the given URI, if any.
      static appendRawQuery​( uri, java.lang.String rawQuery)
      Appends a query string to a URI.
      static canonicalize​( uri)
      Ensures that the given URI is in canonical form.
      static changeBase​( uri, oldBaseURI, newBaseURI)
      Changes a URI from one base to another.
      static changeHost​( uri, java.lang.String newHost)
      Creates a new URI identical to the supplied URI with a different host.
      static java.lang.String changeName​(java.lang.String path, java.lang.String name)
      Changes the name of the path of the given URI to the given name.
      static changeName​( uri, java.lang.String name)
      Changes the name of the path of the given URI to the given name.
      static changePath​( uri, URIPath path)
      Creates a new URI identical to the supplied URI with a different path.
      static changeRawName​( uri, java.lang.String rawName)
      Changes the raw name of the path of the given URI to the given raw name.
      static changeRawNameExtension​( uri, java.lang.String extension)
      Changes the extension of a URI name and returns a new URI with the new name extension.
      static changeRawPath​( uri, java.lang.String newRawPath)
      Creates a new URI identical to the supplied URI with a different raw path.
      static changeRawSchemeSpecificPart​( uri, java.lang.String newRawSSP)
      Creates a new URI identical to the supplied URI with a different raw scheme-specific part.
      static changeScheme​( uri, java.lang.String newScheme)
      Creates a new URI identical to the supplied URI with a different scheme.
      static checkAbsolute​( uri)
      Checks to see if a given URI is absolute.
      static java.lang.String checkCollectionPath​(java.lang.String path)
      Checks to see if a given path represents a canonical collection, that is, it has a path that ends with a slash ('/').
      static checkCollectionURI​( uri)
      Checks to see if a given URI represents a canonical collection, that is, it has a path that ends with a slash ('/').
      static checkInfoNamespace​( uri, java.lang.String infoNamespace)
      Verifies that the given URI is an "info" scheme URI with the given namespace.
      static java.lang.String checkNotCollectionPath​(java.lang.String path)
      Checks to see if a given path does not represents a canonical collection, that is, it does not have a path that ends with a slash ('/').
      static checkNotCollectionURI​( uri)
      Checks to see if a given URI does not represents a canonical collection, that is, it does not have a path that ends with a slash ('/').
      static java.lang.String checkPath​(java.lang.String path)
      Checks to see if a given path is only a path and not a URI with a scheme and/or authority.
      static checkPathURI​( uri)
      Checks to see if a given URI is only a path and not a URI with a scheme, authority, query, and/or fragment.
      static checkPlainURI​( uri)
      Checks to see if a given URI is plain, i.e.
      static java.lang.String checkRelativePath​(java.lang.String path)
      Checks to see if a given path is only a relative path and not a URI with a scheme and/or authority.
      static checkRoot​( uri)
      Checks to see if a given URI has the root path.
      static checkScheme​( uri, java.lang.String scheme)
      Verifies that the given URI has the indicated scheme.
      static java.lang.String compress​( uri)
      Compresses a URI into a shorter string representation.
      static java.lang.String constructPath​(boolean absolute, boolean collection, java.lang.String... pathElements)
      Constructs an absolute path from the given elements in the form: /element1/element2.
      static java.lang.String constructQuery​(URIQueryParameter... params)
      Constructs a query string for a URI by URI-encoding each name-value pair, separating them with '&', and prepending the entire string (if there is at least one parameter) with '?', if there are no parameters, it doesn't do anything.
      static java.lang.String constructQuery​(java.lang.String params)
      static java.lang.String constructQueryParameters​(URIQueryParameter... params)
      Constructs a query string for a URI by URI-encoding each name-value pair, separating them with '&'.
      static createInfoURI​(java.lang.String namespace, java.lang.String rawIdentifier)
      Creates an "info" URI with the given info namespace and identifier with no fragment.
      static createInfoURI​(java.lang.String namespace, java.lang.String rawIdentifier, java.lang.String rawFragment)
      Creates an "info" URI with the given info namespace, identifier, and optional fragment.
      static createMailtoURI​(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String domain)
      Creates a "mailto" URI in the form mailto:username@domain.
      static createPathURI​(java.lang.String path)
      Creates a URI from the given path, verifying that the string contains only a path.
      static createURI​(java.lang.Object contextObject, java.lang.String string)
      because this ancient code doesn't have an obvious utility, is confusing, and jumbles various types, many of them legacy.
      static createURI​(java.lang.String scheme, java.lang.String rawSchemeSpecificPart)
      Returns a URI constructed from the given parts, any of which can be null.
      static createURI​(java.lang.String scheme, java.lang.String rawSchemeSpecificPart, java.lang.String rawFragment)
      Returns a URI constructed from the given parts, any of which can be null.
      static createURI​(java.lang.String scheme, java.lang.String rawUserInfo, java.lang.String host, int port, URIPath path, java.lang.String rawQuery, java.lang.String rawFragment)
      Returns a URI constructed from the given parts, any of which can be null.
      static createURI​(java.lang.String scheme, java.lang.String rawUserInfo, java.lang.String host, int port, java.lang.String rawPath, java.lang.String rawQuery, java.lang.String rawFragment)
      Returns a URI constructed from the given parts, any of which can be null.
      static java.lang.String createURIList​( uris)
      Creates a string of type text/uri-list as defined in RFC 2483, "URI Resolution Services Necessary for URN Resolution".
      static createURN​(java.lang.String nid, java.lang.String nss)
      Creates a URN in the form urn:nid:nss.
      static java.lang.String decode​(java.lang.CharSequence uri)
      Decodes the escaped characters in the character iterator according to the URI encoding rules in RFC 2396, "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax", using the URI escape character, 37.
      static java.lang.String decode​(java.lang.CharSequence uri, char escapeChar)
      Decodes the escaped ('%') characters in the character iterator according to the URI encoding rules in RFC 2396, "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax".
      static decompress​(java.lang.String string)
      Decompresses a URI from a shorter string representation.
      static java.lang.String encode​(java.lang.String string)
      Encodes all URI reserved characters in the string according to the URI encoding rules in RFC 3986, "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax" using the URI escape character, 37.
      static java.lang.String encode​(java.lang.String string, char escapeChar)
      Encodes all URI reserved characters in the string according to the URI encoding rules in RFC 3986, "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax".
      static java.lang.String encode​( uri)
      Encodes all URI reserved characters in the URI according to the URI encoding rules in RFC 3986, "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax" using the URI escape character, 37.
      static java.lang.String encode​( uri, char escapeChar)
      Encodes all URI reserved characters in the URI according to the URI encoding rules in RFC 3986, "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax".
      static java.util.Optional<> findRelativeChildPath​( parentURI, childURI)
      Returns a URI relative to the given parent URI.
      static java.util.Optional<> findRelativePath​( sourceURI, targetURI)
      Returns the path of a target URI relative to some source URI, which may be a sibling URI or even a child URI.
      static ContentType getContentType​( uri)
      Returns the content type for the specified URI based on its name extension.
      static getCurrentLevel​( uri)
      Determines the current level of a hierarchical URI.
      static getDirectoryURL​( url)
      Returns a URL representing the directory of the given file URL.
      static Host getHost​( uri)
      Returns the unencoded host and optional port of the given URI.
      static java.lang.String getInfoIdentifier​( uri)
      Determines the info identifier of the given "info" scheme URI.
      static java.lang.String getInfoNamespace​( uri)
      Determines the info namespace of the given "info" scheme URI.
      static java.lang.String getInfoRawIdentifier​( uri)
      Determines the raw, encoded info identifier of the given "info" scheme URI.
      static java.lang.String getName​(java.lang.String path)
      Returns the name of the resource at the given path, which will be the name of the last path component.
      static java.lang.String getName​( uri)
      Returns the decoded name of the resource at the given URI's path, which will be the decoded name of the last path component.
      static java.lang.String getNameExtension​( uri)
      Extracts the extension from a URI's name.
      static CollectionMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String,​java.util.List<java.lang.String>> getParameterMap​( uri)
      Retrieves the parameters from the query of a URI, if present.
      static NameValuePair<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String>[] getParameters​(java.lang.String query)
      Retrieves the parameters from a URI query.
      static NameValuePair<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String>[] getParameters​( uri)
      Retrieves the query parameters from a URI.
      static getParentLevel​( uri)
      Determines the parent level of a hierarchical URI.
      static getParentURI​( uri)
      Determines the parent collection of a hierarchical URI.
      static URIPath getPath​( uri)
      Returns a path object to represent the path of the URI.
      static java.lang.String getPathRawPath​( uri)
      Determines the raw, encoded path of the given "path" scheme URI.
      static URIPath getPathURIPath​( uri)
      Returns the path of the given "path" scheme URI as a URIPath.
      static getPlainURI​( uri)
      Creates a new URI identical to the supplied URI with no query or fragment.
      static java.lang.String getRawName​( uri)
      Returns the raw name of the resource at the given URI's path, which will be the raw name of the last path component.
      static java.lang.String getRawNameExtension​( uri)
      Extracts the raw, encoded extension from a URI's name.
      static java.lang.String getRawPathQueryFragment​( uri)
      Returns the unencoded path, optional unencoded query, and optional unencoded fragment of the given URI.
      static java.lang.String getRelativePath​(java.lang.String absolutePath)
      Determines the relative path of the given absolute path by removing the root path '/' character from the beginning of the path.
      static getRootURI​( uri)
      Determines the canonical root URI of a URI.
      static guessAbsoluteURI​(java.lang.String string)
      Creates an absolute URI from the given string, guessing what the string represents.
      static boolean hasAbsolutePath​( uri)
      Determines whether the path of the URI (which may or may not be absolute) is absolute.
      static boolean hasPath​( uri)
      Determines whether the URI has a path.
      static boolean isChild​( baseURI, uri)
      Determines whether the given URI is a child relative to the given base URI.
      static boolean isCollectionPath​(java.lang.String path)
      Determines whether the given path is a canonical collection path.
      static boolean isCollectionURI​( uri)
      Determines whether the URI represents a canonical collection, that is, it has a path that ends with a slash ('/').
      static boolean isHost​( uri)
      Determines whether the URI contains only a host and optional port.
      static boolean isInfoNamespace​( uri, java.lang.String infoNamespace)
      Determines whether the given URI is an "info" scheme URI with the given namespace.
      static boolean isPath​(java.lang.String path)
      Determines if a given path is only a path and not a URI with a scheme and/or authority.
      static boolean isPathAbsolute​(java.lang.String path)
      Determines whether the given path is absolute.
      static boolean isPathURI​( uri)
      Determines if a given URI contains only a path and does not have a scheme, authority, query, and/or fragment.
      static boolean isPlainURI​( uri)
      Determines if a given URI is plain, i.e.
      static boolean isUNCFileURI​( uri)
      Determines whether the given URI is a UNC file path URI in the form file:////server/file.ext.
      static normalize​( uri)
      Normalizes a URI.
      static java.lang.String normalizePath​(java.lang.String path)
      Normalizes the given path by resolving the '.' and '..' path segments.
      static plainDecode​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence)
      Decodes a plain-encoded URI.
      static java.lang.String plainEncode​( uri)
      Encodes an absolute URI into a plain string that is safe to be used in the path of another URI, for example.
      static relativizeChildPath​( parentURI, childURI)
      Returns a URI relative to the given parent URI.
      static java.lang.String relativizePath​(java.lang.String basePath, java.lang.String fullPath)
      static relativizePath​( sourceURI, targetURI)
      Returns the path of a target URI relative to some source URI, which may be a sibling URI or even a child URI.
      static removeFragment​( uri)
      Returns a URI with its fragment, if any, removed.
      static removeRawNameExtension​( uri)
      Removes the extension, if any, of a URI name and returns a new URI with no extension.
      static replaceRawFragment​( uri, java.lang.String newRawFragment)
      Returns a URI with its fragment, if any, replaced.
      static resolve​( baseURI, URIPath path)
      Resolves a URI path against a base URI.
      static resolve​( baseURI, java.lang.String childURI)
      Resolves a string against a base URI with added functionality and bug fixes over URI.resolve(String).
      static resolve​( baseURI, childURI)
      Resolves a relative URI against a base URI with added functionality and bug fixes over URI.resolve(URI).
      static resolve​( baseURI, childURI, boolean deep)
      Resolves a relative URI against a base URI with added functionality and bug fixes over URI.resolve(URI).
      static resolveFragment​( uri, java.lang.String fragment)
      Returns a URI constructed from a given URI and a fragment identifier.
      static resolveRawFragment​( uri, java.lang.String rawFragment)
      Returns a URI constructed from a given URI and a raw fragment identifier.
      static setRawNameExtension​( uri, java.lang.String extension)
      Adds the extension, if any, to a name and returns the new URI.
      static toCollectionURI​( uri)
      Forces a URI to represent a collection by appending a trailing path separator to the URI path, if any.
      static toValidURL​( uri)
      Creates a URL from a URI.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • NO_URIS

