Interface Campaign.LocalServicesCampaignSettingsOrBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • getCategoryBidsList

        java.util.List<Campaign.CategoryBid> getCategoryBidsList()
         Categorical level bids associated with MANUAL_CPA bidding strategy.
        repeated category_bids = 1;
      • getCategoryBids

        Campaign.CategoryBid getCategoryBids​(int index)
         Categorical level bids associated with MANUAL_CPA bidding strategy.
        repeated category_bids = 1;
      • getCategoryBidsCount

        int getCategoryBidsCount()
         Categorical level bids associated with MANUAL_CPA bidding strategy.
        repeated category_bids = 1;
      • getCategoryBidsOrBuilderList

        java.util.List<? extends Campaign.CategoryBidOrBuilder> getCategoryBidsOrBuilderList()
         Categorical level bids associated with MANUAL_CPA bidding strategy.
        repeated category_bids = 1;
      • getCategoryBidsOrBuilder

        Campaign.CategoryBidOrBuilder getCategoryBidsOrBuilder​(int index)
         Categorical level bids associated with MANUAL_CPA bidding strategy.
        repeated category_bids = 1;