Interface PolicyFindingDetailsOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    PolicyFindingDetails, PolicyFindingDetails.Builder

    public interface PolicyFindingDetailsOrBuilder
    • Method Detail

      • getPolicyTopicEntriesList

        java.util.List<PolicyTopicEntry> getPolicyTopicEntriesList()
         The list of policy topics for the resource. Contains the PROHIBITED or
         FULLY_LIMITED policy topic entries that prevented the resource from being
         saved (among any other entries the resource may also have).
        repeated policy_topic_entries = 1;
      • getPolicyTopicEntries

        PolicyTopicEntry getPolicyTopicEntries​(int index)
         The list of policy topics for the resource. Contains the PROHIBITED or
         FULLY_LIMITED policy topic entries that prevented the resource from being
         saved (among any other entries the resource may also have).
        repeated policy_topic_entries = 1;
      • getPolicyTopicEntriesCount

        int getPolicyTopicEntriesCount()
         The list of policy topics for the resource. Contains the PROHIBITED or
         FULLY_LIMITED policy topic entries that prevented the resource from being
         saved (among any other entries the resource may also have).
        repeated policy_topic_entries = 1;
      • getPolicyTopicEntriesOrBuilderList

        java.util.List<? extends PolicyTopicEntryOrBuilder> getPolicyTopicEntriesOrBuilderList()
         The list of policy topics for the resource. Contains the PROHIBITED or
         FULLY_LIMITED policy topic entries that prevented the resource from being
         saved (among any other entries the resource may also have).
        repeated policy_topic_entries = 1;
      • getPolicyTopicEntriesOrBuilder

        PolicyTopicEntryOrBuilder getPolicyTopicEntriesOrBuilder​(int index)
         The list of policy topics for the resource. Contains the PROHIBITED or
         FULLY_LIMITED policy topic entries that prevented the resource from being
         saved (among any other entries the resource may also have).
        repeated policy_topic_entries = 1;