Interface CampaignOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Campaign, Campaign.Builder

    public interface CampaignOrBuilder
    • Method Detail

      • getResourceName

        java.lang.String getResourceName()
         Immutable. The resource name of the campaign.
         Campaign resource names have the form:
        string resource_name = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        The resourceName.
      • getResourceNameBytes getResourceNameBytes()
         Immutable. The resource name of the campaign.
         Campaign resource names have the form:
        string resource_name = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        The bytes for resourceName.
      • hasId

        boolean hasId()
         Output only. The ID of the campaign.
        optional int64 id = 59 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        Whether the id field is set.
      • getId

        long getId()
         Output only. The ID of the campaign.
        optional int64 id = 59 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        The id.
      • hasName

        boolean hasName()
         The name of the campaign.
         This field is required and should not be empty when creating new
         It must not contain any null (code point 0x0), NL line feed
         (code point 0xA) or carriage return (code point 0xD) characters.
        optional string name = 58;
        Whether the name field is set.
      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
         The name of the campaign.
         This field is required and should not be empty when creating new
         It must not contain any null (code point 0x0), NL line feed
         (code point 0xA) or carriage return (code point 0xD) characters.
        optional string name = 58;
        The name.
      • getNameBytes getNameBytes()
         The name of the campaign.
         This field is required and should not be empty when creating new
         It must not contain any null (code point 0x0), NL line feed
         (code point 0xA) or carriage return (code point 0xD) characters.
        optional string name = 58;
        The bytes for name.
      • getPrimaryStatusValue

        int getPrimaryStatusValue()
         Output only. The primary status of the campaign.
         Provides insight into why a campaign is not serving or not serving
         optimally. Modification to the campaign and its related entities might take
         a while to be reflected in this status.
         primary_status = 81 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        The enum numeric value on the wire for primaryStatus.
      • getPrimaryStatus

        CampaignPrimaryStatusEnum.CampaignPrimaryStatus getPrimaryStatus()
         Output only. The primary status of the campaign.
         Provides insight into why a campaign is not serving or not serving
         optimally. Modification to the campaign and its related entities might take
         a while to be reflected in this status.
         primary_status = 81 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        The primaryStatus.
      • getPrimaryStatusReasonsList

        java.util.List<CampaignPrimaryStatusReasonEnum.CampaignPrimaryStatusReason> getPrimaryStatusReasonsList()
         Output only. The primary status reasons of the campaign.
         Provides insight into why a campaign is not serving or not serving
         optimally. These reasons are aggregated to determine an overall
        repeated primary_status_reasons = 82 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        A list containing the primaryStatusReasons.
      • getPrimaryStatusReasonsCount

        int getPrimaryStatusReasonsCount()
         Output only. The primary status reasons of the campaign.
         Provides insight into why a campaign is not serving or not serving
         optimally. These reasons are aggregated to determine an overall
        repeated primary_status_reasons = 82 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        The count of primaryStatusReasons.
      • getPrimaryStatusReasons

        CampaignPrimaryStatusReasonEnum.CampaignPrimaryStatusReason getPrimaryStatusReasons​(int index)
         Output only. The primary status reasons of the campaign.
         Provides insight into why a campaign is not serving or not serving
         optimally. These reasons are aggregated to determine an overall
        repeated primary_status_reasons = 82 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        index - The index of the element to return.
        The primaryStatusReasons at the given index.
      • getPrimaryStatusReasonsValueList

        java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> getPrimaryStatusReasonsValueList()
         Output only. The primary status reasons of the campaign.
         Provides insight into why a campaign is not serving or not serving
         optimally. These reasons are aggregated to determine an overall
        repeated primary_status_reasons = 82 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        A list containing the enum numeric values on the wire for primaryStatusReasons.
      • getPrimaryStatusReasonsValue

        int getPrimaryStatusReasonsValue​(int index)
         Output only. The primary status reasons of the campaign.
         Provides insight into why a campaign is not serving or not serving
         optimally. These reasons are aggregated to determine an overall
        repeated primary_status_reasons = 82 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        index - The index of the value to return.
        The enum numeric value on the wire of primaryStatusReasons at the given index.
      • getStatusValue

        int getStatusValue()
         The status of the campaign.
         When a new campaign is added, the status defaults to ENABLED.
         status = 5;
        The enum numeric value on the wire for status.
      • getStatus

        CampaignStatusEnum.CampaignStatus getStatus()
         The status of the campaign.
         When a new campaign is added, the status defaults to ENABLED.
         status = 5;
        The status.
      • getServingStatusValue

        int getServingStatusValue()
         Output only. The ad serving status of the campaign.
         serving_status = 21 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        The enum numeric value on the wire for servingStatus.
      • getServingStatus

