Interface MetricsOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Metrics, Metrics.Builder

    public interface MetricsOrBuilder
    • Method Detail

      • hasAbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage

        boolean hasAbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage()
         The percent of your ad impressions that are shown as the very first ad
         above the organic search results.
        optional double absolute_top_impression_percentage = 183;
        Whether the absoluteTopImpressionPercentage field is set.
      • getAbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage

        double getAbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage()
         The percent of your ad impressions that are shown as the very first ad
         above the organic search results.
        optional double absolute_top_impression_percentage = 183;
        The absoluteTopImpressionPercentage.
      • hasActiveViewCpm

        boolean hasActiveViewCpm()
         Average cost of viewable impressions (`active_view_impressions`).
        optional double active_view_cpm = 184;
        Whether the activeViewCpm field is set.
      • getActiveViewCpm

        double getActiveViewCpm()
         Average cost of viewable impressions (`active_view_impressions`).
        optional double active_view_cpm = 184;
        The activeViewCpm.
      • hasActiveViewCtr

        boolean hasActiveViewCtr()
         Active view measurable clicks divided by active view viewable impressions.
         This metric is reported only for the Display Network.
        optional double active_view_ctr = 185;
        Whether the activeViewCtr field is set.
      • getActiveViewCtr

        double getActiveViewCtr()
         Active view measurable clicks divided by active view viewable impressions.
         This metric is reported only for the Display Network.
        optional double active_view_ctr = 185;
        The activeViewCtr.
      • hasActiveViewImpressions

        boolean hasActiveViewImpressions()
         A measurement of how often your ad has become viewable on a Display
         Network site.
        optional int64 active_view_impressions = 186;
        Whether the activeViewImpressions field is set.
      • getActiveViewImpressions

        long getActiveViewImpressions()
         A measurement of how often your ad has become viewable on a Display
         Network site.
        optional int64 active_view_impressions = 186;
        The activeViewImpressions.
      • hasActiveViewMeasurability

        boolean hasActiveViewMeasurability()
         The ratio of impressions that could be measured by Active View over the
         number of served impressions.
        optional double active_view_measurability = 187;
        Whether the activeViewMeasurability field is set.
      • getActiveViewMeasurability

        double getActiveViewMeasurability()
         The ratio of impressions that could be measured by Active View over the
         number of served impressions.
        optional double active_view_measurability = 187;
        The activeViewMeasurability.
      • hasActiveViewMeasurableCostMicros

        boolean hasActiveViewMeasurableCostMicros()
         The cost of the impressions you received that were measurable by Active
        optional int64 active_view_measurable_cost_micros = 188;
        Whether the activeViewMeasurableCostMicros field is set.
      • getActiveViewMeasurableCostMicros

        long getActiveViewMeasurableCostMicros()
         The cost of the impressions you received that were measurable by Active
        optional int64 active_view_measurable_cost_micros = 188;
        The activeViewMeasurableCostMicros.
      • hasActiveViewMeasurableImpressions

        boolean hasActiveViewMeasurableImpressions()
         The number of times your ads are appearing on placements in positions
         where they can be seen.
        optional int64 active_view_measurable_impressions = 189;
        Whether the activeViewMeasurableImpressions field is set.
      • getActiveViewMeasurableImpressions

        long getActiveViewMeasurableImpressions()
         The number of times your ads are appearing on placements in positions
         where they can be seen.
        optional int64 active_view_measurable_impressions = 189;
        The activeViewMeasurableImpressions.
      • hasActiveViewViewability

        boolean hasActiveViewViewability()
         The percentage of time when your ad appeared on an Active View enabled site
         (measurable impressions) and was viewable (viewable impressions).
        optional double active_view_viewability = 190;
        Whether the activeViewViewability field is set.
      • getActiveViewViewability

        double getActiveViewViewability()
         The percentage of time when your ad appeared on an Active View enabled site
         (measurable impressions) and was viewable (viewable impressions).
        optional double active_view_viewability = 190;
        The activeViewViewability.
      • hasAllConversionsFromInteractionsRate

        boolean hasAllConversionsFromInteractionsRate()
         All conversions from interactions (as oppose to view through conversions)
         divided by the number of ad interactions.
        optional double all_conversions_from_interactions_rate = 191;
        Whether the allConversionsFromInteractionsRate field is set.
      • getAllConversionsFromInteractionsRate

        double getAllConversionsFromInteractionsRate()
         All conversions from interactions (as oppose to view through conversions)
         divided by the number of ad interactions.
        optional double all_conversions_from_interactions_rate = 191;
        The allConversionsFromInteractionsRate.
      • hasAllConversionsValue

        boolean hasAllConversionsValue()
         The value of all conversions.
        optional double all_conversions_value = 192;
        Whether the allConversionsValue field is set.
      • getAllConversionsValue

        double getAllConversionsValue()
         The value of all conversions.
        optional double all_conversions_value = 192;
        The allConversionsValue.
      • getAllConversionsValueByConversionDate

        double getAllConversionsValueByConversionDate()
         The value of all conversions. When this column is selected with date, the
         values in date column means the conversion date. Details for the
         by_conversion_date columns are available at
        double all_conversions_value_by_conversion_date = 240;
        The allConversionsValueByConversionDate.
      • hasAllConversions

        boolean hasAllConversions()
         The total number of conversions. This includes all conversions regardless
         of the value of include_in_conversions_metric.
        optional double all_conversions = 193;
        Whether the allConversions field is set.
      • getAllConversions

        double getAllConversions()
         The total number of conversions. This includes all conversions regardless
         of the value of include_in_conversions_metric.
        optional double all_conversions = 193;
        The allConversions.
      • getAllConversionsByConversionDate

        double getAllConversionsByConversionDate()
         The total number of conversions. This includes all conversions regardless
         of the value of include_in_conversions_metric. When this column is selected
         with date, the values in date column means the conversion date. Details for
         the by_conversion_date columns are available at
        double all_conversions_by_conversion_date = 241;
        The allConversionsByConversionDate.
      • hasAllConversionsValuePerCost

        boolean hasAllConversionsValuePerCost()
         The value of all conversions divided by the total cost of ad interactions
         (such as clicks for text ads or views for video ads).
        optional double all_conversions_value_per_cost = 194;
        Whether the allConversionsValuePerCost field is set.
      • getAllConversionsValuePerCost

        double getAllConversionsValuePerCost()
         The value of all conversions divided by the total cost of ad interactions
         (such as clicks for text ads or views for video ads).
        optional double all_conversions_value_per_cost = 194;
        The allConversionsValuePerCost.
      • hasAllConversionsFromClickToCall

        boolean hasAllConversionsFromClickToCall()
         The number of times people clicked the "Call" button to call a store during
         or after clicking an ad. This number doesn't include whether or not calls
         were connected, or the duration of any calls.
         This metric applies to feed items only.
        optional double all_conversions_from_click_to_call = 195;
        Whether the allConversionsFromClickToCall field is set.
      • getAllConversionsFromClickToCall

        double getAllConversionsFromClickToCall()
         The number of times people clicked the "Call" button to call a store during
         or after clicking an ad. This number doesn't include whether or not calls
         were connected, or the duration of any calls.
         This metric applies to feed items only.
        optional double all_conversions_from_click_to_call = 195;
        The allConversionsFromClickToCall.
      • hasAllConversionsFromDirections

        boolean hasAllConversionsFromDirections()
         The number of times people clicked a "Get directions" button to navigate to
         a store after clicking an ad.
         This metric applies to feed items only.
        optional double all_conversions_from_directions = 196;
        Whether the allConversionsFromDirections field is set.
      • getAllConversionsFromDirections

        double getAllConversionsFromDirections()
         The number of times people clicked a "Get directions" button to navigate to
         a store after clicking an ad.
         This metric applies to feed items only.
        optional double all_conversions_from_directions = 196;
        The allConversionsFromDirections.
      • hasAllConversionsFromInteractionsValuePerInteraction

        boolean hasAllConversionsFromInteractionsValuePerInteraction()
         The value of all conversions from interactions divided by the total number
         of interactions.
        optional double all_conversions_from_interactions_value_per_interaction = 197;
        Whether the allConversionsFromInteractionsValuePerInteraction field is set.
      • getAllConversionsFromInteractionsValuePerInteraction

        double getAllConversionsFromInteractionsValuePerInteraction()
         The value of all conversions from interactions divided by the total number
         of interactions.
        optional double all_conversions_from_interactions_value_per_interaction = 197;
        The allConversionsFromInteractionsValuePerInteraction.
      • hasAllConversionsFromMenu

        boolean hasAllConversionsFromMenu()
         The number of times people clicked a link to view a store's menu after
         clicking an ad.
         This metric applies to feed items only.
        optional double all_conversions_from_menu = 198;
        Whether the allConversionsFromMenu field is set.
      • getAllConversionsFromMenu

        double getAllConversionsFromMenu()
         The number of times people clicked a link to view a store's menu after
         clicking an ad.
         This metric applies to feed items only.
        optional double all_conversions_from_menu = 198;
        The allConversionsFromMenu.
      • hasAllConversionsFromOrder

        boolean hasAllConversionsFromOrder()
         The number of times people placed an order at a store after clicking an ad.
         This metric applies to feed items only.
        optional double all_conversions_from_order = 199;
        Whether the allConversionsFromOrder field is set.
      • getAllConversionsFromOrder

        double getAllConversionsFromOrder()
         The number of times people placed an order at a store after clicking an ad.
         This metric applies to feed items only.
        optional double all_conversions_from_order = 199;
        The allConversionsFromOrder.
      • hasAllConversionsFromOtherEngagement

        boolean hasAllConversionsFromOtherEngagement()
         The number of other conversions (for example, posting a review or saving a
         location for a store) that occurred after people clicked an ad.
         This metric applies to feed items only.
        optional double all_conversions_from_other_engagement = 200;
        Whether the allConversionsFromOtherEngagement field is set.
      • getAllConversionsFromOtherEngagement

        double getAllConversionsFromOtherEngagement()
         The number of other conversions (for example, posting a review or saving a
         location for a store) that occurred after people clicked an ad.
         This metric applies to feed items only.
        optional double all_conversions_from_other_engagement = 200;
        The allConversionsFromOtherEngagement.
      • hasAllConversionsFromStoreVisit

        boolean hasAllConversionsFromStoreVisit()
         Estimated number of times people visited a store after clicking an ad.
         This metric applies to feed items only.
        optional double all_conversions_from_store_visit = 201;
        Whether the allConversionsFromStoreVisit field is set.
      • getAllConversionsFromStoreVisit