        public static final[] NO_URIS
        The shared static empty array of URIs.

        public static final EMPTY_PATH_URI
        A shared URI constant equal to creating a URI from an empty path.
        API Note:
        This constant is useful for detecting a URI relativized against itself, for example.

        public static final java.lang.String FILE_SCHEME
        The file scheme identifier.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FTP_SCHEME

        public static final java.lang.String FTP_SCHEME
        The FTP scheme identifier.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String MAILTO_SCHEME
        The email address scheme identifier.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String INFO_SCHEME
        The info scheme identifier.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final char INFO_SCHEME_NAMESPACE_DELIMITER
        The delimiter separating the info scheme namespace from the rest of the info scheme-specific part.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PATH_SCHEME
        The path scheme identifier for representing relative and absolute URI paths.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String RESOURCE_SCHEME
        The resource scheme identifier "resource".
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • TEL_SCHEME

        public static final java.lang.String TEL_SCHEME
        The telephone scheme identifier.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • URN_SCHEME

        public static final java.lang.String URN_SCHEME
        The URN scheme identifier "urn".
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final char SCHEME_SEPARATOR
        The colon character (':') that separates a URI schema from the rest of the URI.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.util.regex.Pattern URN_SSP_PATTERN
        The pattern to match the scheme-specific part of a URN.

        This pattern is not currently meant to be a vigorous validation of URN format, but rather a means to easily discover the components of a URN.


        public static final int URN_SSP_PATTERN_NID_MATCHING_GROUP
        The matching group to retrieve the URN namespace identifier.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int URN_SSP_PATTERN_NSS_MATCHING_GROUP
        The matching group to retrieve the URN-namespace-specific part.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String AUTHORITY_PREFIX
        The prefix string that introduces an authority.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final char USER_INFO_SEPARATOR
        The at sign ('@') that separates user information from a host in a URI.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final char PORT_SEPARATOR
        The colon character (':') that separates a host from a port.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final char PATH_SEPARATOR
        The slash character ('/') that separates components in a URI path.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String CURRENT_LEVEL_PATH_SEGMENT
        The path segment "." representing the current hierarchical level of a hierarchical URI.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String CURRENT_LEVEL_PATH
        The collection path "./" representing the current hierarchical level of a hierarchical URI.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final CURRENT_LEVEL_PATH_URI
        The URI collection path of "./" representing the current hierarchical level of a hierarchical URI.

        public static final java.lang.String PARENT_LEVEL_PATH_SEGMENT
        The path segment ".." representing the parent hierarchical level of a hierarchical URI.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PARENT_LEVEL_PATH
        The collection path "../" representing the parent hierarchical level of a hierarchical URI.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final PARENT_LEVEL_PATH_URI
        The URI collection path "../" representing the parent hierarchical level of a hierarchical URI.