        CampaignServingStatusEnum.CampaignServingStatus getServingStatus()
         Output only. The ad serving status of the campaign.
         serving_status = 21 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        The servingStatus.
      • getBiddingStrategySystemStatusValue

        int getBiddingStrategySystemStatusValue()
         Output only. The system status of the campaign's bidding strategy.
         bidding_strategy_system_status = 78 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        The enum numeric value on the wire for biddingStrategySystemStatus.
      • getBiddingStrategySystemStatus

        BiddingStrategySystemStatusEnum.BiddingStrategySystemStatus getBiddingStrategySystemStatus()
         Output only. The system status of the campaign's bidding strategy.
         bidding_strategy_system_status = 78 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        The biddingStrategySystemStatus.
      • getAdServingOptimizationStatusValue

        int getAdServingOptimizationStatusValue()
         The ad serving optimization status of the campaign.
         ad_serving_optimization_status = 8;
        The enum numeric value on the wire for adServingOptimizationStatus.
      • getAdServingOptimizationStatus

        AdServingOptimizationStatusEnum.AdServingOptimizationStatus getAdServingOptimizationStatus()
         The ad serving optimization status of the campaign.
         ad_serving_optimization_status = 8;
        The adServingOptimizationStatus.
      • getAdvertisingChannelTypeValue

        int getAdvertisingChannelTypeValue()
         Immutable. The primary serving target for ads within the campaign.
         The targeting options can be refined in `network_settings`.
         This field is required and should not be empty when creating new
         Can be set only when creating campaigns.
         After the campaign is created, the field can not be changed.
         advertising_channel_type = 9 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
        The enum numeric value on the wire for advertisingChannelType.
      • getAdvertisingChannelType

        AdvertisingChannelTypeEnum.AdvertisingChannelType getAdvertisingChannelType()
         Immutable. The primary serving target for ads within the campaign.
         The targeting options can be refined in `network_settings`.
         This field is required and should not be empty when creating new
         Can be set only when creating campaigns.
         After the campaign is created, the field can not be changed.
         advertising_channel_type = 9 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
        The advertisingChannelType.
      • getAdvertisingChannelSubTypeValue

        int getAdvertisingChannelSubTypeValue()
         Immutable. Optional refinement to `advertising_channel_type`.
         Must be a valid sub-type of the parent channel type.
         Can be set only when creating campaigns.
         After campaign is created, the field can not be changed.
         advertising_channel_sub_type = 10 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
        The enum numeric value on the wire for advertisingChannelSubType.
      • getAdvertisingChannelSubType

        AdvertisingChannelSubTypeEnum.AdvertisingChannelSubType getAdvertisingChannelSubType()
         Immutable. Optional refinement to `advertising_channel_type`.
         Must be a valid sub-type of the parent channel type.
         Can be set only when creating campaigns.
         After campaign is created, the field can not be changed.
         advertising_channel_sub_type = 10 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
        The advertisingChannelSubType.
      • hasTrackingUrlTemplate

        boolean hasTrackingUrlTemplate()
         The URL template for constructing a tracking URL.
        optional string tracking_url_template = 60;
        Whether the trackingUrlTemplate field is set.
      • getTrackingUrlTemplate

        java.lang.String getTrackingUrlTemplate()
         The URL template for constructing a tracking URL.
        optional string tracking_url_template = 60;
        The trackingUrlTemplate.
      • getTrackingUrlTemplateBytes getTrackingUrlTemplateBytes()
         The URL template for constructing a tracking URL.
        optional string tracking_url_template = 60;
        The bytes for trackingUrlTemplate.
      • getUrlCustomParametersList

        java.util.List<CustomParameter> getUrlCustomParametersList()
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 12;
      • getUrlCustomParameters

        CustomParameter getUrlCustomParameters​(int index)
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 12;
      • getUrlCustomParametersCount

        int getUrlCustomParametersCount()
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 12;
      • getUrlCustomParametersOrBuilderList

        java.util.List<? extends CustomParameterOrBuilder> getUrlCustomParametersOrBuilderList()
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 12;
      • getUrlCustomParametersOrBuilder

        CustomParameterOrBuilder getUrlCustomParametersOrBuilder​(int index)
         The list of mappings used to substitute custom parameter tags in a
         `tracking_url_template`, `final_urls`, or `mobile_final_urls`.
        repeated url_custom_parameters = 12;
      • hasLocalServicesCampaignSettings

        boolean hasLocalServicesCampaignSettings()
         The Local Services Campaign related settings.
         local_services_campaign_settings = 75;
        Whether the localServicesCampaignSettings field is set.
      • getLocalServicesCampaignSettings

