• public class ASCII
    extends java.lang.Object
    Constants and utilities for working with US_ASCII.
    Garret Wilson
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static boolean containsTokenIgnoreCase​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence, Characters delimiters, java.lang.CharSequence... tokens)
      Searches the given character sequence for one of the given tokens, separated by the given delimiters, without regard to ASCII case.
      static boolean equalsIgnoreCase​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence1, int start1, int end1, java.lang.CharSequence charSequence2, int start2, int end2)
      Compares characters in one character sequence with characters in another character sequence, without regard to ASCII case.
      static boolean equalsIgnoreCase​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence1, java.lang.CharSequence charSequence2)
      Compares the characters in one character sequence with characters in another character sequence without regard to ASCII case.
      static boolean equalsIgnoreCase​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence1, java.lang.CharSequence charSequence2, int start)
      Compares the characters in one character sequence with characters in another character sequence, starting at the given location to the end of the second character sequence, without regard to ASCII case
      static boolean equalsIgnoreCase​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence1, java.lang.CharSequence charSequence2, int start, int end)
      Compares the characters in one character sequence with characters in another character sequence, without regard to ASCII case.
      static java.lang.CharSequence getTokenIgnoreCase​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence, Characters delimiters, java.lang.CharSequence... tokens)
      Searches the given character sequence for one of the given tokens, separated by the given delimiters, without regard to ASCII case.
      static boolean isASCII​(char c)
      Indicates whether a given character is within the ASCII range.
      static boolean isASCII​(int c)
      Indicates whether a given character is within the ASCII range.
      static boolean isASCII​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence)
      Determines whether a given character sequence contains only ASCII characters.
      static boolean isASCIIControl​(char c)
      Indicates whether a given character is within the ASCII control range.
      static boolean isASCIIControl​(int c)
      Indicates whether a given character is within the ASCII control range.
      static boolean isASCIINonControl​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence)
      Determines whether a given character sequence contains only non-control ASCII characters.
      static boolean isLowerCase​(char c)
      Determines whether the given character is an ASCII lowercase character.
      static boolean isUpperCase​(char c)
      Determines whether the given character is an ASCII uppercase character.
      static java.lang.CharSequence removeTokensIgnoreCase​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence, Characters delimiters, java.lang.CharSequence... tokens)
      Searches the given character sequence for the given tokens, separated by the given delimiters, without regard to ASCII case, and removes all occurrences that are found.
      static java.lang.StringBuilder removeTokensIgnoreCase​(java.lang.StringBuilder stringBuilder, int start, int end, Characters delimiters, java.lang.CharSequence... tokens)
      Searches the given character sequence for the given tokens, separated by the given delimiters, without regard to ASCII case, and removes all occurrences that are found.
      static java.lang.StringBuilder removeTokensIgnoreCase​(java.lang.StringBuilder stringBuilder, Characters delimiters, java.lang.CharSequence... tokens)
      Searches the given character sequence for the given tokens, separated by the given delimiters, without regard to ASCII case, and removes all occurrences that are found.
      static char toLowerCase​(char c)
      Converts a character to lowercase if it is an ASCII uppercase letter.
      static java.lang.CharSequence toLowerCase​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence)
      Converts a character sequence to lowercase, converting only ASCII letters.
      static java.lang.StringBuilder toLowerCase​(java.lang.StringBuilder stringBuilder)
      Converts a string builder to lowercase, converting only ASCII letters.
      static java.lang.StringBuilder toLowerCase​(java.lang.StringBuilder stringBuilder, int start, int end)
      Converts a string builder to lowercase, converting only ASCII letters.
      static char toUpperCase​(char c)
      Converts a character to uppercase if it is an ASCII lowercase letter.
      static java.lang.CharSequence toUpperCase​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence)
      Converts a character sequence to uppercase, converting only ASCII letters.
      static java.lang.StringBuilder toUpperCase​(java.lang.StringBuilder stringBuilder)
      Converts a string builder to uppercase, converting only ASCII letters.
      static java.lang.StringBuilder toUpperCase​(java.lang.StringBuilder stringBuilder, int start, int end)
      Converts a string builder to uppercase, converting only ASCII letters.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static final short UPPERCASE_LETTER_FIRST
        The value of the first uppercase letter.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final short UPPERCASE_LETTER_LAST
        The value of the last uppercase letter.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final short LOWERCASE_LETTER_FIRST
        The value of the first lowercase letter.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final short LOWERCASE_LETTER_LAST
        The value of the last lowercase letter.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final short LOWERCASE_UPPERCASE_LETTER_DIFFERENCE
        The difference in value between lowercase (higher values) and uppercase (lower values) ASCII letters.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final char MAX_CONTROL_VALUE
        The highest ASCII code point value that is a control character.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • MAX_VALUE