        public static final char QUERY_SEPARATOR
        The character that separates the query from the rest of a URI.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final char QUERY_NAME_VALUE_PAIR_DELIMITER
        The character that separates each name-value pair in a query.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final char QUERY_NAME_VALUE_ASSIGNMENT
        The character that represents assigning a value to a name in a query.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final char FRAGMENT_SEPARATOR
        The pound character ('#') that separates a fragment from the rest of a URI.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String LOCALHOST_DOMAIN
        The domain "localhost".
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • ROOT_PATH

        public static final java.lang.String ROOT_PATH
        The path to root, consisting of a single path separator ("/").

        public static final ROOT_PATH_URI
        A URI consisting only of a single path separator ("/").

        public static final java.lang.String ROOT_PATH_PARENT_LEVEL
        The path Java returns when it tries to resolve .. to the root path.

        public static final char MAILTO_USERNAME_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR
        The character separating a mailto URI username from the domain.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final Characters ALPHA_CHARACTERS
        Alphabetic characters as defined by RFC 2396.

        public static final Characters DIGIT_CHARACTERS
        Digit characters as defined by RFC 2396.

        public static final Characters SAFE_CHARACTERS
        Safe characters as defined by RFC 2396.

        public static final Characters EXTRA_CHARACTERS
        Extra characters as defined by RFC 2396.

        public static final char ESCAPE_CHAR
        The character to use for escaping URI data as defined by RFC 2396.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final Characters RESERVED_CHARACTERS
        Reserved characters as defined by RFC 2396.

        public static final Characters URI_CHARACTERS
        Characters that can appear in a URI as defined by RFC 2396.

        public static final Characters NORMAL_CHARACTERS
        Characters that can appear in a URI path with no escape sequences.

        public static final Characters UNRESERVED_CHARACTERS
        Unreserved characters defined by RFC 3986.

        public static final Characters GEN_DELIM_CHARACTERS
        General delimiter characters defined by RFC 3986.

        public static final Characters SUB_DELIM_CHARACTERS
        Subdelimiter characters defined by RFC 3986.

        public static final Characters PATH_SEGMENT_CHARACTERS
        Path segment characters defined by RFC 3986.

        public static final Characters PATH_CHARACTERS
        Path characters defined by RFC 3986.

        public static final java.lang.String FILE_URI_PATH_ROOT_PREFIX
        The sequence "//" which is supposed to be present in file URIs (e.g. file:///mnt/sdcard/...) but which isn't present in Java file URIs.
        See Also:
        File URIs in Windows.

        public static final java.lang.String WINDOWS_UNC_PATH_URI_SSP_PREFIX
        The prefix used in the scheme-specific part by Java for Windows UNC paths in file URIs.

        public static final char PLAIN_ENCODING_ESCAPE_CHAR
        The character used for escaping characters in a URI plain encoding.
        See Also:
        plainEncode(URI), Constant Field Values

        public static final char PLAIN_ENCODING_REPLACE_CHAR
        The character used for replacing certain characters in a URI plain encoding.
        See Also:
        plainEncode(URI), Constant Field Values

        protected static final Characters PLAIN_ENCODE_INITIAL_UNRESERVED_CHARACTERS
        The characters that, at least initially, should not be encoded. Path separators will be replaced with 45.

        public static final Characters PLAIN_ENCODE_CHARACTERS
        The characters that are allowed in a URI plain encoding.
    • Constructor Detail

      • URIs

        public URIs()
    • Method Detail

      • createURIList

        public static java.lang.String createURIList​( uris)
        Creates a string of type text/uri-list as defined in RFC 2483, "URI Resolution Services Necessary for URN Resolution".
        uris - The URIs to include in the list.
        A URI list string.
        See Also:
        RFC 2483: URI Resolution Services Necessary for URN Resolution
      • checkScheme

        public static final checkScheme​( uri,
                                                     java.lang.String scheme)
        Verifies that the given URI has the indicated scheme.
        uri - The URI to check.
        scheme - The scheme to match for the URI.
        The given URI.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI and/or scheme is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the scheme of the given URI does not match the given scheme.
      • changeScheme

        public static changeScheme​( uri,
                                                java.lang.String newScheme)
        Creates a new URI identical to the supplied URI with a different scheme.
        uri - The URI to change.
        newScheme - The new scheme information.
        A new URI with the new scheme information.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI and/or new scheme is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given URI has no scheme or if the given scheme results in an invalid URI.
      • checkInfoNamespace

        public static final checkInfoNamespace​( uri,
                                                            java.lang.String infoNamespace)
        Verifies that the given URI is an "info" scheme URI with the given namespace.
        uri - The URI to check.
        infoNamespace - The info namespace to match for the URI.
        The given URI.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI and/or info namespace is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the scheme of the given URI is not "info" and/or the info namespace does not match the given info namespace.
      • getInfoNamespace

        public static final java.lang.String getInfoNamespace​( uri)
        Determines the info namespace of the given "info" scheme URI.
        uri - The URI from which the info namespace should be retrieved.
        The info namespace of the given info URI.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given URI is not a valid "info" scheme URI.
      • getInfoIdentifier

        public static final java.lang.String getInfoIdentifier​( uri)
        Determines the info identifier of the given "info" scheme URI.
        uri - The URI from which the info identifier should be retrieved.
        The decoded info identifier of the given info URI.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given URI is not a valid "info" scheme URI.
      • getInfoRawIdentifier

        public static final java.lang.String getInfoRawIdentifier​( uri)
        Determines the raw, encoded info identifier of the given "info" scheme URI.
        uri - The URI from which the info identifier should be retrieved.
        The raw, encoded info identifier of the given info URI.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given URI is not a valid "info" scheme URI.
      • isInfoNamespace

        public static final boolean isInfoNamespace​( uri,
                                                    java.lang.String infoNamespace)
        Determines whether the given URI is an "info" scheme URI with the given namespace.
        uri - The URI to check.
        infoNamespace - The info namespace to match for the URI.
        The true if the given URI has a scheme of "info" and has the indicated info namespace.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI and/or info namespace is null.
      • getPathRawPath

        public static final java.lang.String getPathRawPath​( uri)
        Determines the raw, encoded path of the given "path" scheme URI. The path will never be null; the empty relative path path: will return the empty string. Any query or fragment is ignored. This method is needed because the URI.getRawPath() method does not recognize relative paths for the "path" scheme.
        uri - The path URI from which the path should be retrieved.
        The raw, encoded path of the given path URI.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given URI is not a valid "path" scheme URI.
      • getPathURIPath

        public static final URIPath getPathURIPath​( uri)
        Returns the path of the given "path" scheme URI as a URIPath.
        uri - The path URI from which the path should be retrieved.
        A URI path object representing the path of the given path URI.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given URI is not a valid "path" scheme URI.
      • changePath

        public static changePath​( uri,
                                              URIPath path)
        Creates a new URI identical to the supplied URI with a different path.
        uri - The URI to change.
        path - The path, or null if there should be no path.
        A new URI with the new path.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given path results in an invalid URI.
      • changeRawPath

        public static changeRawPath​( uri,
                                                 java.lang.String newRawPath)
        Creates a new URI identical to the supplied URI with a different raw path.
        uri - The URI to change.
        newRawPath - The raw, escaped path, or null if there should be no path.
        A new URI with the new raw path information.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given path results in an invalid URI.
      • changeHost

        public static changeHost​( uri,
                                              java.lang.String newHost)
        Creates a new URI identical to the supplied URI with a different host.
        uri - The URI to change.
        newHost - The new host information.
        A new URI with the new host information.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI and/or new host is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given URI has no host or if the given host results in an invalid URI.
      • changeRawSchemeSpecificPart

        public static changeRawSchemeSpecificPart​( uri,
                                                               java.lang.String newRawSSP)
        Creates a new URI identical to the supplied URI with a different raw scheme-specific part.
        uri - The URI to change.
        newRawSSP - The raw, escaped scheme-specific part.
        A new URI with the new raw scheme-specific part information.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI or the scheme-specific part is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given scheme-specific part results in an invalid URI.
      • toCollectionURI

        public static toCollectionURI​( uri)
        Forces a URI to represent a collection by appending a trailing path separator to the URI path, if any. If the URI has no path, no change is made.

