Interface ErrorLocationOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    ErrorLocation, ErrorLocation.Builder

    public interface ErrorLocationOrBuilder
    • Method Detail

      • getFieldPathElementsList

        java.util.List<ErrorLocation.FieldPathElement> getFieldPathElementsList()
         A field path that indicates which field was invalid in the request.
        repeated field_path_elements = 2;
      • getFieldPathElements

        ErrorLocation.FieldPathElement getFieldPathElements​(int index)
         A field path that indicates which field was invalid in the request.
        repeated field_path_elements = 2;
      • getFieldPathElementsCount

        int getFieldPathElementsCount()
         A field path that indicates which field was invalid in the request.
        repeated field_path_elements = 2;
      • getFieldPathElementsOrBuilderList

        java.util.List<? extends ErrorLocation.FieldPathElementOrBuilder> getFieldPathElementsOrBuilderList()
         A field path that indicates which field was invalid in the request.
        repeated field_path_elements = 2;
      • getFieldPathElementsOrBuilder

        ErrorLocation.FieldPathElementOrBuilder getFieldPathElementsOrBuilder​(int index)
         A field path that indicates which field was invalid in the request.
        repeated field_path_elements = 2;