Interface LeadFormCustomQuestionFieldOrBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • getCustomQuestionText

        java.lang.String getCustomQuestionText()
         The exact custom question field text (for example, "What kind of vehicle
         do you have?").
        string custom_question_text = 1;
        The customQuestionText.
      • getCustomQuestionTextBytes getCustomQuestionTextBytes()
         The exact custom question field text (for example, "What kind of vehicle
         do you have?").
        string custom_question_text = 1;
        The bytes for customQuestionText.
      • hasSingleChoiceAnswers

        boolean hasSingleChoiceAnswers()
         Answer configuration for a single choice question.
         Minimum of 2 answers and maximum of 12 allowed.
         single_choice_answers = 2;
        Whether the singleChoiceAnswers field is set.
      • getSingleChoiceAnswers

        LeadFormSingleChoiceAnswers getSingleChoiceAnswers()
         Answer configuration for a single choice question.
         Minimum of 2 answers and maximum of 12 allowed.
         single_choice_answers = 2;
        The singleChoiceAnswers.
      • getSingleChoiceAnswersOrBuilder

        LeadFormSingleChoiceAnswersOrBuilder getSingleChoiceAnswersOrBuilder()
         Answer configuration for a single choice question.
         Minimum of 2 answers and maximum of 12 allowed.
         single_choice_answers = 2;
      • hasHasLocationAnswer

        boolean hasHasLocationAnswer()
         Answer configuration for location question. If true, campaign/account
         level location data (state, city, business name etc) will be rendered on
         the Lead Form.
         Starting V13.1, has_location_answer can only be set for "What is your
         preferred dealership?" question, for advertisers with Location Assets
         setup at campaign/account level.
        bool has_location_answer = 3;
        Whether the hasLocationAnswer field is set.
      • getHasLocationAnswer

        boolean getHasLocationAnswer()
         Answer configuration for location question. If true, campaign/account
         level location data (state, city, business name etc) will be rendered on
         the Lead Form.
         Starting V13.1, has_location_answer can only be set for "What is your
         preferred dealership?" question, for advertisers with Location Assets
         setup at campaign/account level.
        bool has_location_answer = 3;
        The hasLocationAnswer.