        This method is most useful for working with file systems that are imprecise about distinguishing between collection and non-collection nodes.

        uri - The URI to represent a collection.
        A form of the URI representing a collection.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI is null.
      • getPath

        public static URIPath getPath​( uri)
        Returns a path object to represent the path of the URI.
        uri - The URI for which a path object should be returned.
        An object representing the path, or null if the URI has no path.
      • getRawName

        public static java.lang.String getRawName​( uri)
        Returns the raw name of the resource at the given URI's path, which will be the raw name of the last path component. If the path is a collection (i.e. it ends with slash), the component before the last slash will be returned. As examples, "/path/name.ext" and "name.ext" will return "name.ext". "/path/", "path/", and "path" will all return "path". This method correctly handles "info" URIs.
        uri - The URI the path of which will be examined.
        The name of the last last path component, the empty string if the path is the empty string, "/" if the path is the root path, or null if the URI has no path.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI is null.
      • getName

        public static java.lang.String getName​( uri)
        Returns the decoded name of the resource at the given URI's path, which will be the decoded name of the last path component. If the path is a collection (i.e. it ends with slash), the component before the last slash will be returned. As examples, "/path/name.ext" and "name.ext" will return "name.ext". "/path/", "path/", and "path" will all return "path". The path name is first extracted from the URI's raw path and then decoded so that encoded 47 characters will not prevent correct parsing. This method correctly handles "info" URIs.
        uri - The URI the path of which will be examined.
        The name of the last path component, the empty string if the path is the empty string, "/" if the path is the root path, or null if the URI has no path.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI is null.
      • changeName

        public static java.lang.String changeName​(java.lang.String path,
                                                  java.lang.String name)
        Changes the name of the path of the given URI to the given name. If the path is a collection (i.e. it ends with slash), the name is the last component before the last slash. As examples, "/path/name.ext" and "name.ext" will change "name.ext". "/path/", "path/", and "path" will all change "path". "" with return "name" and "/" will return "/name/"
        path - The path, which should be encoded if 47 characters are present.
        name - The new name of the path.
        A new path with the name changed to the given name.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given path and/or name is null.
        See Also:
      • changeRawName

        public static changeRawName​( uri,
                                                 java.lang.String rawName)
        Changes the raw name of the path of the given URI to the given raw name. If the path is a collection (i.e. it ends with slash), the name is the last component before the last slash. As examples, "/path/name.ext" and "name.ext" will change "name.ext". "/path/", "path/", and "path" will all change "path". "" with return "name" and "/" will return "/name/" This method correctly handles "info" URIs.
        uri - The URI the raw name of which to change.
        rawName - The new raw name of the URI.
        A new URI with the raw name changed to the given raw name.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI and/or name is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given URI has no path, if the name is empty, or if the name is just a "/".
        See Also:
      • changeName

        public static changeName​( uri,
                                              java.lang.String name)
        Changes the name of the path of the given URI to the given name. If the path is a collection (i.e. it ends with slash), the name is the last component before the last slash. As examples, "/path/name.ext" and "name.ext" will change "name.ext". "/path/", "path/", and "path" will all change "path". "" with return "name" and "/" will return "/name/" This method correctly handles "info" URIs.
        uri - The URI the name of which to change.
        name - The new unencoded name of the URI, which will be encoded.
        A new URI with the name changed to the given name.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI and/or name is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given URI has no path.
        See Also:
        URIPath.encodeSegment(String), getName(URI)
      • addRawNameExtension

        public static addRawNameExtension​( uri,
                                                       java.lang.String extension)
        Adds the given extension to a URI name and returns the new URI with the new extension. The URI name is not checked to see if it currently has an extension.
        uri - The URI the name of which an extension should be added.
        extension - The raw, encoded extension to add.
        The URI with the new extension.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given extension is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given URI has no path.
      • getNameExtension

        public static java.lang.String getNameExtension​( uri)
        Extracts the extension from a URI's name. This this the preferred method for extracting an extension from a URI, as this method correctly parses the raw form of the URI path to find the extension before decoding.
        uri - The URI to examine.
        The extension of the URI's name (not including '.'), or null if no extension is present.
        See Also:
      • getRawNameExtension

        public static java.lang.String getRawNameExtension​( uri)
        Extracts the raw, encoded extension from a URI's name.
        uri - The URI to examine.
        The raw, encoded extension of the URI's name (not including '.'), or null if no extension is present.
        See Also:
      • changeRawNameExtension

        public static changeRawNameExtension​( uri,
                                                          java.lang.String extension)
        Changes the extension of a URI name and returns a new URI with the new name extension. If the URI name does not currently have an extension, one will be added.
        uri - The URI to examine.
        extension - The raw extension to set, or null if the extension should be removed.
        The name with the new extension.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given URI has no path and a non-null extension was given.
      • setRawNameExtension

        public static setRawNameExtension​( uri,
                                                       java.lang.String extension)
        Adds the extension, if any, to a name and returns the new URI. This is a convenience method that delegates to addRawNameExtension(URI, String) if a non-null extension is given.
        uri - The URI to examine.
        extension - The raw, encoded extension to add, or null if no extension should be added.
        The name with the new extension, if any.
      • removeRawNameExtension

        public static removeRawNameExtension​( uri)
        Removes the extension, if any, of a URI name and returns a new URI with no extension. This is a convenience method that delegates to changeRawNameExtension(URI, String).
        uri - The URI to examine.
        The URI with no extension.
      • getPlainURI

        public static getPlainURI​( uri)
        Creates a new URI identical to the supplied URI with no query or fragment.
        uri - The URI from which to remove the query and fragment, if any.
        A new URI with no query or fragment.
      • constructQuery

        public static java.lang.String constructQuery​(URIQueryParameter... params)
        Constructs a query string for a URI by URI-encoding each name-value pair, separating them with '&', and prepending the entire string (if there is at least one parameter) with '?', if there are no parameters, it doesn't do anything.
        params - The name-value pairs representing the query parameters.
        A string representing the constructed query, or the empty string if there were no parameters.
      • constructQuery

        public static java.lang.String constructQuery​(java.lang.String params)
        Constructs a query string for a URI by prepending the given query string, if it is not the empty string, with '?'.
        params - The string representing the query parameters.
        A string representing the constructed query, or the empty string if there were no parameters.
      • appendRawQuery

        public static appendRawQuery​( uri,
                                                  java.lang.String rawQuery)
        Appends a query string to a URI.
        uri - The existing URI.
        rawQuery - The encoded query information, without a beginning query separator.
        A URI representing the URI with the appended query parameters.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI and/or query is null.
      • appendQueryParameter

        public static appendQueryParameter​( uri,
                                                        java.lang.String paramName,
                                                        java.lang.String paramValue)
        Constructs a query string for a URI with a single name/value parameter, and appends it to the query of the given URI, if any.
        uri - The existing URI.
        paramName - The name of the parameter.
        paramValue - The value of the parameter.
        A URI representing the URI with the appended query parameter.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI, param name, and/or param value is null.
      • appendQueryParameters

        public static appendQueryParameters​( uri,
                                                         URIQueryParameter... params)
        Constructs a query string for a URI and appends it to the query of the given URI, if any.
        uri - The existing URI.
        params - The name-value pairs representing the query parameters.
        A URI representing the URI with the appended query parameters.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI and/or params is null.
      • appendQueryParameters

        public static java.lang.String appendQueryParameters​(java.lang.String query,
                                                             URIQueryParameter... params)
        Constructs a query string for a URI and appends it to the given query, if any.
        query - The existing query parameters, or null or the empty string if there is no query.
        params - The name-value pairs representing the query parameters.
        A string representing the query with the appended parameters, or the empty string if there was no query and there were no parameters.
      • constructQueryParameters