        double getAllConversionsFromStoreVisit()
         Estimated number of times people visited a store after clicking an ad.
         This metric applies to feed items only.
        optional double all_conversions_from_store_visit = 201;
        The allConversionsFromStoreVisit.
      • hasAllConversionsFromStoreWebsite

        boolean hasAllConversionsFromStoreWebsite()
         The number of times that people were taken to a store's URL after clicking
         an ad.
         This metric applies to feed items only.
        optional double all_conversions_from_store_website = 202;
        Whether the allConversionsFromStoreWebsite field is set.
      • getAllConversionsFromStoreWebsite

        double getAllConversionsFromStoreWebsite()
         The number of times that people were taken to a store's URL after clicking
         an ad.
         This metric applies to feed items only.
        optional double all_conversions_from_store_website = 202;
        The allConversionsFromStoreWebsite.
      • hasAuctionInsightSearchAbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage

        boolean hasAuctionInsightSearchAbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage()
         This metric is part of the Auction Insights report, and tells how often
         the ads of another participant showed as the very first ad above the
         organic search results.
         This percentage is computed only over the auctions that you appeared in
         the page.
         This metric is not publicly available.
        optional double auction_insight_search_absolute_top_impression_percentage = 258;
        Whether the auctionInsightSearchAbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage field is set.
      • getAuctionInsightSearchAbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage

        double getAuctionInsightSearchAbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage()
         This metric is part of the Auction Insights report, and tells how often
         the ads of another participant showed as the very first ad above the
         organic search results.
         This percentage is computed only over the auctions that you appeared in
         the page.
         This metric is not publicly available.
        optional double auction_insight_search_absolute_top_impression_percentage = 258;
        The auctionInsightSearchAbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage.
      • hasAuctionInsightSearchImpressionShare

        boolean hasAuctionInsightSearchImpressionShare()
         This metric is part of the Auction Insights report, and tells the
         percentage of impressions that another participant obtained, over the total
         number of impressions that your ads were eligible for.
         Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999.
         This metric is not publicly available.
        optional double auction_insight_search_impression_share = 259;
        Whether the auctionInsightSearchImpressionShare field is set.
      • getAuctionInsightSearchImpressionShare

        double getAuctionInsightSearchImpressionShare()
         This metric is part of the Auction Insights report, and tells the
         percentage of impressions that another participant obtained, over the total
         number of impressions that your ads were eligible for.
         Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999.
         This metric is not publicly available.
        optional double auction_insight_search_impression_share = 259;
        The auctionInsightSearchImpressionShare.
      • hasAuctionInsightSearchOutrankingShare

        boolean hasAuctionInsightSearchOutrankingShare()
         This metric is part of the Auction Insights report, and tells the
         percentage of impressions that your ads outranked (showed above)
         another participant in the auction, compared to the total number of
         impressions that your ads were eligible for.
         Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999.
         This metric is not publicly available.
        optional double auction_insight_search_outranking_share = 260;
        Whether the auctionInsightSearchOutrankingShare field is set.
      • getAuctionInsightSearchOutrankingShare

        double getAuctionInsightSearchOutrankingShare()
         This metric is part of the Auction Insights report, and tells the
         percentage of impressions that your ads outranked (showed above)
         another participant in the auction, compared to the total number of
         impressions that your ads were eligible for.
         Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999.
         This metric is not publicly available.
        optional double auction_insight_search_outranking_share = 260;
        The auctionInsightSearchOutrankingShare.
      • hasAuctionInsightSearchOverlapRate

        boolean hasAuctionInsightSearchOverlapRate()
         This metric is part of the Auction Insights report, and tells how often
         another participant's ad received an impression when your ad also received
         an impression.
         This metric is not publicly available.
        optional double auction_insight_search_overlap_rate = 261;
        Whether the auctionInsightSearchOverlapRate field is set.
      • getAuctionInsightSearchOverlapRate

        double getAuctionInsightSearchOverlapRate()
         This metric is part of the Auction Insights report, and tells how often
         another participant's ad received an impression when your ad also received
         an impression.
         This metric is not publicly available.
        optional double auction_insight_search_overlap_rate = 261;
        The auctionInsightSearchOverlapRate.
      • hasAuctionInsightSearchPositionAboveRate

        boolean hasAuctionInsightSearchPositionAboveRate()
         This metric is part of the Auction Insights report, and tells how often
         another participant's ad was shown in a higher position than yours, when
         both of your ads were shown at the same page.
         This metric is not publicly available.
        optional double auction_insight_search_position_above_rate = 262;
        Whether the auctionInsightSearchPositionAboveRate field is set.
      • getAuctionInsightSearchPositionAboveRate

        double getAuctionInsightSearchPositionAboveRate()
         This metric is part of the Auction Insights report, and tells how often
         another participant's ad was shown in a higher position than yours, when
         both of your ads were shown at the same page.
         This metric is not publicly available.
        optional double auction_insight_search_position_above_rate = 262;
        The auctionInsightSearchPositionAboveRate.
      • hasAuctionInsightSearchTopImpressionPercentage

        boolean hasAuctionInsightSearchTopImpressionPercentage()
         This metric is part of the Auction Insights report, and tells how often
         the ads of another participant showed above the organic search results.
         This percentage is computed only over the auctions that you appeared in
         the page.
         This metric is not publicly available.
        optional double auction_insight_search_top_impression_percentage = 263;
        Whether the auctionInsightSearchTopImpressionPercentage field is set.
      • getAuctionInsightSearchTopImpressionPercentage

        double getAuctionInsightSearchTopImpressionPercentage()
         This metric is part of the Auction Insights report, and tells how often
         the ads of another participant showed above the organic search results.
         This percentage is computed only over the auctions that you appeared in
         the page.
         This metric is not publicly available.
        optional double auction_insight_search_top_impression_percentage = 263;
        The auctionInsightSearchTopImpressionPercentage.
      • hasAverageCost

        boolean hasAverageCost()
         The average amount you pay per interaction. This amount is the total cost
         of your ads divided by the total number of interactions.
        optional double average_cost = 203;
        Whether the averageCost field is set.
      • getAverageCost

        double getAverageCost()
         The average amount you pay per interaction. This amount is the total cost
         of your ads divided by the total number of interactions.
        optional double average_cost = 203;
        The averageCost.
      • hasAverageCpc

        boolean hasAverageCpc()
         The total cost of all clicks divided by the total number of clicks
        optional double average_cpc = 204;
        Whether the averageCpc field is set.
      • getAverageCpc

        double getAverageCpc()
         The total cost of all clicks divided by the total number of clicks
        optional double average_cpc = 204;
        The averageCpc.
      • hasAverageCpe

        boolean hasAverageCpe()
         The average amount that you've been charged for an ad engagement. This
         amount is the total cost of all ad engagements divided by the total number
         of ad engagements.
        optional double average_cpe = 205;
        Whether the averageCpe field is set.
      • getAverageCpe

        double getAverageCpe()
         The average amount that you've been charged for an ad engagement. This
         amount is the total cost of all ad engagements divided by the total number
         of ad engagements.
        optional double average_cpe = 205;
        The averageCpe.
      • hasAverageCpm

        boolean hasAverageCpm()
         Average cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM).
        optional double average_cpm = 206;
        Whether the averageCpm field is set.
      • getAverageCpm

        double getAverageCpm()
         Average cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM).
        optional double average_cpm = 206;
        The averageCpm.
      • hasAverageCpv

        boolean hasAverageCpv()
         The average amount you pay each time someone views your ad.
         The average CPV is defined by the total cost of all ad views divided by
         the number of views.
        optional double average_cpv = 207;
        Whether the averageCpv field is set.
      • getAverageCpv

        double getAverageCpv()
         The average amount you pay each time someone views your ad.
         The average CPV is defined by the total cost of all ad views divided by
         the number of views.
        optional double average_cpv = 207;
        The averageCpv.
      • hasAveragePageViews

        boolean hasAveragePageViews()
         Average number of pages viewed per session.
        optional double average_page_views = 208;
        Whether the averagePageViews field is set.
      • getAveragePageViews

        double getAveragePageViews()
         Average number of pages viewed per session.
        optional double average_page_views = 208;
        The averagePageViews.
      • hasAverageTimeOnSite

        boolean hasAverageTimeOnSite()
         Total duration of all sessions (in seconds) / number of sessions. Imported
         from Google Analytics.
        optional double average_time_on_site = 209;
        Whether the averageTimeOnSite field is set.
      • getAverageTimeOnSite

        double getAverageTimeOnSite()
         Total duration of all sessions (in seconds) / number of sessions. Imported
         from Google Analytics.
        optional double average_time_on_site = 209;
        The averageTimeOnSite.
      • hasBenchmarkAverageMaxCpc

        boolean hasBenchmarkAverageMaxCpc()
         An indication of how other advertisers are bidding on similar products.
        optional double benchmark_average_max_cpc = 210;
        Whether the benchmarkAverageMaxCpc field is set.
      • getBenchmarkAverageMaxCpc

        double getBenchmarkAverageMaxCpc()
         An indication of how other advertisers are bidding on similar products.
        optional double benchmark_average_max_cpc = 210;
        The benchmarkAverageMaxCpc.
      • hasBiddableAppInstallConversions

        boolean hasBiddableAppInstallConversions()
         Number of app installs.
        optional double biddable_app_install_conversions = 254;
        Whether the biddableAppInstallConversions field is set.
      • getBiddableAppInstallConversions

        double getBiddableAppInstallConversions()
         Number of app installs.
        optional double biddable_app_install_conversions = 254;
        The biddableAppInstallConversions.
      • hasBiddableAppPostInstallConversions

        boolean hasBiddableAppPostInstallConversions()
         Number of in-app actions.
        optional double biddable_app_post_install_conversions = 255;
        Whether the biddableAppPostInstallConversions field is set.
      • getBiddableAppPostInstallConversions

        double getBiddableAppPostInstallConversions()
         Number of in-app actions.
        optional double biddable_app_post_install_conversions = 255;
        The biddableAppPostInstallConversions.
      • hasBenchmarkCtr

        boolean hasBenchmarkCtr()
         An indication on how other advertisers' Shopping ads for similar products
         are performing based on how often people who see their ad click on it.
        optional double benchmark_ctr = 211;
        Whether the benchmarkCtr field is set.
      • getBenchmarkCtr

        double getBenchmarkCtr()
         An indication on how other advertisers' Shopping ads for similar products
         are performing based on how often people who see their ad click on it.
        optional double benchmark_ctr = 211;
        The benchmarkCtr.
      • hasBounceRate

        boolean hasBounceRate()
         Percentage of clicks where the user only visited a single page on your
         site. Imported from Google Analytics.
        optional double bounce_rate = 212;
        Whether the bounceRate field is set.
      • getBounceRate