        Campaign.LocalServicesCampaignSettings getLocalServicesCampaignSettings()
         The Local Services Campaign related settings.
         local_services_campaign_settings = 75;
        The localServicesCampaignSettings.
      • getLocalServicesCampaignSettingsOrBuilder

        Campaign.LocalServicesCampaignSettingsOrBuilder getLocalServicesCampaignSettingsOrBuilder()
         The Local Services Campaign related settings.
         local_services_campaign_settings = 75;
      • hasTravelCampaignSettings

        boolean hasTravelCampaignSettings()
         Settings for Travel campaign.
         travel_campaign_settings = 85;
        Whether the travelCampaignSettings field is set.
      • getTravelCampaignSettings

        Campaign.TravelCampaignSettings getTravelCampaignSettings()
         Settings for Travel campaign.
         travel_campaign_settings = 85;
        The travelCampaignSettings.
      • getTravelCampaignSettingsOrBuilder

        Campaign.TravelCampaignSettingsOrBuilder getTravelCampaignSettingsOrBuilder()
         Settings for Travel campaign.
         travel_campaign_settings = 85;
      • hasDiscoveryCampaignSettings

        boolean hasDiscoveryCampaignSettings()
         Settings for Discovery campaign.
         discovery_campaign_settings = 87;
        Whether the discoveryCampaignSettings field is set.
      • getDiscoveryCampaignSettings

        Campaign.DiscoveryCampaignSettings getDiscoveryCampaignSettings()
         Settings for Discovery campaign.
         discovery_campaign_settings = 87;
        The discoveryCampaignSettings.
      • getDiscoveryCampaignSettingsOrBuilder

        Campaign.DiscoveryCampaignSettingsOrBuilder getDiscoveryCampaignSettingsOrBuilder()
         Settings for Discovery campaign.
         discovery_campaign_settings = 87;
      • hasRealTimeBiddingSetting

        boolean hasRealTimeBiddingSetting()
         Settings for Real-Time Bidding, a feature only available for campaigns
         targeting the Ad Exchange network.
         real_time_bidding_setting = 39;
        Whether the realTimeBiddingSetting field is set.
      • getRealTimeBiddingSetting

        RealTimeBiddingSetting getRealTimeBiddingSetting()
         Settings for Real-Time Bidding, a feature only available for campaigns
         targeting the Ad Exchange network.
         real_time_bidding_setting = 39;
        The realTimeBiddingSetting.
      • getRealTimeBiddingSettingOrBuilder

        RealTimeBiddingSettingOrBuilder getRealTimeBiddingSettingOrBuilder()
         Settings for Real-Time Bidding, a feature only available for campaigns
         targeting the Ad Exchange network.
         real_time_bidding_setting = 39;
      • hasNetworkSettings

        boolean hasNetworkSettings()
         The network settings for the campaign.
         network_settings = 14;
        Whether the networkSettings field is set.
      • getNetworkSettings

        Campaign.NetworkSettings getNetworkSettings()
         The network settings for the campaign.
         network_settings = 14;
        The networkSettings.
      • getNetworkSettingsOrBuilder

        Campaign.NetworkSettingsOrBuilder getNetworkSettingsOrBuilder()
         The network settings for the campaign.
         network_settings = 14;
      • hasHotelSetting

        boolean hasHotelSetting()
         Immutable. The hotel setting for the campaign.
         hotel_setting = 32 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
        Whether the hotelSetting field is set.
      • getHotelSetting

        Campaign.HotelSettingInfo getHotelSetting()
         Immutable. The hotel setting for the campaign.
         hotel_setting = 32 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
        The hotelSetting.
      • getHotelSettingOrBuilder

        Campaign.HotelSettingInfoOrBuilder getHotelSettingOrBuilder()
         Immutable. The hotel setting for the campaign.
         hotel_setting = 32 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
      • hasDynamicSearchAdsSetting

        boolean hasDynamicSearchAdsSetting()
         The setting for controlling Dynamic Search Ads (DSA).
         dynamic_search_ads_setting = 33;
        Whether the dynamicSearchAdsSetting field is set.
      • getDynamicSearchAdsSetting

        Campaign.DynamicSearchAdsSetting getDynamicSearchAdsSetting()
         The setting for controlling Dynamic Search Ads (DSA).
         dynamic_search_ads_setting = 33;
        The dynamicSearchAdsSetting.
      • getDynamicSearchAdsSettingOrBuilder

