Class Longs


public class Longs extends Object
Utilities for manipulating long objects.
Garret Wilson
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final long[]
    The shared empty array of longs.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static int
    compare(long l1, long l2)
    Compares two longs for order.
    static int
    hashCode(long value)
    Returns a hash code for a long value.
    static byte[]
    toBytes(long value)
    Converts a long value into its equivalent big-endian sequence of bytes, equivalent to ByteBuffer.allocate(8).putLong(value).array().
    static String
    toHexString(long value, int length)
    Converts a long into a hex string with the specified number of digits.
    static int
    toInt(long value)
    Converts a long value to an integer, checking for overflow.
    static long
    toLong(byte[] bytes)
    Converts a big-endian sequence of bytes into the represented long value, equivalent to ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).getLong().

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • NO_LONGS

      public static final long[] NO_LONGS
      The shared empty array of longs.
  • Method Details

    • hashCode

      public static int hashCode(long value)
      Returns a hash code for a long value. This implementation returns the same value used by Long.hashCode().
      value - The value for which a hash code should be returned.
      The hash code of the long value.
    • toHexString

      public static String toHexString(long value, int length)
      Converts a long into a hex string with the specified number of digits.
      value - The value to convert.
      length - The number of digits the returned string should have.
      Lowercase hex version of the given value with the correct number of digits, using zeros to pad the left of the string to the correct length.
    • toBytes

      public static byte[] toBytes(long value)
      Converts a long value into its equivalent big-endian sequence of bytes, equivalent to ByteBuffer.allocate(8).putLong(value).array().
      Implementation Note:
      Modified from code in an answer on Stack Overflow.
      value - The value to convert to a sequence of bytes.
      The sequence of bytes representing the long value in network byte order.
    • toLong

      public static long toLong(byte[] bytes)
      Converts a big-endian sequence of bytes into the represented long value, equivalent to ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).getLong().
      Implementation Note:
      Modified from code in an answer on Stack Overflow.
      bytes - The bytes to convert to a long.
      The long value represented by the network byte order sequence of bytes.
    • toInt

      public static int toInt(long value)
      Converts a long value to an integer, checking for overflow.
      value - The value to convert.
      The long value as an integer.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the given value is smaller than Integer.MIN_VALUE or greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE.
    • compare

      public static int compare(long l1, long l2)
      Compares two longs for order.
      l1 - The first long to compare.
      l2 - The second long to compare.
      a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.