        double getBounceRate()
         Percentage of clicks where the user only visited a single page on your
         site. Imported from Google Analytics.
        optional double bounce_rate = 212;
        The bounceRate.
      • hasClicks

        boolean hasClicks()
         The number of clicks.
        optional int64 clicks = 131;
        Whether the clicks field is set.
      • getClicks

        long getClicks()
         The number of clicks.
        optional int64 clicks = 131;
        The clicks.
      • hasCombinedClicks

        boolean hasCombinedClicks()
         The number of times your ad or your site's listing in the unpaid
         results was clicked. See the help page at for details.
        optional int64 combined_clicks = 156;
        Whether the combinedClicks field is set.
      • getCombinedClicks

        long getCombinedClicks()
         The number of times your ad or your site's listing in the unpaid
         results was clicked. See the help page at for details.
        optional int64 combined_clicks = 156;
        The combinedClicks.
      • hasCombinedClicksPerQuery

        boolean hasCombinedClicksPerQuery()
         The number of times your ad or your site's listing in the unpaid
         results was clicked (combined_clicks) divided by combined_queries. See the
         help page at for
        optional double combined_clicks_per_query = 157;
        Whether the combinedClicksPerQuery field is set.
      • getCombinedClicksPerQuery

        double getCombinedClicksPerQuery()
         The number of times your ad or your site's listing in the unpaid
         results was clicked (combined_clicks) divided by combined_queries. See the
         help page at for
        optional double combined_clicks_per_query = 157;
        The combinedClicksPerQuery.
      • hasCombinedQueries

        boolean hasCombinedQueries()
         The number of searches that returned pages from your site in the unpaid
         results or showed one of your text ads. See the help page at for details.
        optional int64 combined_queries = 158;
        Whether the combinedQueries field is set.
      • getCombinedQueries

        long getCombinedQueries()
         The number of searches that returned pages from your site in the unpaid
         results or showed one of your text ads. See the help page at for details.
        optional int64 combined_queries = 158;
        The combinedQueries.
      • hasContentBudgetLostImpressionShare

        boolean hasContentBudgetLostImpressionShare()
         The estimated percent of times that your ad was eligible to show
         on the Display Network but didn't because your budget was too low.
         Note: Content budget lost impression share is reported in the range of 0
         to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
        optional double content_budget_lost_impression_share = 159;
        Whether the contentBudgetLostImpressionShare field is set.
      • getContentBudgetLostImpressionShare

        double getContentBudgetLostImpressionShare()
         The estimated percent of times that your ad was eligible to show
         on the Display Network but didn't because your budget was too low.
         Note: Content budget lost impression share is reported in the range of 0
         to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
        optional double content_budget_lost_impression_share = 159;
        The contentBudgetLostImpressionShare.
      • hasContentImpressionShare

        boolean hasContentImpressionShare()
         The impressions you've received on the Display Network divided
         by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive.
         Note: Content impression share is reported in the range of 0.1 to 1. Any
         value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999.
        optional double content_impression_share = 160;
        Whether the contentImpressionShare field is set.
      • getContentImpressionShare

        double getContentImpressionShare()
         The impressions you've received on the Display Network divided
         by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive.
         Note: Content impression share is reported in the range of 0.1 to 1. Any
         value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999.
        optional double content_impression_share = 160;
        The contentImpressionShare.
      • hasConversionLastReceivedRequestDateTime

        boolean hasConversionLastReceivedRequestDateTime()
         The last date/time a conversion tag for this conversion action successfully
         fired and was seen by Google Ads. This firing event may not have been the
         result of an attributable conversion (for example, because the tag was
         fired from a browser that did not previously click an ad from an
         appropriate advertiser). The date/time is in the customer's time zone.
        optional string conversion_last_received_request_date_time = 161;
        Whether the conversionLastReceivedRequestDateTime field is set.
      • getConversionLastReceivedRequestDateTime

        java.lang.String getConversionLastReceivedRequestDateTime()
         The last date/time a conversion tag for this conversion action successfully
         fired and was seen by Google Ads. This firing event may not have been the
         result of an attributable conversion (for example, because the tag was
         fired from a browser that did not previously click an ad from an
         appropriate advertiser). The date/time is in the customer's time zone.
        optional string conversion_last_received_request_date_time = 161;
        The conversionLastReceivedRequestDateTime.
      • getConversionLastReceivedRequestDateTimeBytes getConversionLastReceivedRequestDateTimeBytes()
         The last date/time a conversion tag for this conversion action successfully
         fired and was seen by Google Ads. This firing event may not have been the
         result of an attributable conversion (for example, because the tag was
         fired from a browser that did not previously click an ad from an
         appropriate advertiser). The date/time is in the customer's time zone.
        optional string conversion_last_received_request_date_time = 161;
        The bytes for conversionLastReceivedRequestDateTime.
      • hasConversionLastConversionDate

        boolean hasConversionLastConversionDate()
         The date of the most recent conversion for this conversion action. The date
         is in the customer's time zone.
        optional string conversion_last_conversion_date = 162;
        Whether the conversionLastConversionDate field is set.
      • getConversionLastConversionDate

        java.lang.String getConversionLastConversionDate()
         The date of the most recent conversion for this conversion action. The date
         is in the customer's time zone.
        optional string conversion_last_conversion_date = 162;
        The conversionLastConversionDate.
      • getConversionLastConversionDateBytes getConversionLastConversionDateBytes()
         The date of the most recent conversion for this conversion action. The date
         is in the customer's time zone.
        optional string conversion_last_conversion_date = 162;
        The bytes for conversionLastConversionDate.
      • hasContentRankLostImpressionShare

        boolean hasContentRankLostImpressionShare()
         The estimated percentage of impressions on the Display Network
         that your ads didn't receive due to poor Ad Rank.
         Note: Content rank lost impression share is reported in the range of 0
         to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
        optional double content_rank_lost_impression_share = 163;
        Whether the contentRankLostImpressionShare field is set.
      • getContentRankLostImpressionShare

        double getContentRankLostImpressionShare()
         The estimated percentage of impressions on the Display Network
         that your ads didn't receive due to poor Ad Rank.
         Note: Content rank lost impression share is reported in the range of 0
         to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
        optional double content_rank_lost_impression_share = 163;
        The contentRankLostImpressionShare.
      • hasConversionsFromInteractionsRate

        boolean hasConversionsFromInteractionsRate()
         Conversions from interactions divided by the number of ad interactions
         (such as clicks for text ads or views for video ads). This only includes
         conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to
         true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will
         optimize for these conversions.
        optional double conversions_from_interactions_rate = 164;
        Whether the conversionsFromInteractionsRate field is set.
      • getConversionsFromInteractionsRate

        double getConversionsFromInteractionsRate()
         Conversions from interactions divided by the number of ad interactions
         (such as clicks for text ads or views for video ads). This only includes
         conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to
         true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will
         optimize for these conversions.
        optional double conversions_from_interactions_rate = 164;
        The conversionsFromInteractionsRate.
      • hasConversionsValue

        boolean hasConversionsValue()
         The value of conversions. This only includes conversion actions which
         include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use
         conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these
        optional double conversions_value = 165;
        Whether the conversionsValue field is set.
      • getConversionsValue

        double getConversionsValue()
         The value of conversions. This only includes conversion actions which
         include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use
         conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these
        optional double conversions_value = 165;
        The conversionsValue.
      • getConversionsValueByConversionDate

        double getConversionsValueByConversionDate()
         The value of conversions. This only includes conversion actions which
         include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use
         conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these
         conversions. When this column is selected with date, the values in date
         column means the conversion date. Details for the by_conversion_date
         columns are available at
        double conversions_value_by_conversion_date = 242;
        The conversionsValueByConversionDate.
      • hasConversionsValuePerCost

        boolean hasConversionsValuePerCost()
         The value of conversions divided by the cost of ad interactions. This only
         includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute
         is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies
         will optimize for these conversions.
        optional double conversions_value_per_cost = 166;
        Whether the conversionsValuePerCost field is set.
      • getConversionsValuePerCost

        double getConversionsValuePerCost()
         The value of conversions divided by the cost of ad interactions. This only
         includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute
         is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies
         will optimize for these conversions.
        optional double conversions_value_per_cost = 166;
        The conversionsValuePerCost.
      • hasConversionsFromInteractionsValuePerInteraction

        boolean hasConversionsFromInteractionsValuePerInteraction()
         The value of conversions from interactions divided by the number of ad
         interactions. This only includes conversion actions which
         include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use
         conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these
        optional double conversions_from_interactions_value_per_interaction = 167;
        Whether the conversionsFromInteractionsValuePerInteraction field is set.
      • getConversionsFromInteractionsValuePerInteraction

        double getConversionsFromInteractionsValuePerInteraction()
         The value of conversions from interactions divided by the number of ad
         interactions. This only includes conversion actions which
         include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use
         conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these
        optional double conversions_from_interactions_value_per_interaction = 167;
        The conversionsFromInteractionsValuePerInteraction.
      • hasConversions

        boolean hasConversions()
         The number of conversions. This only includes conversion actions which
         include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use
         conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these
        optional double conversions = 168;
        Whether the conversions field is set.
      • getConversions

        double getConversions()
         The number of conversions. This only includes conversion actions which
         include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use
         conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these
        optional double conversions = 168;
        The conversions.
      • getConversionsByConversionDate

        double getConversionsByConversionDate()
         The number of conversions. This only includes conversion actions which
         include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use
         conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these
         conversions. When this column is selected with date, the values in date
         column means the conversion date. Details for the by_conversion_date
         columns are available at
        double conversions_by_conversion_date = 243;
        The conversionsByConversionDate.
      • hasCostMicros

        boolean hasCostMicros()
         The sum of your cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-thousand impressions
         (CPM) costs during this period.
        optional int64 cost_micros = 169;
        Whether the costMicros field is set.
      • getCostMicros

        long getCostMicros()
         The sum of your cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-thousand impressions
         (CPM) costs during this period.
        optional int64 cost_micros = 169;
        The costMicros.
      • hasCostPerAllConversions

        boolean hasCostPerAllConversions()
         The cost of ad interactions divided by all conversions.
        optional double cost_per_all_conversions = 170;
        Whether the costPerAllConversions field is set.
      • getCostPerAllConversions

        double getCostPerAllConversions()
         The cost of ad interactions divided by all conversions.
        optional double cost_per_all_conversions = 170;
        The costPerAllConversions.
      • hasCostPerConversion