        public static java.lang.String constructQueryParameters​(URIQueryParameter... params)
        Constructs a query string for a URI by URI-encoding each name-value pair, separating them with '&'. Parameters are allowed to have null values, in which case no '=' delimiter will be used.
        params - The name-value pairs representing the query parameters.
        A string representing the constructed query, or the empty string if there were no parameters.
      • getParameterMap

        public static CollectionMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String,​java.util.List<java.lang.String>> getParameterMap​( uri)
        Retrieves the parameters from the query of a URI, if present.
        uri - The URI from which to extract parameters.
        An array of parameters.
      • getParameters

        public static NameValuePair<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String>[] getParameters​( uri)
        Retrieves the query parameters from a URI.
        uri - The URI which may contain a query.
        An array of parameters represented by the URI query, or null if the given URI does not contain a query.
      • getParameters

        public static NameValuePair<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String>[] getParameters​(java.lang.String query)
        Retrieves the parameters from a URI query. An empty string query will return an empty array of name/value pairs.
        query - The string containing URI query parameters (without the '?' prefix), or null.
        An array of parameters represented by the query, or null if the given query is null.
      • createPathURI

        public static createPathURI​(java.lang.String path)
        Creates a URI from the given path, verifying that the string contains only a path.
        path - The string version of a path to convert to a URI form of that same path.
        The URI constructed.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given path is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the provided path specifies a URI scheme (i.e. the URI is absolute) and/or authority.
        See Also:
      • checkRoot

        public static checkRoot​( uri)
                                      throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Checks to see if a given URI has the root path. If the given URI does not have the root path, i.e., if it's missing or if it's not composed only by the root path, an exception is thrown.
        uri - The URI to check to see if it has the root path.
        The given root URI.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given URI does not have the root path.
        See Also:
        URI.getPath(), ROOT_PATH
      • checkAbsolute

        public static checkAbsolute​( uri)
                                          throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Checks to see if a given URI is absolute. If the given URI is not absolute, an exception is thrown.
        uri - The URI to check to see if it is absolute.
        The given absolute URI.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given URI is not absolute.
        See Also:
      • isPathURI

        public static boolean isPathURI​( uri)
        Determines if a given URI contains only a path and does not have a scheme, authority, query, and/or fragment.
        uri - The URI to check to for path status.
        true if the URI has a path and does not specify a scheme (i.e. the URI is not absolute), authority, query, or fragment.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI is null.
      • checkPathURI

        public static checkPathURI​( uri)
        Checks to see if a given URI is only a path and not a URI with a scheme, authority, query, and/or fragment. If the given URI is not a path, an exception is thrown.
        uri - The URI to check to for path status.
        The given path URI.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the provided URI specifies a URI scheme (i.e. the URI is absolute), authority, query, and/or fragment.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given URI is not a path.
        See Also:
      • isPlainURI

        public static boolean isPlainURI​( uri)
        Determines if a given URI is plain, i.e. it does not contain a query or a fragment.
        uri - The URI to check to for plainness.
        true if the URI has no query or fragment.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI is null.
      • checkPlainURI

        public static checkPlainURI​( uri)
        Checks to see if a given URI is plain, i.e. it does not contain a query or a fragment. If the given URI is not a plain URI, an exception is thrown.
        uri - The URI to check to for plainness.
        The given plain URI.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the provided URI specifies a query and/or fragment.
        See Also:
      • getCurrentLevel

        public static getCurrentLevel​( uri)
        Determines the current level of a hierarchical URI. This is equivalent to resolving the path "." to the URI.
        uri - The URI to examine.
        A URI representing the current hierarchical level of a hierarchical URI.
      • getParentLevel

        public static getParentLevel​( uri)
        Determines the parent level of a hierarchical URI. This is equivalent to resolving the path ".." to the URI for all non-root paths.
        uri - The URI to examine.
        A URI representing the parent hierarchical level of a hierarchical URI, or null if the given URI's path equates to the root path.
      • getParentURI

        public static getParentURI​( uri)
        Determines the parent collection of a hierarchical URI.

        Non-normalized collection paths (e.g. ending with /.) are not supported.

        uri - The URI to examine.
        A URI representing the parent collection of a hierarchical URI; if the URI ends in '/', equivalent to resolving the path ".." to the URI; if the URI does not end in '/', equivalent to resolving the path "." to the URI; or null if the given URI's path equates to the root path.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the URI does not have a path component.
        See Also:
        isCollectionURI(URI), getParentLevel(URI), getCurrentLevel(URI)
      • getRootURI

        public static getRootURI​( uri)
        Determines the canonical root URI of a URI.
        uri - The URI to examine.
        A URI representing the URI with no path and no query or fragment.
      • relativizeChildPath

        public static relativizeChildPath​( parentURI,
        Returns a URI relative to the given parent URI. A collection URI relativized against itself will return an empty URI.

        This method does not support backtracking, that is, creating a path to a parent or child path. For that functionality use findRelativePath(URI, URI) instead.

        API Note:
        This method differs from URI.relativize(URI) in that the parent URI must be a collection URI (i.e. end with a slash) for a relative child path to be found.
        Implementation Specification:
        This method delegates to findRelativeChildPath(URI, URI)
        parentURI - The URI to which the child URI is relative.
        childURI - The URI that will be relativized against the parent URI.
        The URI representing path of the child URI to the parent URI, or the child URI if the given child URI is not a child of the given parent URI.
        See Also:
      • findRelativeChildPath

        public static java.util.Optional<> findRelativeChildPath​(@Nonnull
        Returns a URI relative to the given parent URI. A collection URI relativized against itself will return an empty URI.

        This method does not support backtracking, that is, creating a path to a parent or child path. For that functionality use findRelativePath(URI, URI) instead.

        API Note:
        This method differs from URI.relativize(URI) in that the parent URI must be a collection URI (i.e. end with a slash) for a relative child path to be found.
        Implementation Specification:
        This method first normalizes both URIs.
        parentURI - The URI to which the child URI is relative.
        childURI - The URI that will be relativized against the parent URI.
        The URI representing path of the child URI to the parent URI, which will not be present if the given child URI is not a child of the given parent URI.
        See Also:
      • relativizePath

        public static relativizePath​(@Nonnull
        Returns the path of a target URI relative to some source URI, which may be a sibling URI or even a child URI. A collection URI relativized against itself will return an empty URI. A non-collection URI relativized against its parent will return ./. Otherwise if the source URI is not a parent of (or the same URI as) the target URI, the path will backtrack using .. path segments as appropriate.
        Implementation Specification:
        This method delegates to findRelativePath(URI, URI)
        Implementation Note:
        This implementation properly relativizes URIs that require backtracking, such as siblings, unlike Java URI relativization methods; see JDK-6226081., This method differs from URI.relativize(URI), which would return an empty URI when relativizing foo/bar against foo/. This method instead would return ./, compliant with browser relative resolution behavior and with RFC 3986, as discussed at Is Java's URI.resolve incompatible with RFC 3986 when the relative URI contains an empty path?.
        sourceURI - The URI to which the other URI will be relativized.
        targetURI - The URI that will be relativized against the base URI.
        The relative path of the source URI to the target URI, or the target URI if the two URIs have no base in common.
        See Also:
      • findRelativePath

        public static java.util.Optional<> findRelativePath​(@Nonnull
        Returns the path of a target URI relative to some source URI, which may be a sibling URI or even a child URI. A collection URI relativized against itself will return an empty URI. A non-collection URI relativized against its parent will return ./. Otherwise if the source URI is not a parent of (or the same URI as) the target URI, the path will backtrack using .. path segments as appropriate.
        Implementation Specification:
        This method first normalizes both URIs.
        Implementation Note:
        This implementation properly relativizes URIs that require backtracking, such as siblings, unlike Java URI relativization methods; see JDK-6226081., This method differs from URI.relativize(URI), which would return an empty URI when relativizing foo/bar against foo/. This method instead would return ./, compliant with browser relative resolution behavior and with RFC 3986, as discussed at Is Java's URI.resolve incompatible with RFC 3986 when the relative URI contains an empty path?.
        sourceURI - The URI to which the other URI will be relativized.
        targetURI - The URI that will be relativized against the base URI.
        The relative path of the source URI to the target URI, which will not be present if the two URIs have no base in common.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the two URIs have no base URI in common.
        See Also:
      • createURN