        public static final char MAX_VALUE
        The highest ASCII code point value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final Characters DIGIT_CHARACTERS
        The ASCII digit characters '0''9'.

        public static final Characters HEX_CHARACTERS
        The ASCII hexadecimal digit characters '0''9', 'a''f', and 'A''F'.
        API Note:
        Note that this definition includes both lowercase and uppercase letters.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ASCII

        public ASCII()
    • Method Detail

      • isASCII

        public static boolean isASCII​(char c)
        Indicates whether a given character is within the ASCII range.
        c - The character to test.
        true if the given character is not greater than 127.
        See Also:
      • isASCII

        public static boolean isASCII​(int c)
        Indicates whether a given character is within the ASCII range.
        c - The character to test.
        true if the given character is not negative and not greater than 127.
        See Also:
      • isASCII

        public static boolean isASCII​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence)
        Determines whether a given character sequence contains only ASCII characters.
        charSequence - The character sequence to test.
        true if no character(s) in the character sequence are outside the ASCII range.
        See Also:
      • isASCIIControl

        public static boolean isASCIIControl​(char c)
        Indicates whether a given character is within the ASCII control range.
        c - The character to test.
        true if the given character is not greater than 31.
        See Also:
      • isASCIIControl

        public static boolean isASCIIControl​(int c)
        Indicates whether a given character is within the ASCII control range.
        c - The character to test.
        true if the given character is not negative and not greater than 127.
        See Also:
      • isASCIINonControl

        public static boolean isASCIINonControl​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence)
        Determines whether a given character sequence contains only non-control ASCII characters.
        charSequence - The character sequence to test.
        true if no character(s) in the character sequence are outside the ASCII range of non-control characters.
        See Also:
        isASCII(char), isASCIIControl(char)
      • isLowerCase

        public static boolean isLowerCase​(char c)
        Determines whether the given character is an ASCII lowercase character.
        API Note:
        This method is typically used for formal language token manipulation, not general human language text processing.
        c - The character to check.
        Whether the given character is an ASCII lowercase character.
      • isUpperCase

        public static boolean isUpperCase​(char c)
        Determines whether the given character is an ASCII uppercase character.
        API Note:
        This method is typically used for formal language token manipulation, not general human language text processing.
        c - The character to check.
        Whether the given character is an ASCII uppercase character.
      • containsTokenIgnoreCase

        public static boolean containsTokenIgnoreCase​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence,
                                                      Characters delimiters,
                                                      java.lang.CharSequence... tokens)
        Searches the given character sequence for one of the given tokens, separated by the given delimiters, without regard to ASCII case.
        charSequence - The character sequence to search.
        delimiters - The delimiters to skip.
        tokens - The tokens for which to check.
        The true if one of the given tokens was found.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given character sequence, delimiters, and/or tokens is null.
      • getTokenIgnoreCase

        public static java.lang.CharSequence getTokenIgnoreCase​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence,
                                                                Characters delimiters,
                                                                java.lang.CharSequence... tokens)
        Searches the given character sequence for one of the given tokens, separated by the given delimiters, without regard to ASCII case.
        charSequence - The character sequence to search.
        delimiters - The delimiters to skip.
        tokens - The tokens for which to check.
        The token that was found, or null if no token was found.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given character sequence, delimiters, and/or tokens is null.
      • removeTokensIgnoreCase