        boolean hasCostPerConversion()
         The cost of ad interactions divided by conversions. This only includes
         conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to
         true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will
         optimize for these conversions.
        optional double cost_per_conversion = 171;
        Whether the costPerConversion field is set.
      • getCostPerConversion

        double getCostPerConversion()
         The cost of ad interactions divided by conversions. This only includes
         conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to
         true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will
         optimize for these conversions.
        optional double cost_per_conversion = 171;
        The costPerConversion.
      • hasCostPerCurrentModelAttributedConversion

        boolean hasCostPerCurrentModelAttributedConversion()
         The cost of ad interactions divided by current model attributed
         conversions. This only includes conversion actions which
         include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use
         conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these
        optional double cost_per_current_model_attributed_conversion = 172;
        Whether the costPerCurrentModelAttributedConversion field is set.
      • getCostPerCurrentModelAttributedConversion

        double getCostPerCurrentModelAttributedConversion()
         The cost of ad interactions divided by current model attributed
         conversions. This only includes conversion actions which
         include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use
         conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these
        optional double cost_per_current_model_attributed_conversion = 172;
        The costPerCurrentModelAttributedConversion.
      • hasCrossDeviceConversions

        boolean hasCrossDeviceConversions()
         Conversions from when a customer clicks on a Google Ads ad on one device,
         then converts on a different device or browser.
         Cross-device conversions are already included in all_conversions.
        optional double cross_device_conversions = 173;
        Whether the crossDeviceConversions field is set.
      • getCrossDeviceConversions

        double getCrossDeviceConversions()
         Conversions from when a customer clicks on a Google Ads ad on one device,
         then converts on a different device or browser.
         Cross-device conversions are already included in all_conversions.
        optional double cross_device_conversions = 173;
        The crossDeviceConversions.
      • hasCtr

        boolean hasCtr()
         The number of clicks your ad receives (Clicks) divided by the number
         of times your ad is shown (Impressions).
        optional double ctr = 174;
        Whether the ctr field is set.
      • getCtr

        double getCtr()
         The number of clicks your ad receives (Clicks) divided by the number
         of times your ad is shown (Impressions).
        optional double ctr = 174;
        The ctr.
      • hasCurrentModelAttributedConversions

        boolean hasCurrentModelAttributedConversions()
         Shows how your historic conversions data would look under the attribution
         model you've currently selected. This only includes conversion actions
         which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use
         conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these
        optional double current_model_attributed_conversions = 175;
        Whether the currentModelAttributedConversions field is set.
      • getCurrentModelAttributedConversions

        double getCurrentModelAttributedConversions()
         Shows how your historic conversions data would look under the attribution
         model you've currently selected. This only includes conversion actions
         which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use
         conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these
        optional double current_model_attributed_conversions = 175;
        The currentModelAttributedConversions.
      • hasCurrentModelAttributedConversionsFromInteractionsRate

        boolean hasCurrentModelAttributedConversionsFromInteractionsRate()
         Current model attributed conversions from interactions divided by the
         number of ad interactions (such as clicks for text ads or views for video
         ads). This only includes conversion actions which
         include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use
         conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these
        optional double current_model_attributed_conversions_from_interactions_rate = 176;
        Whether the currentModelAttributedConversionsFromInteractionsRate field is set.
      • getCurrentModelAttributedConversionsFromInteractionsRate

        double getCurrentModelAttributedConversionsFromInteractionsRate()
         Current model attributed conversions from interactions divided by the
         number of ad interactions (such as clicks for text ads or views for video
         ads). This only includes conversion actions which
         include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use
         conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these
        optional double current_model_attributed_conversions_from_interactions_rate = 176;
        The currentModelAttributedConversionsFromInteractionsRate.
      • hasCurrentModelAttributedConversionsFromInteractionsValuePerInteraction

        boolean hasCurrentModelAttributedConversionsFromInteractionsValuePerInteraction()
         The value of current model attributed conversions from interactions divided
         by the number of ad interactions. This only includes conversion actions
         which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use
         conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these
        optional double current_model_attributed_conversions_from_interactions_value_per_interaction = 177;
        Whether the currentModelAttributedConversionsFromInteractionsValuePerInteraction field is set.
      • getCurrentModelAttributedConversionsFromInteractionsValuePerInteraction

        double getCurrentModelAttributedConversionsFromInteractionsValuePerInteraction()
         The value of current model attributed conversions from interactions divided
         by the number of ad interactions. This only includes conversion actions
         which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use
         conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these
        optional double current_model_attributed_conversions_from_interactions_value_per_interaction = 177;
        The currentModelAttributedConversionsFromInteractionsValuePerInteraction.
      • hasCurrentModelAttributedConversionsValue

        boolean hasCurrentModelAttributedConversionsValue()
         The value of current model attributed conversions. This only includes
         conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to
         true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will
         optimize for these conversions.
        optional double current_model_attributed_conversions_value = 178;
        Whether the currentModelAttributedConversionsValue field is set.
      • getCurrentModelAttributedConversionsValue

        double getCurrentModelAttributedConversionsValue()
         The value of current model attributed conversions. This only includes
         conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to
         true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will
         optimize for these conversions.
        optional double current_model_attributed_conversions_value = 178;
        The currentModelAttributedConversionsValue.
      • hasCurrentModelAttributedConversionsValuePerCost

        boolean hasCurrentModelAttributedConversionsValuePerCost()
         The value of current model attributed conversions divided by the cost of ad
         interactions. This only includes conversion actions which
         include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use
         conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these
        optional double current_model_attributed_conversions_value_per_cost = 179;
        Whether the currentModelAttributedConversionsValuePerCost field is set.
      • getCurrentModelAttributedConversionsValuePerCost

        double getCurrentModelAttributedConversionsValuePerCost()
         The value of current model attributed conversions divided by the cost of ad
         interactions. This only includes conversion actions which
         include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use
         conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these
        optional double current_model_attributed_conversions_value_per_cost = 179;
        The currentModelAttributedConversionsValuePerCost.
      • hasEngagementRate

        boolean hasEngagementRate()
         How often people engage with your ad after it's shown to them. This is the
         number of ad expansions divided by the number of times your ad is shown.
        optional double engagement_rate = 180;
        Whether the engagementRate field is set.
      • getEngagementRate

        double getEngagementRate()
         How often people engage with your ad after it's shown to them. This is the
         number of ad expansions divided by the number of times your ad is shown.
        optional double engagement_rate = 180;
        The engagementRate.
      • hasEngagements

        boolean hasEngagements()
         The number of engagements.
         An engagement occurs when a viewer expands your Lightbox ad. Also, in the
         future, other ad types may support engagement metrics.
        optional int64 engagements = 181;
        Whether the engagements field is set.
      • getEngagements

        long getEngagements()
         The number of engagements.
         An engagement occurs when a viewer expands your Lightbox ad. Also, in the
         future, other ad types may support engagement metrics.
        optional int64 engagements = 181;
        The engagements.
      • hasHotelAverageLeadValueMicros

        boolean hasHotelAverageLeadValueMicros()
         Average lead value based on clicks.
        optional double hotel_average_lead_value_micros = 213;
        Whether the hotelAverageLeadValueMicros field is set.
      • getHotelAverageLeadValueMicros

        double getHotelAverageLeadValueMicros()
         Average lead value based on clicks.
        optional double hotel_average_lead_value_micros = 213;
        The hotelAverageLeadValueMicros.
      • hasHotelCommissionRateMicros

        boolean hasHotelCommissionRateMicros()
         Commission bid rate in micros. A 20% commission is represented as
        optional int64 hotel_commission_rate_micros = 256;
        Whether the hotelCommissionRateMicros field is set.
      • getHotelCommissionRateMicros

        long getHotelCommissionRateMicros()
         Commission bid rate in micros. A 20% commission is represented as
        optional int64 hotel_commission_rate_micros = 256;
        The hotelCommissionRateMicros.
      • hasHotelExpectedCommissionCost

        boolean hasHotelExpectedCommissionCost()
         Expected commission cost. The result of multiplying the commission value
         times the hotel_commission_rate in advertiser currency.
        optional double hotel_expected_commission_cost = 257;
        Whether the hotelExpectedCommissionCost field is set.
      • getHotelExpectedCommissionCost

        double getHotelExpectedCommissionCost()
         Expected commission cost. The result of multiplying the commission value
         times the hotel_commission_rate in advertiser currency.
        optional double hotel_expected_commission_cost = 257;
        The hotelExpectedCommissionCost.
      • hasHotelPriceDifferencePercentage

        boolean hasHotelPriceDifferencePercentage()
         The average price difference between the price offered by reporting hotel
         advertiser and the cheapest price offered by the competing advertiser.
        optional double hotel_price_difference_percentage = 214;
        Whether the hotelPriceDifferencePercentage field is set.
      • getHotelPriceDifferencePercentage

        double getHotelPriceDifferencePercentage()
         The average price difference between the price offered by reporting hotel
         advertiser and the cheapest price offered by the competing advertiser.
        optional double hotel_price_difference_percentage = 214;
        The hotelPriceDifferencePercentage.
      • hasHotelEligibleImpressions

        boolean hasHotelEligibleImpressions()
         The number of impressions that hotel partners could have had given their
         feed performance.
        optional int64 hotel_eligible_impressions = 215;
        Whether the hotelEligibleImpressions field is set.
      • getHotelEligibleImpressions

        long getHotelEligibleImpressions()
         The number of impressions that hotel partners could have had given their
         feed performance.
        optional int64 hotel_eligible_impressions = 215;
        The hotelEligibleImpressions.
      • getHistoricalCreativeQualityScoreValue

        int getHistoricalCreativeQualityScoreValue()
         The creative historical quality score.
         historical_creative_quality_score = 80;
        The enum numeric value on the wire for historicalCreativeQualityScore.
      • getHistoricalCreativeQualityScore

        QualityScoreBucketEnum.QualityScoreBucket getHistoricalCreativeQualityScore()
         The creative historical quality score.
         historical_creative_quality_score = 80;
        The historicalCreativeQualityScore.
      • getHistoricalLandingPageQualityScoreValue

        int getHistoricalLandingPageQualityScoreValue()
         The quality of historical landing page experience.
         historical_landing_page_quality_score = 81;
        The enum numeric value on the wire for historicalLandingPageQualityScore.
      • getHistoricalLandingPageQualityScore