        public static createURN​(java.lang.String nid,
                                             java.lang.String nss)
        Creates a URN in the form urn:nid:nss.
        nid - The namespace identifier.
        nss - The namespace-specific string.
        A URN based upon the given parameters.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the resulting string violates RFC 2396.
        See Also:
        RFC 2141
      • createInfoURI

        public static createInfoURI​(java.lang.String namespace,
                                                 java.lang.String rawIdentifier)
        Creates an "info" URI with the given info namespace and identifier with no fragment.
        namespace - The info namespace.
        rawIdentifier - The raw, encoded info identifier.
        An info URI based upon the given parameters.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given namespace and/or identifier is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given namespace, and/or identifier result in an invalid URI.
        See Also:
        RFC 4452
      • createInfoURI

        public static createInfoURI​(java.lang.String namespace,
                                                 java.lang.String rawIdentifier,
                                                 java.lang.String rawFragment)
        Creates an "info" URI with the given info namespace, identifier, and optional fragment.
        namespace - The info namespace.
        rawIdentifier - The raw, encoded info identifier.
        rawFragment - The raw, encoded fragment, or null if there should be no fragment
        An info URI based upon the given parameters.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given namespace and/or identifier is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given namespace, identifier, and/or fragment result in an invalid URI.
        See Also:
        RFC 4452
      • createMailtoURI

        public static createMailtoURI​(java.lang.String username,
                                                   java.lang.String domain)
        Creates a "mailto" URI in the form mailto:username@domain. The username and domain will be URI-encoded.
        username - The mail username.
        domain - The mail domain.
        A mailto URI based upon the given parameters.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given username and/or domain is null.
        See Also:
        RFC 2368
      • createURI

        public static createURI​(java.lang.Object contextObject,
                                             java.lang.String string)
        because this ancient code doesn't have an obvious utility, is confusing, and jumbles various types, many of them legacy.
        Creates a URI from the given URI string relative to the given context object.
        contextObject - The source context, such as a URL, a URI, a File, or null if the filename should not be referenced from any object.
        string - The string version of a URI, either relative or absolute, or a URI fragment beginning with "#".
        A URI constructed from the URI string and context object.
        Throws: - Thrown if the context object and string cannot be used to create a valid URI.
        See Also:
        File, URI, URL
      • guessAbsoluteURI

        public static guessAbsoluteURI​(java.lang.String string)
        Creates an absolute URI from the given string, guessing what the string represents.

        If the string is not a valid URL (e.g. it contains a space), this method assumes that a file was intended and a file URI is constructed.

        This method is convenient for creating URIs based upon user input.

        string - The string to convert to a URI.
        A URI representing the contents of the string, interpreted in a lenient fashion.
      • getDirectoryURL

        public static getDirectoryURL​( url)
        Returns a URL representing the directory of the given file URL. (It is assumed that the given URL represents a file.)
        url - The URL of a file.
        A URL of the file's directory, ending with '/'.
        Throws: - Thrown if a directory URL cannot be created.
      • getHost

        public static Host getHost​( uri)
        Returns the unencoded host and optional port of the given URI.
        uri - The URI from which to extract the host and optional port.
        The host name and optional port of the given URI, or null if there is no host specified in the given URI.
      • getRawPathQueryFragment

        public static java.lang.String getRawPathQueryFragment​( uri)
        Returns the unencoded path, optional unencoded query, and optional unencoded fragment of the given URI.
        uri - The URI from which to extract the path, optional query, and optional fragment.
        An unencoded path in the form [path][?query][#fragment], or null if none of those components are present in the given URI.
      • getRelativePath

        public static java.lang.String getRelativePath​(java.lang.String absolutePath)
        Determines the relative path of the given absolute path by removing the root path '/' character from the beginning of the path.
        absolutePath - The absolute path to convert to a relative path.
        A relative path from the root of the absolute path.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given path is not absolute.
      • isCollectionURI

        public static boolean isCollectionURI​( uri)
        Determines whether the URI represents a canonical collection, that is, it has a path that ends with a slash ('/'). This method returns false for URIs with no path component.
        uri - The URI the raw path of which to examine.
        true if the given URI has a path that ends with a slash ('/').
        See Also:
      • checkCollectionURI

        public static checkCollectionURI​( uri)
        Checks to see if a given URI represents a canonical collection, that is, it has a path that ends with a slash ('/'). If the given URI is not a collection URI, an exception is thrown.
        uri - The URI to check to for a collection.
        The given collection URI.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the provided URI does not have a path that ends with a slash ('/').
        See Also:
      • checkNotCollectionURI

        public static checkNotCollectionURI​( uri)
        Checks to see if a given URI does not represents a canonical collection, that is, it does not have a path that ends with a slash ('/'). If the given URI is not a collection URI, an exception is thrown.
        uri - The URI to check to for a collection.
        The given non-collection URI.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the provided URI has path that ends with a slash ('/').
        See Also:
      • hasPath

        public static boolean hasPath​( uri)
        Determines whether the URI has a path. This is a convenience method that delegates to URI.getRawPath().
        uri - The URI which should be checked for a path.
        true if the given URI has a path.
      • hasAbsolutePath

        public static boolean hasAbsolutePath​( uri)
        Determines whether the path of the URI (which may or may not be absolute) is absolute.
        uri - The URI the path of which to examine.
        true if the URI has a path that begins with a slash ('/').
        See Also:
        hasPath(URI), isPathAbsolute(String)
      • isHost

        public static boolean isHost​( uri)
        Determines whether the URI contains only a host and optional port.
        uri - The URI the path of which to examine.
        true if the URI contains only a host and optionally a port.
      • toValidURL

        public static toValidURL​( uri)
        Creates a URL from a URI. If a valid URL cannot be formed, null is returned.
        uri - The URI to convert to a URL, or null if no URI is available (in which case null will be returned).
        The URL form of the URI, or null if the URI cannot be converted to a valid URL.
      • isUNCFileURI

        public static boolean isUNCFileURI​( uri)
        Determines whether the given URI is a UNC file path URI in the form file:////server/file.ext.

        Strangely, the Java URI form of a UNC path will contain a path prefixed with //, but the entire scheme-specific part will be prefixed with ////.

        uri - The URI to test.
        true if the given URI has a scheme of "file" and its scheme-specific part begins with four slashes.
        See Also:
      • normalize

        public static normalize​( uri)
        Normalizes a URI.

        This method has the same semantics as URI.normalize(), except that this method has improvements and bug fixes. For example, a UNC path such as file:////server/file.ext will retain its correct path, unlike URI.normalize(), which would reduce this to file:/server/file.ext.

        uri - The URI to normalize.
        The normalized URI.
        See Also:
        isUNCFileURI(URI), Java Bug ID: 4723726
      • resolve

        public static resolve​( baseURI,
                                           java.lang.String childURI)
        Resolves a string against a base URI with added functionality and bug fixes over URI.resolve(String).

        This method creates a URI from the child URI using URI.create(String) and then delegates to resolve(URI, URI).

        The empty string is appended to the given base URI with no fragment.

        This method correctly resolves fragment URIs against opaque base URIs.

        This method corrects Java's erroneous collapsing of slashes in UNC paths, so that for example file:////server/file.ext can successfully be resolved against.

        baseURI - The URI against which the child URI should be resolved.
        childURI - The URI to resolve against the base URI.
        The child URI resolved against the base URI.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the base URI and/or the child URI is null.
        See Also:
        RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised) 5.3 Resolving URIs, isUNCFileURI(URI)
      • resolve

        public static resolve​( baseURI,
        Resolves a relative URI against a base URI with added functionality and bug fixes over URI.resolve(URI).

