Interface CampaignDurationOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    CampaignDuration, CampaignDuration.Builder

    public interface CampaignDurationOrBuilder
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      DateRange getDateRange()
      Date range of the campaign.
      DateRangeOrBuilder getDateRangeOrBuilder()
      Date range of the campaign.
      int getDurationInDays()
      The duration value in days.
      boolean hasDateRange()
      Date range of the campaign.
      boolean hasDurationInDays()
      The duration value in days.
      • Methods inherited from interface

      • Methods inherited from interface

        findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
    • Method Detail

      • hasDurationInDays

        boolean hasDurationInDays()
         The duration value in days.
         This field cannot be combined with the date_range field.
        optional int32 duration_in_days = 2;
        Whether the durationInDays field is set.
      • getDurationInDays

        int getDurationInDays()
         The duration value in days.
         This field cannot be combined with the date_range field.
        optional int32 duration_in_days = 2;
        The durationInDays.
      • hasDateRange

        boolean hasDateRange()
         Date range of the campaign.
         Dates are in the yyyy-mm-dd format and inclusive.
         The end date must be < 1 year in the future and the
         date range must be <= 92 days long.
         This field cannot be combined with the duration_in_days field.
         date_range = 3;
        Whether the dateRange field is set.
      • getDateRange

        DateRange getDateRange()
         Date range of the campaign.
         Dates are in the yyyy-mm-dd format and inclusive.
         The end date must be < 1 year in the future and the
         date range must be <= 92 days long.
         This field cannot be combined with the duration_in_days field.
         date_range = 3;
        The dateRange.
      • getDateRangeOrBuilder

        DateRangeOrBuilder getDateRangeOrBuilder()
         Date range of the campaign.
         Dates are in the yyyy-mm-dd format and inclusive.
         The end date must be < 1 year in the future and the
         date range must be <= 92 days long.
         This field cannot be combined with the duration_in_days field.
         date_range = 3;