        public static java.lang.CharSequence removeTokensIgnoreCase​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence,
                                                                    Characters delimiters,
                                                                    java.lang.CharSequence... tokens)
        Searches the given character sequence for the given tokens, separated by the given delimiters, without regard to ASCII case, and removes all occurrences that are found. The original character sequence is not modified.
        charSequence - The character sequence to search.
        delimiters - The delimiters to skip.
        tokens - The tokens for which to check.
        A character sequence with the tokens removed.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given character sequence, delimiters, and/or tokens is null.
      • removeTokensIgnoreCase

        public static java.lang.StringBuilder removeTokensIgnoreCase​(java.lang.StringBuilder stringBuilder,
                                                                     Characters delimiters,
                                                                     java.lang.CharSequence... tokens)
        Searches the given character sequence for the given tokens, separated by the given delimiters, without regard to ASCII case, and removes all occurrences that are found.
        stringBuilder - The character sequence to search.
        delimiters - The delimiters to skip.
        tokens - The tokens for which to check.
        The string builder with the tokens removed.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given string builder, delimiters, and/or tokens is null.
      • removeTokensIgnoreCase

        public static java.lang.StringBuilder removeTokensIgnoreCase​(java.lang.StringBuilder stringBuilder,
                                                                     int start,
                                                                     int end,
                                                                     Characters delimiters,
                                                                     java.lang.CharSequence... tokens)
        Searches the given character sequence for the given tokens, separated by the given delimiters, without regard to ASCII case, and removes all occurrences that are found.
        stringBuilder - The character sequence to search.
        start - The starting location for searching, inclusive.
        end - The ending location for searching, exclusive.
        delimiters - The delimiters to skip.
        tokens - The tokens for which to check.
        The string builder with the tokens removed.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given string builder, delimiters, and/or tokens is null.
      • equalsIgnoreCase

        public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence1,
                                               java.lang.CharSequence charSequence2)
        Compares the characters in one character sequence with characters in another character sequence without regard to ASCII case.
        API Note:
        This method is typically used for formal language token manipulation, not general human language text processing.
        charSequence1 - The character sequence to compare.
        charSequence2 - The character sequence to compare with.
        true if the characters in the first character sequence equal the characters in the second character sequence.
      • equalsIgnoreCase

        public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence1,
                                               java.lang.CharSequence charSequence2,
                                               int start)
        Compares the characters in one character sequence with characters in another character sequence, starting at the given location to the end of the second character sequence, without regard to ASCII case
        API Note:
        This method is typically used for formal language token manipulation, not general human language text processing.
        charSequence1 - The character sequence to compare.
        charSequence2 - The character sequence to compare with.
        start - The starting location in the second character sequence, inclusive.
        true if the characters in the first character sequence equal the indicated characters in the second character sequence.
        java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException - if start is negative or greater than the length of the second character sequence.
      • equalsIgnoreCase

        public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence1,
                                               java.lang.CharSequence charSequence2,
                                               int start,
                                               int end)
        Compares the characters in one character sequence with characters in another character sequence, without regard to ASCII case. If the given end of the second character sequence (the character sequence to which the first is being compared) is past the end, it is adjusted to be equal to the end of the second character sequence.
        API Note:
        This method is typically used for formal language token manipulation, not general human language text processing.
        charSequence1 - The character sequence to compare.
        charSequence2 - The character sequence to compare with.
        start - The starting location in the second character sequence, inclusive.
        end - The ending location in the second character sequence, exclusive.
        true if the characters in the first character sequence equal the indicated characters in the second character sequence.
        java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException - if start or end is negative or greater than length(), or start is greater than end, with the exception that if end is greater than the length of the second character sequence it will be adjusted to equal the end.
      • equalsIgnoreCase

