Interface Recommendation.TextAdRecommendationOrBuilder

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Ad getAd()
      Output only.
      AdOrBuilder getAdOrBuilder()
      Output only.
      java.lang.String getAutoApplyDate()
      Output only. getAutoApplyDateBytes()
      Output only.
      java.lang.String getCreationDate()
      Output only. getCreationDateBytes()
      Output only.
      boolean hasAd()
      Output only.
      boolean hasAutoApplyDate()
      Output only.
      boolean hasCreationDate()
      Output only.
      • Methods inherited from interface

      • Methods inherited from interface

        findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
    • Method Detail

      • hasAd

        boolean hasAd()
         Output only. Recommended ad.
         ad = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        Whether the ad field is set.
      • getAd

        Ad getAd()
         Output only. Recommended ad.
         ad = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        The ad.
      • getAdOrBuilder

        AdOrBuilder getAdOrBuilder()
         Output only. Recommended ad.
         ad = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
      • hasCreationDate

        boolean hasCreationDate()
         Output only. Creation date of the recommended ad.
         YYYY-MM-DD format, for example, 2018-04-17.
        optional string creation_date = 4 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        Whether the creationDate field is set.
      • getCreationDate

        java.lang.String getCreationDate()
         Output only. Creation date of the recommended ad.
         YYYY-MM-DD format, for example, 2018-04-17.
        optional string creation_date = 4 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        The creationDate.
      • getCreationDateBytes getCreationDateBytes()
         Output only. Creation date of the recommended ad.
         YYYY-MM-DD format, for example, 2018-04-17.
        optional string creation_date = 4 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        The bytes for creationDate.
      • hasAutoApplyDate

        boolean hasAutoApplyDate()
         Output only. Date, if present, is the earliest when the recommendation
         will be auto applied. YYYY-MM-DD format, for example, 2018-04-17.
        optional string auto_apply_date = 5 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        Whether the autoApplyDate field is set.
      • getAutoApplyDate

        java.lang.String getAutoApplyDate()
         Output only. Date, if present, is the earliest when the recommendation
         will be auto applied. YYYY-MM-DD format, for example, 2018-04-17.
        optional string auto_apply_date = 5 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        The autoApplyDate.
      • getAutoApplyDateBytes getAutoApplyDateBytes()
         Output only. Date, if present, is the earliest when the recommendation
         will be auto applied. YYYY-MM-DD format, for example, 2018-04-17.
        optional string auto_apply_date = 5 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        The bytes for autoApplyDate.