Interface CpvBidSimulationPointListOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    CpvBidSimulationPointList, CpvBidSimulationPointList.Builder

    public interface CpvBidSimulationPointListOrBuilder
    • Method Detail

      • getPointsList

        java.util.List<CpvBidSimulationPoint> getPointsList()
         Projected metrics for a series of CPV bid amounts.
        repeated points = 1;
      • getPoints

        CpvBidSimulationPoint getPoints​(int index)
         Projected metrics for a series of CPV bid amounts.
        repeated points = 1;
      • getPointsCount

        int getPointsCount()
         Projected metrics for a series of CPV bid amounts.
        repeated points = 1;
      • getPointsOrBuilderList

        java.util.List<? extends CpvBidSimulationPointOrBuilder> getPointsOrBuilderList()
         Projected metrics for a series of CPV bid amounts.
        repeated points = 1;
      • getPointsOrBuilder

        CpvBidSimulationPointOrBuilder getPointsOrBuilder​(int index)
         Projected metrics for a series of CPV bid amounts.
        repeated points = 1;