Interface AudienceInsightsAttributeMetadataOrBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • getDimensionValue

        int getDimensionValue()
         The type of the attribute.
         dimension = 1;
        The enum numeric value on the wire for dimension.
      • hasAttribute

        boolean hasAttribute()
         The attribute itself.
         attribute = 2;
        Whether the attribute field is set.
      • getAttribute

        AudienceInsightsAttribute getAttribute()
         The attribute itself.
         attribute = 2;
        The attribute.
      • getAttributeOrBuilder

        AudienceInsightsAttributeOrBuilder getAttributeOrBuilder()
         The attribute itself.
         attribute = 2;
      • getDisplayName

        java.lang.String getDisplayName()
         The human-readable name of the attribute.
        string display_name = 3;
        The displayName.
      • getDisplayNameBytes getDisplayNameBytes()
         The human-readable name of the attribute.
        string display_name = 3;
        The bytes for displayName.
      • getScore

        double getScore()
         A relevance score for this attribute, between 0 and 1.
        double score = 4;
        The score.
      • getDisplayInfo

        java.lang.String getDisplayInfo()
         A string that supplements the display_name to identify the attribute.
         If the dimension is TOPIC, this is a brief description of the
         Knowledge Graph entity, such as "American singer-songwriter".
         If the dimension is CATEGORY, this is the complete path to the category in
         The Product & Service taxonomy, for example
        string display_info = 5;
        The displayInfo.
      • getDisplayInfoBytes getDisplayInfoBytes()
         A string that supplements the display_name to identify the attribute.
         If the dimension is TOPIC, this is a brief description of the
         Knowledge Graph entity, such as "American singer-songwriter".
         If the dimension is CATEGORY, this is the complete path to the category in
         The Product & Service taxonomy, for example
        string display_info = 5;
        The bytes for displayInfo.
      • hasYoutubeChannelMetadata

        boolean hasYoutubeChannelMetadata()
         Special metadata for a YouTube channel.
         youtube_channel_metadata = 6;
        Whether the youtubeChannelMetadata field is set.
      • getYoutubeChannelMetadata

        YouTubeChannelAttributeMetadata getYoutubeChannelMetadata()
         Special metadata for a YouTube channel.
         youtube_channel_metadata = 6;
        The youtubeChannelMetadata.
      • getYoutubeChannelMetadataOrBuilder

        YouTubeChannelAttributeMetadataOrBuilder getYoutubeChannelMetadataOrBuilder()
         Special metadata for a YouTube channel.
         youtube_channel_metadata = 6;
      • hasDynamicAttributeMetadata

        boolean hasDynamicAttributeMetadata()
         Special metadata for a YouTube Dynamic Lineup.
         dynamic_attribute_metadata = 7;
        Whether the dynamicAttributeMetadata field is set.
      • getDynamicAttributeMetadata

        DynamicLineupAttributeMetadata getDynamicAttributeMetadata()
         Special metadata for a YouTube Dynamic Lineup.
         dynamic_attribute_metadata = 7;
        The dynamicAttributeMetadata.
      • getDynamicAttributeMetadataOrBuilder

        DynamicLineupAttributeMetadataOrBuilder getDynamicAttributeMetadataOrBuilder()
         Special metadata for a YouTube Dynamic Lineup.
         dynamic_attribute_metadata = 7;
      • hasLocationAttributeMetadata

        boolean hasLocationAttributeMetadata()
         Special metadata for a Location.
         location_attribute_metadata = 8;
        Whether the locationAttributeMetadata field is set.
      • getLocationAttributeMetadata

        LocationAttributeMetadata getLocationAttributeMetadata()
         Special metadata for a Location.
         location_attribute_metadata = 8;
        The locationAttributeMetadata.
      • getLocationAttributeMetadataOrBuilder

        LocationAttributeMetadataOrBuilder getLocationAttributeMetadataOrBuilder()
         Special metadata for a Location.
         location_attribute_metadata = 8;