Interface UserAttributeOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    UserAttribute, UserAttribute.Builder

    public interface UserAttributeOrBuilder
    • Method Detail

      • hasLifetimeValueMicros

        boolean hasLifetimeValueMicros()
         Advertiser defined lifetime value for the user.
        optional int64 lifetime_value_micros = 1;
        Whether the lifetimeValueMicros field is set.
      • getLifetimeValueMicros

        long getLifetimeValueMicros()
         Advertiser defined lifetime value for the user.
        optional int64 lifetime_value_micros = 1;
        The lifetimeValueMicros.
      • hasLifetimeValueBucket

        boolean hasLifetimeValueBucket()
         Advertiser defined lifetime value bucket for the user. The valid range for
         a lifetime value bucket is from 1 (low) to 10 (high), except for remove
         operation where 0 will also be accepted.
        optional int32 lifetime_value_bucket = 2;
        Whether the lifetimeValueBucket field is set.
      • getLifetimeValueBucket

        int getLifetimeValueBucket()
         Advertiser defined lifetime value bucket for the user. The valid range for
         a lifetime value bucket is from 1 (low) to 10 (high), except for remove
         operation where 0 will also be accepted.
        optional int32 lifetime_value_bucket = 2;
        The lifetimeValueBucket.
      • getLastPurchaseDateTime

        java.lang.String getLastPurchaseDateTime()
         Timestamp of the last purchase made by the user.
         The format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[+/-HH:MM], where [+/-HH:MM] is an
         optional timezone offset from UTC. If the offset is absent, the API will
         use the account's timezone as default.
        string last_purchase_date_time = 3;
        The lastPurchaseDateTime.
      • getLastPurchaseDateTimeBytes getLastPurchaseDateTimeBytes()
         Timestamp of the last purchase made by the user.
         The format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[+/-HH:MM], where [+/-HH:MM] is an
         optional timezone offset from UTC. If the offset is absent, the API will
         use the account's timezone as default.
        string last_purchase_date_time = 3;
        The bytes for lastPurchaseDateTime.
      • getAveragePurchaseCount

        int getAveragePurchaseCount()
         Advertiser defined average number of purchases that are made by the user in
         a 30 day period.
        int32 average_purchase_count = 4;
        The averagePurchaseCount.
      • getAveragePurchaseValueMicros

        long getAveragePurchaseValueMicros()
         Advertiser defined average purchase value in micros for the user.
        int64 average_purchase_value_micros = 5;
        The averagePurchaseValueMicros.
      • getAcquisitionDateTime

        java.lang.String getAcquisitionDateTime()
         Timestamp when the user was acquired.
         The format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[+/-HH:MM], where [+/-HH:MM] is an
         optional timezone offset from UTC. If the offset is absent, the API will
         use the account's timezone as default.
        string acquisition_date_time = 6;
        The acquisitionDateTime.
      • getAcquisitionDateTimeBytes getAcquisitionDateTimeBytes()
         Timestamp when the user was acquired.
         The format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[+/-HH:MM], where [+/-HH:MM] is an
         optional timezone offset from UTC. If the offset is absent, the API will
         use the account's timezone as default.
        string acquisition_date_time = 6;
        The bytes for acquisitionDateTime.
      • hasShoppingLoyalty

        boolean hasShoppingLoyalty()
         The shopping loyalty related data. Shopping utilizes this data to provide
         users with a better experience. Accessible only to merchants on the
         allow-list with the user's consent.
        optional shopping_loyalty = 7;
        Whether the shoppingLoyalty field is set.
      • getShoppingLoyalty

        ShoppingLoyalty getShoppingLoyalty()
         The shopping loyalty related data. Shopping utilizes this data to provide
         users with a better experience. Accessible only to merchants on the
         allow-list with the user's consent.
        optional shopping_loyalty = 7;
        The shoppingLoyalty.
      • getShoppingLoyaltyOrBuilder

        ShoppingLoyaltyOrBuilder getShoppingLoyaltyOrBuilder()
         The shopping loyalty related data. Shopping utilizes this data to provide
         users with a better experience. Accessible only to merchants on the
         allow-list with the user's consent.
        optional shopping_loyalty = 7;
      • getLifecycleStage

        java.lang.String getLifecycleStage()
         Optional. Advertiser defined lifecycle stage for the user. The accepted
         values are "Lead", "Active" and "Churned".
        string lifecycle_stage = 8 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
        The lifecycleStage.
      • getLifecycleStageBytes getLifecycleStageBytes()
         Optional. Advertiser defined lifecycle stage for the user. The accepted
         values are "Lead", "Active" and "Churned".
        string lifecycle_stage = 8 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
        The bytes for lifecycleStage.
      • getFirstPurchaseDateTime

        java.lang.String getFirstPurchaseDateTime()
         Optional. Timestamp of the first purchase made by the user.
         The format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[+/-HH:MM], where [+/-HH:MM] is an
         optional timezone offset from UTC. If the offset is absent, the API will
         use the account's timezone as default.
        string first_purchase_date_time = 9 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
        The firstPurchaseDateTime.
      • getFirstPurchaseDateTimeBytes getFirstPurchaseDateTimeBytes()
         Optional. Timestamp of the first purchase made by the user.
         The format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[+/-HH:MM], where [+/-HH:MM] is an
         optional timezone offset from UTC. If the offset is absent, the API will
         use the account's timezone as default.
        string first_purchase_date_time = 9 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
        The bytes for firstPurchaseDateTime.
      • getEventAttributeList

        java.util.List<EventAttribute> getEventAttributeList()
         Optional. Advertiser defined events and their attributes. All the values in
         the nested fields are required. Currently this field is in beta.
        repeated event_attribute = 10 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
      • getEventAttribute

        EventAttribute getEventAttribute​(int index)
         Optional. Advertiser defined events and their attributes. All the values in
         the nested fields are required. Currently this field is in beta.
        repeated event_attribute = 10 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
      • getEventAttributeCount

        int getEventAttributeCount()
         Optional. Advertiser defined events and their attributes. All the values in
         the nested fields are required. Currently this field is in beta.
        repeated event_attribute = 10 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
      • getEventAttributeOrBuilderList

        java.util.List<? extends EventAttributeOrBuilder> getEventAttributeOrBuilderList()
         Optional. Advertiser defined events and their attributes. All the values in
         the nested fields are required. Currently this field is in beta.
        repeated event_attribute = 10 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];
      • getEventAttributeOrBuilder

        EventAttributeOrBuilder getEventAttributeOrBuilder​(int index)
         Optional. Advertiser defined events and their attributes. All the values in
         the nested fields are required. Currently this field is in beta.
        repeated event_attribute = 10 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OPTIONAL];