        QualityScoreBucketEnum.QualityScoreBucket getHistoricalLandingPageQualityScore()
         The quality of historical landing page experience.
         historical_landing_page_quality_score = 81;
        The historicalLandingPageQualityScore.
      • hasHistoricalQualityScore

        boolean hasHistoricalQualityScore()
         The historical quality score.
        optional int64 historical_quality_score = 216;
        Whether the historicalQualityScore field is set.
      • getHistoricalQualityScore

        long getHistoricalQualityScore()
         The historical quality score.
        optional int64 historical_quality_score = 216;
        The historicalQualityScore.
      • getHistoricalSearchPredictedCtrValue

        int getHistoricalSearchPredictedCtrValue()
         The historical search predicted click through rate (CTR).
         historical_search_predicted_ctr = 83;
        The enum numeric value on the wire for historicalSearchPredictedCtr.
      • getHistoricalSearchPredictedCtr

        QualityScoreBucketEnum.QualityScoreBucket getHistoricalSearchPredictedCtr()
         The historical search predicted click through rate (CTR).
         historical_search_predicted_ctr = 83;
        The historicalSearchPredictedCtr.
      • hasGmailForwards

        boolean hasGmailForwards()
         The number of times the ad was forwarded to someone else as a message.
        optional int64 gmail_forwards = 217;
        Whether the gmailForwards field is set.
      • getGmailForwards

        long getGmailForwards()
         The number of times the ad was forwarded to someone else as a message.
        optional int64 gmail_forwards = 217;
        The gmailForwards.
      • hasGmailSaves

        boolean hasGmailSaves()
         The number of times someone has saved your Gmail ad to their inbox as a
        optional int64 gmail_saves = 218;
        Whether the gmailSaves field is set.
      • getGmailSaves

        long getGmailSaves()
         The number of times someone has saved your Gmail ad to their inbox as a
        optional int64 gmail_saves = 218;
        The gmailSaves.
      • hasGmailSecondaryClicks

        boolean hasGmailSecondaryClicks()
         The number of clicks to the landing page on the expanded state of Gmail
        optional int64 gmail_secondary_clicks = 219;
        Whether the gmailSecondaryClicks field is set.
      • getGmailSecondaryClicks

        long getGmailSecondaryClicks()
         The number of clicks to the landing page on the expanded state of Gmail
        optional int64 gmail_secondary_clicks = 219;
        The gmailSecondaryClicks.
      • hasImpressionsFromStoreReach

        boolean hasImpressionsFromStoreReach()
         The number of times a store's location-based ad was shown.
         This metric applies to feed items only.
        optional int64 impressions_from_store_reach = 220;
        Whether the impressionsFromStoreReach field is set.
      • getImpressionsFromStoreReach

        long getImpressionsFromStoreReach()
         The number of times a store's location-based ad was shown.
         This metric applies to feed items only.
        optional int64 impressions_from_store_reach = 220;
        The impressionsFromStoreReach.
      • hasImpressions

        boolean hasImpressions()
         Count of how often your ad has appeared on a search results page or
         website on the Google Network.
        optional int64 impressions = 221;
        Whether the impressions field is set.
      • getImpressions

        long getImpressions()
         Count of how often your ad has appeared on a search results page or
         website on the Google Network.
        optional int64 impressions = 221;
        The impressions.
      • hasInteractionRate

        boolean hasInteractionRate()
         How often people interact with your ad after it is shown to them.
         This is the number of interactions divided by the number of times your ad
         is shown.
        optional double interaction_rate = 222;
        Whether the interactionRate field is set.
      • getInteractionRate

        double getInteractionRate()
         How often people interact with your ad after it is shown to them.
         This is the number of interactions divided by the number of times your ad
         is shown.
        optional double interaction_rate = 222;
        The interactionRate.
      • hasInteractions

        boolean hasInteractions()
         The number of interactions.
         An interaction is the main user action associated with an ad format-clicks
         for text and shopping ads, views for video ads, and so on.
        optional int64 interactions = 223;
        Whether the interactions field is set.
      • getInteractions

        long getInteractions()
         The number of interactions.
         An interaction is the main user action associated with an ad format-clicks
         for text and shopping ads, views for video ads, and so on.
        optional int64 interactions = 223;
        The interactions.
      • getInteractionEventTypesList

        java.util.List<InteractionEventTypeEnum.InteractionEventType> getInteractionEventTypesList()
         The types of payable and free interactions.
        repeated interaction_event_types = 100;
        A list containing the interactionEventTypes.
      • getInteractionEventTypesCount

        int getInteractionEventTypesCount()
         The types of payable and free interactions.
        repeated interaction_event_types = 100;
        The count of interactionEventTypes.
      • getInteractionEventTypes

        InteractionEventTypeEnum.InteractionEventType getInteractionEventTypes​(int index)
         The types of payable and free interactions.
        repeated interaction_event_types = 100;
        index - The index of the element to return.
        The interactionEventTypes at the given index.
      • getInteractionEventTypesValueList

        java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> getInteractionEventTypesValueList()
         The types of payable and free interactions.
        repeated interaction_event_types = 100;
        A list containing the enum numeric values on the wire for interactionEventTypes.
      • getInteractionEventTypesValue

        int getInteractionEventTypesValue​(int index)
         The types of payable and free interactions.
        repeated interaction_event_types = 100;
        index - The index of the value to return.
        The enum numeric value on the wire of interactionEventTypes at the given index.
      • hasInvalidClickRate

        boolean hasInvalidClickRate()
         The percentage of clicks filtered out of your total number of clicks
         (filtered + non-filtered clicks) during the reporting period.
        optional double invalid_click_rate = 224;
        Whether the invalidClickRate field is set.
      • getInvalidClickRate

        double getInvalidClickRate()
         The percentage of clicks filtered out of your total number of clicks
         (filtered + non-filtered clicks) during the reporting period.
        optional double invalid_click_rate = 224;
        The invalidClickRate.
      • hasInvalidClicks

        boolean hasInvalidClicks()
         Number of clicks Google considers illegitimate and doesn't charge you for.
        optional int64 invalid_clicks = 225;
        Whether the invalidClicks field is set.
      • getInvalidClicks

        long getInvalidClicks()
         Number of clicks Google considers illegitimate and doesn't charge you for.
        optional int64 invalid_clicks = 225;
        The invalidClicks.
      • hasMessageChats

        boolean hasMessageChats()
         Number of message chats initiated for Click To Message impressions that
         were message tracking eligible.
        optional int64 message_chats = 226;
        Whether the messageChats field is set.
      • getMessageChats

        long getMessageChats()
         Number of message chats initiated for Click To Message impressions that
         were message tracking eligible.
        optional int64 message_chats = 226;
        The messageChats.
      • hasMessageImpressions

        boolean hasMessageImpressions()
         Number of Click To Message impressions that were message tracking eligible.
        optional int64 message_impressions = 227;
        Whether the messageImpressions field is set.
      • getMessageImpressions

        long getMessageImpressions()
         Number of Click To Message impressions that were message tracking eligible.
        optional int64 message_impressions = 227;
        The messageImpressions.
      • hasMessageChatRate

        boolean hasMessageChatRate()
         Number of message chats initiated (message_chats) divided by the number
         of message impressions (message_impressions).
         Rate at which a user initiates a message chat from an ad impression with
         a messaging option and message tracking enabled.
         Note that this rate can be more than 1.0 for a given message impression.
        optional double message_chat_rate = 228;
        Whether the messageChatRate field is set.
      • getMessageChatRate

        double getMessageChatRate()
         Number of message chats initiated (message_chats) divided by the number
         of message impressions (message_impressions).
         Rate at which a user initiates a message chat from an ad impression with
         a messaging option and message tracking enabled.
         Note that this rate can be more than 1.0 for a given message impression.
        optional double message_chat_rate = 228;
        The messageChatRate.
      • hasMobileFriendlyClicksPercentage

        boolean hasMobileFriendlyClicksPercentage()
         The percentage of mobile clicks that go to a mobile-friendly page.
        optional double mobile_friendly_clicks_percentage = 229;
        Whether the mobileFriendlyClicksPercentage field is set.
      • getMobileFriendlyClicksPercentage

        double getMobileFriendlyClicksPercentage()
         The percentage of mobile clicks that go to a mobile-friendly page.
        optional double mobile_friendly_clicks_percentage = 229;
        The mobileFriendlyClicksPercentage.
      • hasOptimizationScoreUplift

        boolean hasOptimizationScoreUplift()
         Total optimization score uplift of all recommendations.
        optional double optimization_score_uplift = 247;
        Whether the optimizationScoreUplift field is set.
      • getOptimizationScoreUplift

        double getOptimizationScoreUplift()
         Total optimization score uplift of all recommendations.
        optional double optimization_score_uplift = 247;
        The optimizationScoreUplift.
      • hasOptimizationScoreUrl

        boolean hasOptimizationScoreUrl()
         URL for the optimization score page in the Google Ads web interface.
         This metric can be selected from `customer` or `campaign`, and can be
         segmented by `segments.recommendation_type`. For example, `SELECT
         metrics.optimization_score_url, segments.recommendation_type FROM
         customer` will return a URL for each unique (customer, recommendation_type)
        optional string optimization_score_url = 248;
        Whether the optimizationScoreUrl field is set.
      • getOptimizationScoreUrl

        java.lang.String getOptimizationScoreUrl()
         URL for the optimization score page in the Google Ads web interface.
         This metric can be selected from `customer` or `campaign`, and can be
         segmented by `segments.recommendation_type`. For example, `SELECT
         metrics.optimization_score_url, segments.recommendation_type FROM
         customer` will return a URL for each unique (customer, recommendation_type)
        optional string optimization_score_url = 248;
        The optimizationScoreUrl.
      • getOptimizationScoreUrlBytes getOptimizationScoreUrlBytes()
         URL for the optimization score page in the Google Ads web interface.
         This metric can be selected from `customer` or `campaign`, and can be
         segmented by `segments.recommendation_type`. For example, `SELECT
         metrics.optimization_score_url, segments.recommendation_type FROM
         customer` will return a URL for each unique (customer, recommendation_type)
        optional string optimization_score_url = 248;
        The bytes for optimizationScoreUrl.
      • hasOrganicClicks

        boolean hasOrganicClicks()
         The number of times someone clicked your site's listing in the unpaid
         results for a particular query. See the help page at for details.
        optional int64 organic_clicks = 230;
        Whether the organicClicks field is set.
      • getOrganicClicks

        long getOrganicClicks()
         The number of times someone clicked your site's listing in the unpaid
         results for a particular query. See the help page at for details.
        optional int64 organic_clicks = 230;
        The organicClicks.
      • hasOrganicClicksPerQuery

        boolean hasOrganicClicksPerQuery()
         The number of times someone clicked your site's listing in the unpaid
         results (organic_clicks) divided by the total number of searches that
         returned pages from your site (organic_queries). See the help page at for details.
        optional double organic_clicks_per_query = 231;
        Whether the organicClicksPerQuery field is set.
      • getOrganicClicksPerQuery