        public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence1,
                                               int start1,
                                               int end1,
                                               java.lang.CharSequence charSequence2,
                                               int start2,
                                               int end2)
        Compares characters in one character sequence with characters in another character sequence, without regard to ASCII case. If the given end of the second character sequence (the character sequence to which the first is being compared) is past the end, it is adjusted to be equal to the end of the second character sequence.
        API Note:
        This method is typically used for formal language token manipulation, not general human language text processing.
        charSequence1 - The character sequence to compare.
        start1 - The starting location in the first character sequence, inclusive.
        end1 - The ending location in the first character sequence, exclusive.
        charSequence2 - The character sequence to compare with.
        start2 - The starting location in the second character sequence, inclusive.
        end2 - The ending location in the second character sequence, exclusive.
        true if the indicated characters in the first character sequence equal the indicated characters in the second character sequence.
        java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException - if start or end is negative or greater than length(), or start is greater than end, with the exception that if end2 is greater than the length of the second character sequence it will be adjusted to equal the end.
      • toLowerCase

        public static char toLowerCase​(char c)
        Converts a character to lowercase if it is an ASCII uppercase letter.
        API Note:
        This method is typically used for formal language token manipulation, not general human language text processing.
        c - The character to convert.
        The character, guaranteed not to be an ASCII uppercase letter.
      • toLowerCase

        public static java.lang.CharSequence toLowerCase​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence)
        Converts a character sequence to lowercase, converting only ASCII letters. The input character sequence will not be modified.
        API Note:
        This method is typically used for formal language token manipulation, not general human language text processing.
        charSequence - The character sequence containing the text to convert.
        A character sequence containing the converted text.
      • toLowerCase

        public static java.lang.StringBuilder toLowerCase​(java.lang.StringBuilder stringBuilder)
        Converts a string builder to lowercase, converting only ASCII letters.
        API Note:
        This method is typically used for formal language token manipulation, not general human language text processing.
        stringBuilder - The string builder containing the text to convert.
        The string builder after the conversions.
      • toLowerCase

        public static java.lang.StringBuilder toLowerCase​(java.lang.StringBuilder stringBuilder,
                                                          int start,
                                                          int end)
        Converts a string builder to lowercase, converting only ASCII letters.
        API Note:
        This method is typically used for formal language token manipulation, not general human language text processing.
        stringBuilder - The string builder containing the text to convert.
        start - The starting position, inclusive.
        end - The ending position, exclusive.
        The string builder after the conversions.
      • toUpperCase

        public static char toUpperCase​(char c)
        Converts a character to uppercase if it is an ASCII lowercase letter.
        API Note:
        This method is typically used for formal language token manipulation, not general human language text processing.
        c - The character to convert.
        The character, guaranteed not to be an ASCII lowercase letter.
      • toUpperCase

        public static java.lang.CharSequence toUpperCase​(java.lang.CharSequence charSequence)
        Converts a character sequence to uppercase, converting only ASCII letters. The input character sequence will not be modified.
        API Note:
        This method is typically used for formal language token manipulation, not general human language text processing.
        charSequence - The character sequence containing the text to convert.
        A character sequence containing the converted text.
      • toUpperCase

        public static java.lang.StringBuilder toUpperCase​(java.lang.StringBuilder stringBuilder)
        Converts a string builder to uppercase, converting only ASCII letters.
        API Note:
        This method is typically used for formal language token manipulation, not general human language text processing.
        stringBuilder - The string builder containing the text to convert.
        The string builder after the conversions.
      • toUpperCase

        public static java.lang.StringBuilder toUpperCase​(java.lang.StringBuilder stringBuilder,
                                                          int start,
                                                          int end)
        Converts a string builder to uppercase, converting only ASCII letters.
        API Note:
        This method is typically used for formal language token manipulation, not general human language text processing.
        stringBuilder - The string builder containing the text to convert.
        start - The starting position, inclusive.
        end - The ending position, exclusive.
        The string builder after the conversions.