Interface PercentCpcOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    PercentCpc, PercentCpc.Builder

    public interface PercentCpcOrBuilder
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      long getCpcBidCeilingMicros()
      Maximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy.
      boolean getEnhancedCpcEnabled()
      Adjusts the bid for each auction upward or downward, depending on the likelihood of a conversion.
      boolean hasCpcBidCeilingMicros()
      Maximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy.
      boolean hasEnhancedCpcEnabled()
      Adjusts the bid for each auction upward or downward, depending on the likelihood of a conversion.
      • Methods inherited from interface

      • Methods inherited from interface

        findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
    • Method Detail

      • hasCpcBidCeilingMicros

        boolean hasCpcBidCeilingMicros()
         Maximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. This is
         an optional field entered by the advertiser and specified in local micros.
         Note: A zero value is interpreted in the same way as having bid_ceiling
        optional int64 cpc_bid_ceiling_micros = 3;
        Whether the cpcBidCeilingMicros field is set.
      • getCpcBidCeilingMicros

        long getCpcBidCeilingMicros()
         Maximum bid limit that can be set by the bid strategy. This is
         an optional field entered by the advertiser and specified in local micros.
         Note: A zero value is interpreted in the same way as having bid_ceiling
        optional int64 cpc_bid_ceiling_micros = 3;
        The cpcBidCeilingMicros.
      • hasEnhancedCpcEnabled

        boolean hasEnhancedCpcEnabled()
         Adjusts the bid for each auction upward or downward, depending on the
         likelihood of a conversion. Individual bids may exceed
         cpc_bid_ceiling_micros, but the average bid amount for a campaign should
        optional bool enhanced_cpc_enabled = 4;
        Whether the enhancedCpcEnabled field is set.
      • getEnhancedCpcEnabled

        boolean getEnhancedCpcEnabled()
         Adjusts the bid for each auction upward or downward, depending on the
         likelihood of a conversion. Individual bids may exceed
         cpc_bid_ceiling_micros, but the average bid amount for a campaign should
        optional bool enhanced_cpc_enabled = 4;
        The enhancedCpcEnabled.