        double getOrganicClicksPerQuery()
         The number of times someone clicked your site's listing in the unpaid
         results (organic_clicks) divided by the total number of searches that
         returned pages from your site (organic_queries). See the help page at for details.
        optional double organic_clicks_per_query = 231;
        The organicClicksPerQuery.
      • hasOrganicImpressions

        boolean hasOrganicImpressions()
         The number of listings for your site in the unpaid search results. See the
         help page at for
        optional int64 organic_impressions = 232;
        Whether the organicImpressions field is set.
      • getOrganicImpressions

        long getOrganicImpressions()
         The number of listings for your site in the unpaid search results. See the
         help page at for
        optional int64 organic_impressions = 232;
        The organicImpressions.
      • hasOrganicImpressionsPerQuery

        boolean hasOrganicImpressionsPerQuery()
         The number of times a page from your site was listed in the unpaid search
         results (organic_impressions) divided by the number of searches returning
         your site's listing in the unpaid results (organic_queries). See the help
         page at for details.
        optional double organic_impressions_per_query = 233;
        Whether the organicImpressionsPerQuery field is set.
      • getOrganicImpressionsPerQuery

        double getOrganicImpressionsPerQuery()
         The number of times a page from your site was listed in the unpaid search
         results (organic_impressions) divided by the number of searches returning
         your site's listing in the unpaid results (organic_queries). See the help
         page at for details.
        optional double organic_impressions_per_query = 233;
        The organicImpressionsPerQuery.
      • hasOrganicQueries

        boolean hasOrganicQueries()
         The total number of searches that returned your site's listing in the
         unpaid results. See the help page at for details.
        optional int64 organic_queries = 234;
        Whether the organicQueries field is set.
      • getOrganicQueries

        long getOrganicQueries()
         The total number of searches that returned your site's listing in the
         unpaid results. See the help page at for details.
        optional int64 organic_queries = 234;
        The organicQueries.
      • hasPercentNewVisitors

        boolean hasPercentNewVisitors()
         Percentage of first-time sessions (from people who had never visited your
         site before). Imported from Google Analytics.
        optional double percent_new_visitors = 235;
        Whether the percentNewVisitors field is set.
      • getPercentNewVisitors

        double getPercentNewVisitors()
         Percentage of first-time sessions (from people who had never visited your
         site before). Imported from Google Analytics.
        optional double percent_new_visitors = 235;
        The percentNewVisitors.
      • hasPhoneCalls

        boolean hasPhoneCalls()
         Number of offline phone calls.
        optional int64 phone_calls = 236;
        Whether the phoneCalls field is set.
      • getPhoneCalls

        long getPhoneCalls()
         Number of offline phone calls.
        optional int64 phone_calls = 236;
        The phoneCalls.
      • hasPhoneImpressions

        boolean hasPhoneImpressions()
         Number of offline phone impressions.
        optional int64 phone_impressions = 237;
        Whether the phoneImpressions field is set.
      • getPhoneImpressions

        long getPhoneImpressions()
         Number of offline phone impressions.
        optional int64 phone_impressions = 237;
        The phoneImpressions.
      • hasPhoneThroughRate

        boolean hasPhoneThroughRate()
         Number of phone calls received (phone_calls) divided by the number of
         times your phone number is shown (phone_impressions).
        optional double phone_through_rate = 238;
        Whether the phoneThroughRate field is set.
      • getPhoneThroughRate

        double getPhoneThroughRate()
         Number of phone calls received (phone_calls) divided by the number of
         times your phone number is shown (phone_impressions).
        optional double phone_through_rate = 238;
        The phoneThroughRate.
      • hasRelativeCtr

        boolean hasRelativeCtr()
         Your clickthrough rate (Ctr) divided by the average clickthrough rate of
         all advertisers on the websites that show your ads. Measures how your ads
         perform on Display Network sites compared to other ads on the same sites.
        optional double relative_ctr = 239;
        Whether the relativeCtr field is set.
      • getRelativeCtr

        double getRelativeCtr()
         Your clickthrough rate (Ctr) divided by the average clickthrough rate of
         all advertisers on the websites that show your ads. Measures how your ads
         perform on Display Network sites compared to other ads on the same sites.
        optional double relative_ctr = 239;
        The relativeCtr.
      • hasSearchAbsoluteTopImpressionShare

        boolean hasSearchAbsoluteTopImpressionShare()
         The percentage of the customer's Shopping or Search ad impressions that are
         shown in the most prominent Shopping position. See
         for details. Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999.
        optional double search_absolute_top_impression_share = 136;
        Whether the searchAbsoluteTopImpressionShare field is set.
      • getSearchAbsoluteTopImpressionShare

        double getSearchAbsoluteTopImpressionShare()
         The percentage of the customer's Shopping or Search ad impressions that are
         shown in the most prominent Shopping position. See
         for details. Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999.
        optional double search_absolute_top_impression_share = 136;
        The searchAbsoluteTopImpressionShare.
      • hasSearchBudgetLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShare

        boolean hasSearchBudgetLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShare()
         The number estimating how often your ad wasn't the very first ad above the
         organic search results due to a low budget. Note: Search
         budget lost absolute top impression share is reported in the range of 0 to
         0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
        optional double search_budget_lost_absolute_top_impression_share = 137;
        Whether the searchBudgetLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShare field is set.
      • getSearchBudgetLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShare

        double getSearchBudgetLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShare()
         The number estimating how often your ad wasn't the very first ad above the
         organic search results due to a low budget. Note: Search
         budget lost absolute top impression share is reported in the range of 0 to
         0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
        optional double search_budget_lost_absolute_top_impression_share = 137;
        The searchBudgetLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShare.
      • hasSearchBudgetLostImpressionShare

        boolean hasSearchBudgetLostImpressionShare()
         The estimated percent of times that your ad was eligible to show on the
         Search Network but didn't because your budget was too low. Note: Search
         budget lost impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any
         value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
        optional double search_budget_lost_impression_share = 138;
        Whether the searchBudgetLostImpressionShare field is set.
      • getSearchBudgetLostImpressionShare

        double getSearchBudgetLostImpressionShare()
         The estimated percent of times that your ad was eligible to show on the
         Search Network but didn't because your budget was too low. Note: Search
         budget lost impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any
         value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
        optional double search_budget_lost_impression_share = 138;
        The searchBudgetLostImpressionShare.
      • hasSearchBudgetLostTopImpressionShare

        boolean hasSearchBudgetLostTopImpressionShare()
         The number estimating how often your ad didn't show anywhere above the
         organic search results due to a low budget. Note: Search
         budget lost top impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any
         value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
        optional double search_budget_lost_top_impression_share = 139;
        Whether the searchBudgetLostTopImpressionShare field is set.
      • getSearchBudgetLostTopImpressionShare

        double getSearchBudgetLostTopImpressionShare()
         The number estimating how often your ad didn't show anywhere above the
         organic search results due to a low budget. Note: Search
         budget lost top impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any
         value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
        optional double search_budget_lost_top_impression_share = 139;
        The searchBudgetLostTopImpressionShare.
      • hasSearchClickShare

        boolean hasSearchClickShare()
         The number of clicks you've received on the Search Network
         divided by the estimated number of clicks you were eligible to receive.
         Note: Search click share is reported in the range of 0.1 to 1. Any value
         below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999.
        optional double search_click_share = 140;
        Whether the searchClickShare field is set.
      • getSearchClickShare

        double getSearchClickShare()
         The number of clicks you've received on the Search Network
         divided by the estimated number of clicks you were eligible to receive.
         Note: Search click share is reported in the range of 0.1 to 1. Any value
         below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999.
        optional double search_click_share = 140;
        The searchClickShare.
      • hasSearchExactMatchImpressionShare

        boolean hasSearchExactMatchImpressionShare()
         The impressions you've received divided by the estimated number of
         impressions you were eligible to receive on the Search Network for search
         terms that matched your keywords exactly (or were close variants of your
         keyword), regardless of your keyword match types. Note: Search exact match
         impression share is reported in the range of 0.1 to 1. Any value below 0.1
         is reported as 0.0999.
        optional double search_exact_match_impression_share = 141;
        Whether the searchExactMatchImpressionShare field is set.
      • getSearchExactMatchImpressionShare

        double getSearchExactMatchImpressionShare()
         The impressions you've received divided by the estimated number of
         impressions you were eligible to receive on the Search Network for search
         terms that matched your keywords exactly (or were close variants of your
         keyword), regardless of your keyword match types. Note: Search exact match
         impression share is reported in the range of 0.1 to 1. Any value below 0.1
         is reported as 0.0999.
        optional double search_exact_match_impression_share = 141;
        The searchExactMatchImpressionShare.
      • hasSearchImpressionShare

        boolean hasSearchImpressionShare()
         The impressions you've received on the Search Network divided
         by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive.
         Note: Search impression share is reported in the range of 0.1 to 1. Any
         value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999.
        optional double search_impression_share = 142;
        Whether the searchImpressionShare field is set.
      • getSearchImpressionShare

        double getSearchImpressionShare()
         The impressions you've received on the Search Network divided
         by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive.
         Note: Search impression share is reported in the range of 0.1 to 1. Any
         value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999.
        optional double search_impression_share = 142;
        The searchImpressionShare.
      • hasSearchRankLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShare

        boolean hasSearchRankLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShare()
         The number estimating how often your ad wasn't the very first ad above the
         organic search results due to poor Ad Rank.
         Note: Search rank lost absolute top impression share is reported in the
         range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
        optional double search_rank_lost_absolute_top_impression_share = 143;
        Whether the searchRankLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShare field is set.
      • getSearchRankLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShare

        double getSearchRankLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShare()
         The number estimating how often your ad wasn't the very first ad above the
         organic search results due to poor Ad Rank.
         Note: Search rank lost absolute top impression share is reported in the
         range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
        optional double search_rank_lost_absolute_top_impression_share = 143;
        The searchRankLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShare.
      • hasSearchRankLostImpressionShare

        boolean hasSearchRankLostImpressionShare()
         The estimated percentage of impressions on the Search Network
         that your ads didn't receive due to poor Ad Rank.
         Note: Search rank lost impression share is reported in the range of 0 to
         0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
        optional double search_rank_lost_impression_share = 144;
        Whether the searchRankLostImpressionShare field is set.
      • getSearchRankLostImpressionShare

        double getSearchRankLostImpressionShare()
         The estimated percentage of impressions on the Search Network
         that your ads didn't receive due to poor Ad Rank.
         Note: Search rank lost impression share is reported in the range of 0 to
         0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
        optional double search_rank_lost_impression_share = 144;
        The searchRankLostImpressionShare.
      • hasSearchRankLostTopImpressionShare