        The empty string is appended to the given base URI with no fragment.

        This method correctly resolves fragment URIs against opaque base URIs.

        This method corrects Java's erroneous collapsing of slashes in UNC paths in URI.resolve(URI), so that for example file:////server/file.ext can successfully be resolved against.

        baseURI - The URI against which the child URI should be resolved.
        childURI - The URI to resolve against the base URI.
        The child URI resolved against the base URI.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the base URI and/or the child URI is null.
        See Also:
        RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised) 5.3 Resolving URIs, isUNCFileURI(URI)
      • resolve

        public static resolve​( baseURI,
                                           boolean deep)
        Resolves a relative URI against a base URI with added functionality and bug fixes over URI.resolve(URI). If a deep resolution is requested, a URI's contents will be further resolved if possible, even if the URI itself is already absolute. For example, a deep resolution of file:/foo/bar.txt against file:///C:/test would yield file:///C:/test/foo/bar.txt.

        This implementation supports deep resolution of the following URI schemes:

        The empty string is appended to the given base URI with no fragment.

        This method correctly resolves fragment URIs against opaque base URIs.

        This method corrects Java's erroneous collapsing of slashes in UNC paths in URI.resolve(URI), so that for example file:////server/file.ext can successfully be resolved against.

        baseURI - The URI against which the child URI should be resolved.
        childURI - The URI to resolve against the base URI.
        deep - Whether the relative contents of the URI should also be resolved, even if the URI itself is absolute.
        The child URI resolved against the base URI.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the base URI and/or the child URI is null.
        See Also:
        RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised) 5.3 Resolving URIs, isUNCFileURI(URI)
      • resolve

        public static resolve​( baseURI,
                                           URIPath path)
        Resolves a URI path against a base URI.
        baseURI - The base URI against which the path should be resolved.
        path - The path to resolve against the base URI.
        A URI that represents the path resolved against the base URI.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given base URI and/or path is null.
      • resolveFragment

        public static resolveFragment​( uri,
                                                   java.lang.String fragment)
                                            throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Returns a URI constructed from a given URI and a fragment identifier. The fragment will first be URI-encoded.

        If no URI is provided, a URI is created from the fragment itself.

        uri - The URI to which to add a fragment identifier, or null if a URI should be created from just the fragment.
        fragment - The unencoded fragment to add to the end of the URI.
        The URI constructed.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the a URI cannot be constructed from the given information.
        See Also:
        encode(String), URI.create(String)
      • resolveRawFragment

        public static resolveRawFragment​( uri,
                                                      java.lang.String rawFragment)
                                               throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Returns a URI constructed from a given URI and a raw fragment identifier.

        If the URI is not syntactically correct, an IllegalArgumentExceptionwill be thrown.

        This method should normally only be used when the format of the string is known to be a syntactically correct URI.

        If no URI is provided, a URI is created from the fragment itself.

        uri - The URI to which to add a fragment identifier, or null if a URI should be created from just the fragment.
        rawFragment - The raw, encoded fragment to add to the end of the URI.
        The URI constructed.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the a URI cannot be constructed from the given information.
        See Also:
      • removeFragment

        public static removeFragment​( uri)
        Returns a URI with its fragment, if any, removed.
        uri - The URI from which a fragment should be removed.
        The URI with the fragment, if any, removed.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI is null.
        See Also:
        replaceRawFragment(URI, String)
      • replaceRawFragment

        public static replaceRawFragment​( uri,
                                                      java.lang.String newRawFragment)
        Returns a URI with its fragment, if any, replaced.
        uri - The URI from which a fragment should be removed.
        newRawFragment - The new encoded fragment, or null if the URI should have no fragment.
        The URI with the fragment, if any, removed and replaced with the given raw fragment, if any.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI is null.
      • createURI

        public static createURI​(java.lang.String scheme,
                                             java.lang.String rawSchemeSpecificPart)
                                      throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Returns a URI constructed from the given parts, any of which can be null.

        This method should normally only be used when the format of the string is known to be a syntactically correct URI.

        scheme - The name of the URI scheme.
        rawSchemeSpecificPart - The raw, encoded scheme-specific part, or null if there is no scheme-specific part.
        The URI constructed.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the a URI cannot be constructed from the given strings.
      • createURI

        public static createURI​(java.lang.String scheme,
                                             java.lang.String rawSchemeSpecificPart,
                                             java.lang.String rawFragment)
                                      throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Returns a URI constructed from the given parts, any of which can be null.

        This method should normally only be used when the format of the string is known to be a syntactically correct URI.

        scheme - The name of the URI scheme.
        rawSchemeSpecificPart - The raw, encoded scheme-specific part, or null if there is no scheme-specific part.
        rawFragment - The raw, encoded fragment at the end of the URI, or null if there is no fragment.
        The URI constructed.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the a URI cannot be constructed from the given strings.
      • createURI

        public static createURI​(java.lang.String scheme,
                                             java.lang.String rawUserInfo,
                                             java.lang.String host,
                                             int port,
                                             URIPath path,
                                             java.lang.String rawQuery,
                                             java.lang.String rawFragment)
                                      throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Returns a URI constructed from the given parts, any of which can be null.

        This method should normally only be used when the format of the string is known to be a syntactically correct URI.

        scheme - The name of the URI scheme.
        rawUserInfo - The raw, encoded user information, or null if there is no user information.
        host - The host information, or null if there is no host.
        port - The port number, or -1 for no defined port.
        path - The path, or null if there is no path.
        rawQuery - The raw, encoded URI query, or null if there is no query.
        rawFragment - The raw, encoded fragment at the end of the URI, or null if there is no fragment.
        The URI constructed.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the a URI cannot be constructed from the given strings.
      • createURI

        public static createURI​(java.lang.String scheme,
                                             java.lang.String rawUserInfo,
                                             java.lang.String host,
                                             int port,
                                             java.lang.String rawPath,
                                             java.lang.String rawQuery,
                                             java.lang.String rawFragment)
                                      throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Returns a URI constructed from the given parts, any of which can be null.

        This method should normally only be used when the format of the string is known to be a syntactically correct URI.

        scheme - The name of the URI scheme.
        rawUserInfo - The raw, encoded user information, or null if there is no user information.
        host - The host information, or null if there is no host.
        port - The port number, or -1 for no defined port.
        rawPath - The raw, encoded path, or null if there is no path.
        rawQuery - The raw, encoded URI query, or null if there is no query.
        rawFragment - The raw, encoded fragment at the end of the URI, or null if there is no fragment.
        The URI constructed.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the a URI cannot be constructed from the given strings.
      • encode

        public static java.lang.String encode​( uri)
        Encodes all URI reserved characters in the URI according to the URI encoding rules in RFC 3986, "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax" using the URI escape character, 37.
        uri - The URI to URI-encode.
        A string containing the escaped data.
        See Also:
      • encode

        public static java.lang.String encode​( uri,
                                              char escapeChar)
        Encodes all URI reserved characters in the URI according to the URI encoding rules in RFC 3986, "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax".
        uri - The URI to URI-encode.
        escapeChar - The escape character to use, which will always be escaped.
        A string containing the escaped data.
      • encode

        public static java.lang.String encode​(java.lang.String string)
        Encodes all URI reserved characters in the string according to the URI encoding rules in RFC 3986, "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax" using the URI escape character, 37.
        string - The data to URI-encode.
        A string containing the escaped data.
        See Also:
      • encode

        public static java.lang.String encode​(java.lang.String string,
                                              char escapeChar)
        Encodes all URI reserved characters in the string according to the URI encoding rules in RFC 3986, "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax".
        string - The data to URI-encode.
        escapeChar - The escape character to use, which will always be escaped.
        A string containing the escaped data.
      • decode

        public static java.lang.String decode​(java.lang.CharSequence uri)
        Decodes the escaped characters in the character iterator according to the URI encoding rules in RFC 2396, "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax", using the URI escape character, 37.
        uri - The data to URI-decode.
        A character sequence containing the encoded URI data.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given URI string contains a character greater than U+00FF.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if a given escape character is not followed by a two-digit escape sequence.
        See Also:
      • decode

        public static java.lang.String decode​(java.lang.CharSequence uri,
                                              char escapeChar)
        Decodes the escaped ('%') characters in the character iterator according to the URI encoding rules in RFC 2396, "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax".
        uri - The data to URI-decode.
        escapeChar - The escape character.
        A character sequence containing the encoded URI data.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given URI string contains a character greater than U+00FF.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if a given escape character is not followed by a two-digit escape sequence.
      • canonicalize

        public static canonicalize​( uri)
        Ensures that the given URI is in canonical form.

