Interface CriterionCategoryAvailabilityOrBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • hasChannel

        boolean hasChannel()
         Channel types and subtypes that are available to the category.
         channel = 1;
        Whether the channel field is set.
      • getChannel

        CriterionCategoryChannelAvailability getChannel()
         Channel types and subtypes that are available to the category.
         channel = 1;
        The channel.
      • getChannelOrBuilder

        CriterionCategoryChannelAvailabilityOrBuilder getChannelOrBuilder()
         Channel types and subtypes that are available to the category.
         channel = 1;
      • getLocaleList

        java.util.List<CriterionCategoryLocaleAvailability> getLocaleList()
         Locales that are available to the category for the channel.
        repeated locale = 2;
      • getLocale

        CriterionCategoryLocaleAvailability getLocale​(int index)
         Locales that are available to the category for the channel.
        repeated locale = 2;
      • getLocaleCount

        int getLocaleCount()
         Locales that are available to the category for the channel.
        repeated locale = 2;
      • getLocaleOrBuilderList

        java.util.List<? extends CriterionCategoryLocaleAvailabilityOrBuilder> getLocaleOrBuilderList()
         Locales that are available to the category for the channel.
        repeated locale = 2;
      • getLocaleOrBuilder

        CriterionCategoryLocaleAvailabilityOrBuilder getLocaleOrBuilder​(int index)
         Locales that are available to the category for the channel.
        repeated locale = 2;