        boolean hasSearchRankLostTopImpressionShare()
         The number estimating how often your ad didn't show anywhere above the
         organic search results due to poor Ad Rank.
         Note: Search rank lost top impression share is reported in the range of 0
         to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
        optional double search_rank_lost_top_impression_share = 145;
        Whether the searchRankLostTopImpressionShare field is set.
      • getSearchRankLostTopImpressionShare

        double getSearchRankLostTopImpressionShare()
         The number estimating how often your ad didn't show anywhere above the
         organic search results due to poor Ad Rank.
         Note: Search rank lost top impression share is reported in the range of 0
         to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.
        optional double search_rank_lost_top_impression_share = 145;
        The searchRankLostTopImpressionShare.
      • hasSearchTopImpressionShare

        boolean hasSearchTopImpressionShare()
         The impressions you've received in the top location (anywhere above the
         organic search results) compared to the estimated number of impressions you
         were eligible to receive in the top location.
         Note: Search top impression share is reported in the range of 0.1 to 1. Any
         value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999.
        optional double search_top_impression_share = 146;
        Whether the searchTopImpressionShare field is set.
      • getSearchTopImpressionShare

        double getSearchTopImpressionShare()
         The impressions you've received in the top location (anywhere above the
         organic search results) compared to the estimated number of impressions you
         were eligible to receive in the top location.
         Note: Search top impression share is reported in the range of 0.1 to 1. Any
         value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999.
        optional double search_top_impression_share = 146;
        The searchTopImpressionShare.
      • hasSpeedScore

        boolean hasSpeedScore()
         A measure of how quickly your page loads after clicks on your mobile ads.
         The score is a range from 1 to 10, 10 being the fastest.
        optional int64 speed_score = 147;
        Whether the speedScore field is set.
      • getSpeedScore

        long getSpeedScore()
         A measure of how quickly your page loads after clicks on your mobile ads.
         The score is a range from 1 to 10, 10 being the fastest.
        optional int64 speed_score = 147;
        The speedScore.
      • hasAverageTargetCpaMicros

        boolean hasAverageTargetCpaMicros()
         The average Target CPA, or unset if not available (for example, for
         campaigns that had traffic from portfolio bidding strategies or non-tCPA).
        optional int64 average_target_cpa_micros = 290;
        Whether the averageTargetCpaMicros field is set.
      • getAverageTargetCpaMicros

        long getAverageTargetCpaMicros()
         The average Target CPA, or unset if not available (for example, for
         campaigns that had traffic from portfolio bidding strategies or non-tCPA).
        optional int64 average_target_cpa_micros = 290;
        The averageTargetCpaMicros.
      • hasAverageTargetRoas

        boolean hasAverageTargetRoas()
         The average Target ROAS, or unset if not available (for example, for
         campaigns that had traffic from portfolio bidding strategies or non-tROAS).
        optional double average_target_roas = 250;
        Whether the averageTargetRoas field is set.
      • getAverageTargetRoas

        double getAverageTargetRoas()
         The average Target ROAS, or unset if not available (for example, for
         campaigns that had traffic from portfolio bidding strategies or non-tROAS).
        optional double average_target_roas = 250;
        The averageTargetRoas.
      • hasTopImpressionPercentage

        boolean hasTopImpressionPercentage()
         The percent of your ad impressions that are shown anywhere above the
         organic search results.
        optional double top_impression_percentage = 148;
        Whether the topImpressionPercentage field is set.
      • getTopImpressionPercentage

        double getTopImpressionPercentage()
         The percent of your ad impressions that are shown anywhere above the
         organic search results.
        optional double top_impression_percentage = 148;
        The topImpressionPercentage.
      • hasValidAcceleratedMobilePagesClicksPercentage

        boolean hasValidAcceleratedMobilePagesClicksPercentage()
         The percentage of ad clicks to Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) landing pages
         that reach a valid AMP page.
        optional double valid_accelerated_mobile_pages_clicks_percentage = 149;
        Whether the validAcceleratedMobilePagesClicksPercentage field is set.
      • getValidAcceleratedMobilePagesClicksPercentage

        double getValidAcceleratedMobilePagesClicksPercentage()
         The percentage of ad clicks to Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) landing pages
         that reach a valid AMP page.
        optional double valid_accelerated_mobile_pages_clicks_percentage = 149;
        The validAcceleratedMobilePagesClicksPercentage.
      • hasValuePerAllConversions

        boolean hasValuePerAllConversions()
         The value of all conversions divided by the number of all conversions.
        optional double value_per_all_conversions = 150;
        Whether the valuePerAllConversions field is set.
      • getValuePerAllConversions

        double getValuePerAllConversions()
         The value of all conversions divided by the number of all conversions.
        optional double value_per_all_conversions = 150;
        The valuePerAllConversions.
      • hasValuePerAllConversionsByConversionDate

        boolean hasValuePerAllConversionsByConversionDate()
         The value of all conversions divided by the number of all conversions. When
         this column is selected with date, the values in date column means the
         conversion date. Details for the by_conversion_date columns are available
        optional double value_per_all_conversions_by_conversion_date = 244;
        Whether the valuePerAllConversionsByConversionDate field is set.
      • getValuePerAllConversionsByConversionDate

        double getValuePerAllConversionsByConversionDate()
         The value of all conversions divided by the number of all conversions. When
         this column is selected with date, the values in date column means the
         conversion date. Details for the by_conversion_date columns are available
        optional double value_per_all_conversions_by_conversion_date = 244;
        The valuePerAllConversionsByConversionDate.
      • hasValuePerConversion

        boolean hasValuePerConversion()
         The value of conversions divided by the number of conversions. This only
         includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute
         is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies
         will optimize for these conversions.
        optional double value_per_conversion = 151;
        Whether the valuePerConversion field is set.
      • getValuePerConversion

        double getValuePerConversion()
         The value of conversions divided by the number of conversions. This only
         includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute
         is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies
         will optimize for these conversions.
        optional double value_per_conversion = 151;
        The valuePerConversion.
      • hasValuePerConversionsByConversionDate

        boolean hasValuePerConversionsByConversionDate()
         The value of conversions divided by the number of conversions. This only
         includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute
         is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies
         will optimize for these conversions. When this column is selected with
         date, the values in date column means the conversion date. Details for the
         by_conversion_date columns are available at
        optional double value_per_conversions_by_conversion_date = 245;
        Whether the valuePerConversionsByConversionDate field is set.
      • getValuePerConversionsByConversionDate

        double getValuePerConversionsByConversionDate()
         The value of conversions divided by the number of conversions. This only
         includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute
         is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies
         will optimize for these conversions. When this column is selected with
         date, the values in date column means the conversion date. Details for the
         by_conversion_date columns are available at
        optional double value_per_conversions_by_conversion_date = 245;
        The valuePerConversionsByConversionDate.
      • hasValuePerCurrentModelAttributedConversion

        boolean hasValuePerCurrentModelAttributedConversion()
         The value of current model attributed conversions divided by the number of
         the conversions. This only includes conversion actions which
         include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use
         conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these
        optional double value_per_current_model_attributed_conversion = 152;
        Whether the valuePerCurrentModelAttributedConversion field is set.
      • getValuePerCurrentModelAttributedConversion

        double getValuePerCurrentModelAttributedConversion()
         The value of current model attributed conversions divided by the number of
         the conversions. This only includes conversion actions which
         include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use
         conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these
        optional double value_per_current_model_attributed_conversion = 152;
        The valuePerCurrentModelAttributedConversion.
      • hasVideoQuartileP100Rate

        boolean hasVideoQuartileP100Rate()
         Percentage of impressions where the viewer watched all of your video.
        optional double video_quartile_p100_rate = 132;
        Whether the videoQuartileP100Rate field is set.
      • getVideoQuartileP100Rate

        double getVideoQuartileP100Rate()
         Percentage of impressions where the viewer watched all of your video.
        optional double video_quartile_p100_rate = 132;
        The videoQuartileP100Rate.
      • hasVideoQuartileP25Rate

        boolean hasVideoQuartileP25Rate()
         Percentage of impressions where the viewer watched 25% of your video.
        optional double video_quartile_p25_rate = 133;
        Whether the videoQuartileP25Rate field is set.
      • getVideoQuartileP25Rate

        double getVideoQuartileP25Rate()
         Percentage of impressions where the viewer watched 25% of your video.
        optional double video_quartile_p25_rate = 133;
        The videoQuartileP25Rate.
      • hasVideoQuartileP50Rate

        boolean hasVideoQuartileP50Rate()
         Percentage of impressions where the viewer watched 50% of your video.
        optional double video_quartile_p50_rate = 134;
        Whether the videoQuartileP50Rate field is set.
      • getVideoQuartileP50Rate

        double getVideoQuartileP50Rate()
         Percentage of impressions where the viewer watched 50% of your video.
        optional double video_quartile_p50_rate = 134;
        The videoQuartileP50Rate.
      • hasVideoQuartileP75Rate

        boolean hasVideoQuartileP75Rate()
         Percentage of impressions where the viewer watched 75% of your video.
        optional double video_quartile_p75_rate = 135;
        Whether the videoQuartileP75Rate field is set.
      • getVideoQuartileP75Rate

        double getVideoQuartileP75Rate()
         Percentage of impressions where the viewer watched 75% of your video.
        optional double video_quartile_p75_rate = 135;
        The videoQuartileP75Rate.
      • hasVideoViewRate

        boolean hasVideoViewRate()
         The number of views your TrueView video ad receives divided by its number
         of impressions, including thumbnail impressions for TrueView in-display
        optional double video_view_rate = 153;
        Whether the videoViewRate field is set.
      • getVideoViewRate

        double getVideoViewRate()
         The number of views your TrueView video ad receives divided by its number
         of impressions, including thumbnail impressions for TrueView in-display
        optional double video_view_rate = 153;
        The videoViewRate.
      • hasVideoViews

        boolean hasVideoViews()
         The number of times your video ads were viewed.
        optional int64 video_views = 154;
        Whether the videoViews field is set.
      • getVideoViews

        long getVideoViews()
         The number of times your video ads were viewed.
        optional int64 video_views = 154;
        The videoViews.
      • hasViewThroughConversions

        boolean hasViewThroughConversions()
         The total number of view-through conversions.
         These happen when a customer sees an image or rich media ad, then later
         completes a conversion on your site without interacting with (for example,
         clicking on) another ad.
        optional int64 view_through_conversions = 155;
        Whether the viewThroughConversions field is set.
      • getViewThroughConversions