        Java erroneously allows URIs that contain non-ASCII characters. This method ensures that only valid characters according to RFC 3986 are contained in the URI.

        This implementation, following the recommendation of RFC 3986, ensures that all hexadecimal escape codes are in uppercase.

        This method should be distinguished from normalize(URI), which normalizes path segments.

        uri - The URI to be returned in canonical form.
        The canonical form of the given URI.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given URI is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given URI has an invalid escape sequence.
      • changeBase

        public static changeBase​( uri,
        Changes a URI from one base to another. For example, changed from base to base yields If the old and new base URIs are the same, a URI equal to given URI is returned.
        uri - The URI the base of which to change.
        oldBaseURI - The current base URI.
        newBaseURI - The base URI of the new URI to construct.
        A new URI constructed by relativizing the URI to the old base URI and resolving the resulting URI against the new base URI.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the old base URI is is not a base URI of the given URI.
        See Also:
        isUNCFileURI(URI), URI.relativize(URI), resolve(URI, URI)
      • isChild

        public static boolean isChild​( baseURI,
        Determines whether the given URI is a child relative to the given base URI. The base URI is considered a child of itself. This for the base URI, the URIs and are considered child URIs, while and are not.
        Implementation Note:
        This implementation relies on the behavior of URI.relativize(URI) not to relativize URIs that require backtracking, such as siblings, as described in JDK-6226081.
        baseURI - The assumed base URI.
        uri - The URI which may be relative to the given base URI.
        true if the given URI can be made relative to the given base URI resulting in a non-absolute form.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given base URI and/or URI is null.
      • compress

        public static java.lang.String compress​( uri)
        Compresses a URI into a shorter string representation.
        uri - The URI to compress.
        A compressed string representation of the URI.
      • decompress

        public static decompress​(java.lang.String string)
                                       throws SyntaxException
        Decompresses a URI from a shorter string representation.
        string - The alphanumeric string.
        An uncompressed URI from the alphanumeric string.
        SyntaxException - Thrown if the given string is not correctly encoded.
      • plainEncode

        public static java.lang.String plainEncode​( uri)
        Encodes an absolute URI into a plain string that is safe to be used in the path of another URI, for example. The resulting string will only contain PLAIN_ENCODE_CHARACTERS, making it also be a valid XML name.
        1. The scheme separator character 58 is replaced with 45.
        2. Every instance of the slash character 47 is replaced with 45.
        3. The characters 45, 95, and all other non-URI characters are escaped using 95 as the escape character.

        This implementation ensures that all hexadecimal escape codes are in lowercase.

        uri - The URI to encode
        A string representing the plain encoding of the URI.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given URI is not absolute.
        See Also:
      • plainDecode

        public static plainDecode​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence)
        Decodes a plain-encoded URI.
        charSequence - The string containing the plain-encoded URI.
        The decoded URI.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given string is not a plain-encoded URI.
      • checkCollectionPath

        public static java.lang.String checkCollectionPath​(@Nonnull
                                                           java.lang.String path)
        Checks to see if a given path represents a canonical collection, that is, it has a path that ends with a slash ('/'). If the given path is not a collection path, an exception is thrown.
        path - The raw path to examine.
        The given collection path.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given path is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the provided path does not end with a slash ('/').
        See Also:
      • checkNotCollectionPath

        public static java.lang.String checkNotCollectionPath​(java.lang.String path)
        Checks to see if a given path does not represents a canonical collection, that is, it does not have a path that ends with a slash ('/'). If the given path is not a collection path, an exception is thrown.
        path - The raw path to examine.
        The given non-collection path.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given path is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the provided path ends with a slash ('/').
        See Also:
      • checkPath

        public static java.lang.String checkPath​(java.lang.String path)
                                          throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Checks to see if a given path is only a path and not a URI with a scheme and/or authority. If the given string is not a path, an exception is thrown.
        path - The string version of a path to determine if it is indeed only a path.
        The given path.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given path is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given string is not a path.
        See Also:
      • checkRelativePath

        public static java.lang.String checkRelativePath​(java.lang.String path)
                                                  throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Checks to see if a given path is only a relative path and not a URI with a scheme and/or authority. If the given string is not a relative path, an exception is thrown.
        path - The string version of a path to determine if it is indeed only a relative path.
        The given relative path.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given path is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given string is not a path or the path is not relative.
        See Also:
      • constructPath

        public static java.lang.String constructPath​(boolean absolute,
                                                     boolean collection,
                                                     java.lang.String... pathElements)
        Constructs an absolute path from the given elements in the form: /element1/element2. Each element in the path is URI-encoded using UTF-8.
        absolute - true if the path should be absolute and therefore should begin with '/'.
        collection - true if the path should be a collection and therefore end with `/`.
        pathElements - true if the path represents a collection and therefore should end with '/'.
        A path constructed according to the given rules.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if there are no path elements and an absolute non-collection or non-absolute collection is requested.
      • getName

        public static java.lang.String getName​(java.lang.String path)
        Returns the name of the resource at the given path, which will be the name of the last path component. If the path is a collection (i.e. it ends with slash), the component before the last slash will be returned. As examples, "/path/name.ext" and "name.ext" will return "name.ext". "/path/", "path/", and "path" will all return "path".
        path - The path, which should be encoded if 47 characters are present within a path component.
        The name of the last last path component, the empty string if the path is the empty string, or "/" if the path is the root path.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given path is null.
      • isCollectionPath

        public static boolean isCollectionPath​(@Nonnull
                                               java.lang.String path)
        Determines whether the given path is a canonical collection path.

        Non-normalized collection paths (e.g. ending with /.) are not supported.

        path - The raw path to examine.
        true if the path ends with a slash ('/').
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given path is null.
      • isPath

        public static boolean isPath​(java.lang.String path)
        Determines if a given path is only a path and not a URI with a scheme and/or authority.
        path - The string version of a path to determine if it.
        true if the path is a path and does not specify a scheme (i.e. the URI is not absolute) or authority.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given path is null.
        See Also:
      • isPathAbsolute

        public static boolean isPathAbsolute​(@Nonnull
                                             java.lang.String path)
        Determines whether the given path is absolute.
        path - The path to examine.
        true if the path begins with a slash ('/').
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the path is null.
      • normalizePath

        public static java.lang.String normalizePath​(java.lang.String path)
        Normalizes the given path by resolving the '.' and '..' path segments.
        path - The path to normalize.
        The normalized form of the given path.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given path is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the provided path specifies a URI scheme (i.e. the URI is absolute) and/or authority.
        See Also:
      • relativizePath

        public static java.lang.String relativizePath​(java.lang.String basePath,
                                                      java.lang.String fullPath)
        Relativizes the given full path against the given base path. If the full path is not composed of the given base path, the full path is returned.
        basePath - The path against which the full path should be relativized.
        fullPath - The full path to be relativized.
        A form of the full path relative to the base path.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if one of the given paths is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if one of the provided path specifies a URI scheme (i.e. the URI is absolute) and/or authority.