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ACTIVITY - Enum constant in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiCategory


categories() - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiData
Returns a set with the categories of all emojis
categoryName() - Method in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiCategory
character() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets the unicode character of the emoji in UTF-16 representation.
com.gluonhq.emoji - module com.gluonhq.emoji
com.gluonhq.emoji - package com.gluonhq.emoji
com.gluonhq.emoji.util - package com.gluonhq.emoji.util
convertToStringAndEmojiObjects(String) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.util.TextUtils
Parses a text string and returns a list of objects: all possible emojis found are replaced with Emoji objects, while the rest of the text is added as String objects.
convertToTextAndImageNodes(String) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.util.TextUtils
Parses a text string and returns a list of nodes: all possible emojis found are replaced with ImageView nodes based on their 20x20 images, while the rest of the text is added to Text nodes.
convertToTextAndImageNodes(String, double) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.util.TextUtils
Parses a text string and returns a list of nodes: all possible emojis found are replaced with ImageView nodes based on the supplied size, while the rest of the text is added to Text nodes.
convertUnifiedToImageNode(String) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.util.TextUtils
Parses a string that contains the unified representation of an emoji and returns an ImageView node based on its 20x20 image.
convertUnifiedToImageNode(String, double) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.util.TextUtils
Parses a string that contains the unified representation of an emoji and returns an ImageView node based on a size x size image.
copyEmoji(Emoji) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiData
Returns a new Emoji object, with the same most significant fields of another Emoji object


DARK_SKIN_TONE - Enum constant in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiSkinTone


Emoji - Class in com.gluonhq.emoji
The Emoji class holds all the parameters that define an Emoji instance, like its name, unified codepoints, x and y positions of the emoji image that can be located in a sprite sheet, or category and alternative emojis.
Emoji() - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
EMOJI_SIZE_FONT_FACTOR - Static variable in class com.gluonhq.emoji.util.TextUtils
EmojiCategory - Enum in com.gluonhq.emoji
EmojiData - Class in com.gluonhq.emoji
Processes all emojis available (including skin variations), and generates two maps: one map with emoji's shortName as key, the other with emoji's unified as key, providing utility methods to get collections of emojis or single emojis for a given criteria.
EmojiData() - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiData
emojiForText(String) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiData
For a given shortName, returns an optional with the unicode character representation of the emoji if exists, or empty otherwise
emojiFromCategory(String) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiData
Returns a list of emojis for a category string, sorted by emoji's sort order.
emojiFromCodeName(String) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiData
Returns Emoji from code name string, or empty if not found.
emojiFromCodepoints(String) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiData
Returns Emoji from its hex code point string representation.
emojiFromShortName(String) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiData
Returns Emoji from shortName string, or empty if not found.
emojiFromUnicodeString(String) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiData
Returns Emoji from unicode string, or empty if not found.
EmojiImageUtils - Class in com.gluonhq.emoji.util
EmojiImageUtils() - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.emoji.util.EmojiImageUtils
EmojiSkinTone - Enum in com.gluonhq.emoji
emojiView(Emoji, double) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.util.EmojiImageUtils
Provides ImageView containing emoji with a max size of 64 pixels.
emojiView(Emoji, double, double) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.util.EmojiImageUtils
Provides ImageView containing emoji with a max size of 64 pixels.
emojiWithoutTone(Emoji) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiData
For a given emoji variation with a possible skin tone, finds the emoji without any skin tone For instance, for the emoji "1F44B-1F3FC", returns the emoji "1F44B"
emojiWithTone(Emoji, EmojiSkinTone) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiData
For a given emoji, returns a possible emoji variation with a given skin tone, or the same emoji, if not found For instance, for the emoji "1F44B", and tone "1F3FC", returns the emoji "1F44B-1F3FC"
emojiWithTone(Emoji, EmojiSkinTone, EmojiSkinTone) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiData
For a given emoji, returns a possible emoji variation with a given couple of skin tones, or the same emoji, if not found For instance, for the emoji "1F9D1-200D-1F91D-200D-1F9D1", and tones "1F3FC" and "1F3FD", returns the emoji variation "1F9D1-1F3FC-200D-1F91D-200D-1F9D1-1F3FD"
equals(Object) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji


FLAGS - Enum constant in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiCategory
FOOD_DRINK - Enum constant in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiCategory
fromUnicode(String) - Static method in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiSkinTone


