Interface RestatementValueOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    RestatementValue, RestatementValue.Builder

    public interface RestatementValueOrBuilder
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      double getAdjustedValue()
      The restated conversion value.
      java.lang.String getCurrencyCode()
      The currency of the restated value. getCurrencyCodeBytes()
      The currency of the restated value.
      boolean hasAdjustedValue()
      The restated conversion value.
      boolean hasCurrencyCode()
      The currency of the restated value.
      • Methods inherited from interface

      • Methods inherited from interface

        findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
    • Method Detail

      • hasAdjustedValue

        boolean hasAdjustedValue()
         The restated conversion value. This is the value of the conversion after
         restatement. For example, to change the value of a conversion from 100 to
         70, an adjusted value of 70 should be reported.
         NOTE: If you want to upload a second restatement with a different adjusted
         value, it must have a new, more recent, adjustment occurrence time.
         Otherwise, it will be treated as a duplicate of the previous restatement
         and ignored.
        optional double adjusted_value = 3;
        Whether the adjustedValue field is set.
      • getAdjustedValue

        double getAdjustedValue()
         The restated conversion value. This is the value of the conversion after
         restatement. For example, to change the value of a conversion from 100 to
         70, an adjusted value of 70 should be reported.
         NOTE: If you want to upload a second restatement with a different adjusted
         value, it must have a new, more recent, adjustment occurrence time.
         Otherwise, it will be treated as a duplicate of the previous restatement
         and ignored.
        optional double adjusted_value = 3;
        The adjustedValue.
      • hasCurrencyCode

        boolean hasCurrencyCode()
         The currency of the restated value. If not provided, then the default
         currency from the conversion action is used, and if that is not set then
         the account currency is used. This is the ISO 4217 3-character currency
         code for example, USD or EUR.
        optional string currency_code = 4;
        Whether the currencyCode field is set.
      • getCurrencyCode

        java.lang.String getCurrencyCode()
         The currency of the restated value. If not provided, then the default
         currency from the conversion action is used, and if that is not set then
         the account currency is used. This is the ISO 4217 3-character currency
         code for example, USD or EUR.
        optional string currency_code = 4;
        The currencyCode.
      • getCurrencyCodeBytes getCurrencyCodeBytes()
         The currency of the restated value. If not provided, then the default
         currency from the conversion action is used, and if that is not set then
         the account currency is used. This is the ISO 4217 3-character currency
         code for example, USD or EUR.
        optional string currency_code = 4;
        The bytes for currencyCode.