        long getViewThroughConversions()
         The total number of view-through conversions.
         These happen when a customer sees an image or rich media ad, then later
         completes a conversion on your site without interacting with (for example,
         clicking on) another ad.
        optional int64 view_through_conversions = 155;
        The viewThroughConversions.
      • getSkAdNetworkConversions

        long getSkAdNetworkConversions()
         The number of iOS Store Kit Ad Network conversions.
        int64 sk_ad_network_conversions = 246;
        The skAdNetworkConversions.
      • getPublisherPurchasedClicks

        long getPublisherPurchasedClicks()
         Clicks from properties not owned by the publisher for which the traffic
         the publisher has paid for or acquired through incentivized activity
        int64 publisher_purchased_clicks = 264;
        The publisherPurchasedClicks.
      • getPublisherOrganicClicks

        long getPublisherOrganicClicks()
         Clicks from properties for which the traffic the publisher has not paid
         for or acquired through incentivized activity
        int64 publisher_organic_clicks = 265;
        The publisherOrganicClicks.
      • getPublisherUnknownClicks

        long getPublisherUnknownClicks()
         Clicks from traffic which is not identified as "Publisher Purchased" or
         "Publisher Organic"
        int64 publisher_unknown_clicks = 266;
        The publisherUnknownClicks.
      • hasAllConversionsFromLocationAssetClickToCall

        boolean hasAllConversionsFromLocationAssetClickToCall()
         Number of call button clicks on any location surface after a chargeable ad
         event (click or impression). This measure is coming from Asset based
        optional double all_conversions_from_location_asset_click_to_call = 267;
        Whether the allConversionsFromLocationAssetClickToCall field is set.
      • getAllConversionsFromLocationAssetClickToCall

        double getAllConversionsFromLocationAssetClickToCall()
         Number of call button clicks on any location surface after a chargeable ad
         event (click or impression). This measure is coming from Asset based
        optional double all_conversions_from_location_asset_click_to_call = 267;
        The allConversionsFromLocationAssetClickToCall.
      • hasAllConversionsFromLocationAssetDirections

        boolean hasAllConversionsFromLocationAssetDirections()
         Number of driving directions clicks on any location surface after a
         chargeable ad event (click or impression). This measure is coming
         from Asset based location.
        optional double all_conversions_from_location_asset_directions = 268;
        Whether the allConversionsFromLocationAssetDirections field is set.
      • getAllConversionsFromLocationAssetDirections

        double getAllConversionsFromLocationAssetDirections()
         Number of driving directions clicks on any location surface after a
         chargeable ad event (click or impression). This measure is coming
         from Asset based location.
        optional double all_conversions_from_location_asset_directions = 268;
        The allConversionsFromLocationAssetDirections.
      • hasAllConversionsFromLocationAssetMenu

        boolean hasAllConversionsFromLocationAssetMenu()
         Number of menu link clicks on any location surface after a chargeable ad
         event (click or impression). This measure is coming from Asset based
        optional double all_conversions_from_location_asset_menu = 269;
        Whether the allConversionsFromLocationAssetMenu field is set.
      • getAllConversionsFromLocationAssetMenu

        double getAllConversionsFromLocationAssetMenu()
         Number of menu link clicks on any location surface after a chargeable ad
         event (click or impression). This measure is coming from Asset based
        optional double all_conversions_from_location_asset_menu = 269;
        The allConversionsFromLocationAssetMenu.
      • hasAllConversionsFromLocationAssetOrder

        boolean hasAllConversionsFromLocationAssetOrder()
         Number of order clicks on any location surface after a chargeable ad event
         (click or impression). This measure is coming from Asset based
        optional double all_conversions_from_location_asset_order = 270;
        Whether the allConversionsFromLocationAssetOrder field is set.
      • getAllConversionsFromLocationAssetOrder

        double getAllConversionsFromLocationAssetOrder()
         Number of order clicks on any location surface after a chargeable ad event
         (click or impression). This measure is coming from Asset based
        optional double all_conversions_from_location_asset_order = 270;
        The allConversionsFromLocationAssetOrder.
      • hasAllConversionsFromLocationAssetOtherEngagement

        boolean hasAllConversionsFromLocationAssetOtherEngagement()
         Number of other types of local action clicks on any location surface after
         a chargeable ad event (click or impression). This measure is coming
         from Asset based location.
        optional double all_conversions_from_location_asset_other_engagement = 271;
        Whether the allConversionsFromLocationAssetOtherEngagement field is set.
      • getAllConversionsFromLocationAssetOtherEngagement

        double getAllConversionsFromLocationAssetOtherEngagement()
         Number of other types of local action clicks on any location surface after
         a chargeable ad event (click or impression). This measure is coming
         from Asset based location.
        optional double all_conversions_from_location_asset_other_engagement = 271;
        The allConversionsFromLocationAssetOtherEngagement.
      • hasAllConversionsFromLocationAssetStoreVisits

        boolean hasAllConversionsFromLocationAssetStoreVisits()
         Estimated number of visits to the store after a chargeable
         ad event (click or impression). This measure is coming from Asset
         based location.
        optional double all_conversions_from_location_asset_store_visits = 272;
        Whether the allConversionsFromLocationAssetStoreVisits field is set.
      • getAllConversionsFromLocationAssetStoreVisits

        double getAllConversionsFromLocationAssetStoreVisits()
         Estimated number of visits to the store after a chargeable
         ad event (click or impression). This measure is coming from Asset
         based location.
        optional double all_conversions_from_location_asset_store_visits = 272;
        The allConversionsFromLocationAssetStoreVisits.
      • hasAllConversionsFromLocationAssetWebsite

        boolean hasAllConversionsFromLocationAssetWebsite()
         Number of website URL clicks on any location surface after a chargeable ad
         event (click or impression). This measure is coming from Asset based
        optional double all_conversions_from_location_asset_website = 273;
        Whether the allConversionsFromLocationAssetWebsite field is set.
      • getAllConversionsFromLocationAssetWebsite

        double getAllConversionsFromLocationAssetWebsite()
         Number of website URL clicks on any location surface after a chargeable ad
         event (click or impression). This measure is coming from Asset based
        optional double all_conversions_from_location_asset_website = 273;
        The allConversionsFromLocationAssetWebsite.
      • hasEligibleImpressionsFromLocationAssetStoreReach

        boolean hasEligibleImpressionsFromLocationAssetStoreReach()
         Number of impressions in which the store location was shown or the location
         was used for targeting. This measure is coming from Asset based
        optional int64 eligible_impressions_from_location_asset_store_reach = 274;
        Whether the eligibleImpressionsFromLocationAssetStoreReach field is set.
      • getEligibleImpressionsFromLocationAssetStoreReach

        long getEligibleImpressionsFromLocationAssetStoreReach()
         Number of impressions in which the store location was shown or the location
         was used for targeting. This measure is coming from Asset based
        optional int64 eligible_impressions_from_location_asset_store_reach = 274;
        The eligibleImpressionsFromLocationAssetStoreReach.
      • hasViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetClickToCall

        boolean hasViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetClickToCall()
         Number of call button clicks on any location surface after an impression.
         This measure is coming from Asset based location.
        optional double view_through_conversions_from_location_asset_click_to_call = 275;
        Whether the viewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetClickToCall field is set.
      • getViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetClickToCall

        double getViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetClickToCall()
         Number of call button clicks on any location surface after an impression.
         This measure is coming from Asset based location.
        optional double view_through_conversions_from_location_asset_click_to_call = 275;
        The viewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetClickToCall.
      • hasViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetDirections

        boolean hasViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetDirections()
         Number of driving directions clicks on any location surface after an
         impression. This measure is coming from Asset based location.
        optional double view_through_conversions_from_location_asset_directions = 276;
        Whether the viewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetDirections field is set.
      • getViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetDirections

        double getViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetDirections()
         Number of driving directions clicks on any location surface after an
         impression. This measure is coming from Asset based location.
        optional double view_through_conversions_from_location_asset_directions = 276;
        The viewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetDirections.
      • hasViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetMenu

        boolean hasViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetMenu()
         Number of menu link clicks on any location surface after an impression.
         This measure is coming from Asset based location.
        optional double view_through_conversions_from_location_asset_menu = 277;
        Whether the viewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetMenu field is set.
      • getViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetMenu

        double getViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetMenu()
         Number of menu link clicks on any location surface after an impression.
         This measure is coming from Asset based location.
        optional double view_through_conversions_from_location_asset_menu = 277;
        The viewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetMenu.
      • hasViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetOrder

        boolean hasViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetOrder()
         Number of order clicks on any location surface after an impression. This
         measure is coming from Asset based location.
        optional double view_through_conversions_from_location_asset_order = 278;
        Whether the viewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetOrder field is set.
      • getViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetOrder

        double getViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetOrder()
         Number of order clicks on any location surface after an impression. This
         measure is coming from Asset based location.
        optional double view_through_conversions_from_location_asset_order = 278;
        The viewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetOrder.
      • hasViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetOtherEngagement

        boolean hasViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetOtherEngagement()
         Number of other types of local action clicks on any location surface after
         an impression. This measure is coming from Asset based location.
        optional double view_through_conversions_from_location_asset_other_engagement = 279;
        Whether the viewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetOtherEngagement field is set.
      • getViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetOtherEngagement

        double getViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetOtherEngagement()
         Number of other types of local action clicks on any location surface after
         an impression. This measure is coming from Asset based location.
        optional double view_through_conversions_from_location_asset_other_engagement = 279;
        The viewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetOtherEngagement.
      • hasViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetStoreVisits

        boolean hasViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetStoreVisits()
         Estimated number of visits to the store after an impression.
         This measure is coming from Asset based location.
        optional double view_through_conversions_from_location_asset_store_visits = 280;
        Whether the viewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetStoreVisits field is set.
      • getViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetStoreVisits

        double getViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetStoreVisits()
         Estimated number of visits to the store after an impression.
         This measure is coming from Asset based location.
        optional double view_through_conversions_from_location_asset_store_visits = 280;
        The viewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetStoreVisits.
      • hasViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetWebsite

        boolean hasViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetWebsite()
         Number of website URL clicks on any location surface after an impression.
         This measure is coming from Asset based location.
        optional double view_through_conversions_from_location_asset_website = 281;
        Whether the viewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetWebsite field is set.
      • getViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetWebsite

        double getViewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetWebsite()
         Number of website URL clicks on any location surface after an impression.
         This measure is coming from Asset based location.
        optional double view_through_conversions_from_location_asset_website = 281;
        The viewThroughConversionsFromLocationAssetWebsite.