getAddedIn() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets the Emoji or Unicode version in which this codepoint/sequence was added.
getAu() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets the legacy Unicode codepoints used by au by KDDI, a Japanese phone carrier.
getCategory() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets the category group name.
getCodeName() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets the common short name of the emoji wrapped with colons.
getDocomo() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets the legacy Unicode codepoints used by NTT Docomo (previously styled as DoCoMo), a Japanese phone carrier, or null.
getEmojiCollection() - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiData
Returns the collection of all emojis
getGoogle() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets the legacy Unicode codepoints used by Google on Android devices, or null.
getImage() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets the name of the image file, like "1f604.png".
getImage20() - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.util.EmojiImageUtils
getImage32() - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.util.EmojiImageUtils
getImage64() - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.util.EmojiImageUtils
getImageView() - Method in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiSkinTone
getName() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets the official Unicode name, like "SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH AND SMILING EYES".
getNonQualified() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets the non-qualified version of the emojis that use a variation selector ("FE0F").
getObsoletedBy() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets the unicode codepoints of emojis that are no longer used, in preference of gendered versions.
getObsoletes() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets the unicode codepoints of emojis that are no longer used, in preference of gendered versions.
getSheetX() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets the x position of the image in the sprite sheets.
getSheetY() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets the y position of the image in the sprite sheets.
getShortName() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets the common short name of the emoji.
getShortNameList() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets a list of common short names for the emoji.
getSkinVariationMap() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
For emojis that support multiple skin tone variations, gets a map of alternative emojis, with keys, the skin tone values, like "1F3FB", and values, the alternative emojis.
getSkinVariationName(String) - Static method in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiSkinTone
getSoftbank() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets the legacy Unicode codepoints used by SoftBank, a Japanese phone carrier, or null.
getSortOrder() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets the global sorting index for the emoji, based on Unicode CLDR ordering.
getStyleClass() - Method in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiCategory
getSubcategory() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets the subcategory group name of the emoji.
getText() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets an ASCII version of the emoji, like ":)" for "1F604", or null if none exists.
getText() - Method in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiSkinTone
getTextList() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets a list with the ASCII version of the emoji, like ";)" and ";-)" for "1F609", or empty if none exists.
getUnicode() - Method in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiCategory
getUnicode() - Method in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiSkinTone
getUnified() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets the Unicode codepoint, like "1F604", without the 0x prefix.
getViewportFor20(Emoji) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.util.EmojiImageUtils
getViewportFor32(Emoji) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.util.EmojiImageUtils
getViewportFor64(Emoji) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.util.EmojiImageUtils


hashCode() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
hasImgApple() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets if the emoji has an Apple image available or false otherwise.
hasImgFacebook() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets if the emoji has a Facebook image available or false otherwise.
hasImgGoogle() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets if the emoji has a Google image available or false otherwise.
hasImgTwitter() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets if the emoji has a Twitter image available or false otherwise.


IMAGE_VIEW_EMOJI_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.gluonhq.emoji.util.EmojiImageUtils
isDoubleByte(Emoji) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
isRetina() - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.util.EmojiImageUtils
Returns true is one of the Screen is a Retina display or a scaling factor of more than equal to 1.5


LIGHT_SKIN_TONE - Enum constant in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiSkinTone


MEDIUM_DARK_SKIN_TONE - Enum constant in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiSkinTone
MEDIUM_LIGHT_SKIN_TONE - Enum constant in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiSkinTone
MEDIUM_SKIN_TONE - Enum constant in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiSkinTone


NATURE - Enum constant in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiCategory
NO_SKIN_TONE - Enum constant in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiSkinTone


OBJECTS - Enum constant in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiCategory


search(String) - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiData
Returns a list of emojis for which their shortName contains a given text string, sorted by emoji's sort order.
setAddedIn(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets the Emoji or Unicode version in which this codepoint/sequence was added.
setAu(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets The legacy Unicode codepoints used by au by KDDI, a Japanese phone carrier.
setCategory(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets the category group name of the emoji.
setDocomo(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets the legacy Unicode codepoints used by NTT Docomo (previously styled as DoCoMo), a Japanese phone carrier, or null.
setGoogle(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets The legacy Unicode codepoints used by Google on Android devices.
setHasImgApple(boolean) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets if the emoji has an Apple image available.
setHasImgFacebook(boolean) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets if the emoji has a Facebook image available.
setHasImgGoogle(boolean) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets if the emoji has a Google image available.
setHasImgTwitter(boolean) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets if the emoji has a Twitter image available.
setImage(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets the name of the image file, like "1f604.png".
setName(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets the official Unicode name, like "SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH AND SMILING EYES".
setNonQualified(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets the non-qualified version of the emojis that use a variation selector ("FE0F").
setObsoletedBy(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Gets the unicode codepoints of emojis that are no longer used, in preference of gendered versions.
setObsoletes(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets the unicode codepoints of emojis that are no longer used, in preference of gendered versions.
setSheetX(int) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets the x position of the image in the sprite sheets.
setSheetY(int) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets the y position of the image in the sprite sheets.
setShortName(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets the common short name for the emoji.
setShortNameList(List<String>) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets the list of common short names for the emoji.
setSkinVariationMap(Map<String, Emoji>) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
For emojis that support multiple skin tone variations, sets a map of alternative emojis, with keys, the skin tone values, like "1F3FB", and values, the alternative emojis.
setSoftbank(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets the legacy Unicode codepoints used by SoftBank, a Japanese phone carrier.
setSortOrder(int) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets the global sorting index for the emoji, based on Unicode CLDR ordering.
setSubcategory(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets the subcategory group name of the emoji.
setText(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets an ASCII version of the emoji, like ":)" for "1F604", or null if none exists.
setTextList(List<String>) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets a list with the ASCII version of the emoji, like ";)" and ";-)" for "1F609".
setUnified(String) - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
Sets the Unicode codepoint, like "1F604", without the 0x prefix.
shortNamesSet() - Static method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiData
Returns a set with the shortNames of all emojis
SMILEYS_PEOPLE - Enum constant in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiCategory
SYMBOLS - Enum constant in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiCategory


TextUtils - Class in com.gluonhq.emoji.util
TextUtils() - Constructor for class com.gluonhq.emoji.util.TextUtils
toString() - Method in class com.gluonhq.emoji.Emoji
TRAVEL - Enum constant in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiCategory


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiCategory
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiSkinTone
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiCategory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.gluonhq.emoji.EmojiSkinTone
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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