        Campaign.DynamicSearchAdsSettingOrBuilder getDynamicSearchAdsSettingOrBuilder()
         The setting for controlling Dynamic Search Ads (DSA).
         dynamic_search_ads_setting = 33;
      • hasShoppingSetting

        boolean hasShoppingSetting()
         The setting for controlling Shopping campaigns.
         shopping_setting = 36;
        Whether the shoppingSetting field is set.
      • getShoppingSetting

        Campaign.ShoppingSetting getShoppingSetting()
         The setting for controlling Shopping campaigns.
         shopping_setting = 36;
        The shoppingSetting.
      • getShoppingSettingOrBuilder

        Campaign.ShoppingSettingOrBuilder getShoppingSettingOrBuilder()
         The setting for controlling Shopping campaigns.
         shopping_setting = 36;
      • hasTargetingSetting

        boolean hasTargetingSetting()
         Setting for targeting related features.
         targeting_setting = 43;
        Whether the targetingSetting field is set.
      • getTargetingSetting

        TargetingSetting getTargetingSetting()
         Setting for targeting related features.
         targeting_setting = 43;
        The targetingSetting.
      • getTargetingSettingOrBuilder

        TargetingSettingOrBuilder getTargetingSettingOrBuilder()
         Setting for targeting related features.
         targeting_setting = 43;
      • hasAudienceSetting

        boolean hasAudienceSetting()
         Immutable. Setting for audience related features.
        optional audience_setting = 73 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
        Whether the audienceSetting field is set.
      • getAudienceSetting

        Campaign.AudienceSetting getAudienceSetting()
         Immutable. Setting for audience related features.
        optional audience_setting = 73 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
        The audienceSetting.
      • getAudienceSettingOrBuilder

        Campaign.AudienceSettingOrBuilder getAudienceSettingOrBuilder()
         Immutable. Setting for audience related features.
        optional audience_setting = 73 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
      • hasGeoTargetTypeSetting

        boolean hasGeoTargetTypeSetting()
         The setting for ads geotargeting.
         geo_target_type_setting = 47;
        Whether the geoTargetTypeSetting field is set.
      • getGeoTargetTypeSetting

        Campaign.GeoTargetTypeSetting getGeoTargetTypeSetting()
         The setting for ads geotargeting.
         geo_target_type_setting = 47;
        The geoTargetTypeSetting.
      • getGeoTargetTypeSettingOrBuilder

        Campaign.GeoTargetTypeSettingOrBuilder getGeoTargetTypeSettingOrBuilder()
         The setting for ads geotargeting.
         geo_target_type_setting = 47;
      • hasLocalCampaignSetting

        boolean hasLocalCampaignSetting()
         The setting for local campaign.
         local_campaign_setting = 50;
        Whether the localCampaignSetting field is set.
      • getLocalCampaignSetting

        Campaign.LocalCampaignSetting getLocalCampaignSetting()
         The setting for local campaign.
         local_campaign_setting = 50;
        The localCampaignSetting.
      • getLocalCampaignSettingOrBuilder

        Campaign.LocalCampaignSettingOrBuilder getLocalCampaignSettingOrBuilder()
         The setting for local campaign.
         local_campaign_setting = 50;
      • hasAppCampaignSetting

        boolean hasAppCampaignSetting()
         The setting related to App Campaign.
         app_campaign_setting = 51;
        Whether the appCampaignSetting field is set.
      • getAppCampaignSetting

        Campaign.AppCampaignSetting getAppCampaignSetting()
         The setting related to App Campaign.
         app_campaign_setting = 51;
        The appCampaignSetting.
      • getAppCampaignSettingOrBuilder

        Campaign.AppCampaignSettingOrBuilder getAppCampaignSettingOrBuilder()
         The setting related to App Campaign.
         app_campaign_setting = 51;
      • getLabelsList

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getLabelsList()
         Output only. The resource names of labels attached to this campaign.
        repeated string labels = 61 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        A list containing the labels.
      • getLabelsCount

        int getLabelsCount()
         Output only. The resource names of labels attached to this campaign.
        repeated string labels = 61 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        The count of labels.
      • getLabels

        java.lang.String getLabels​(int index)
         Output only. The resource names of labels attached to this campaign.
        repeated string labels = 61 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        index - The index of the element to return.
        The labels at the given index.
      • getLabelsBytes getLabelsBytes​(int index)
         Output only. The resource names of labels attached to this campaign.
        repeated string labels = 61 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        index - The index of the value to return.
        The bytes of the labels at the given index.
      • getExperimentTypeValue

        int getExperimentTypeValue()
         Output only. The type of campaign: normal, draft, or experiment.
         experiment_type = 17 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        The enum numeric value on the wire for experimentType.
      • getExperimentType

        CampaignExperimentTypeEnum.CampaignExperimentType getExperimentType()
         Output only. The type of campaign: normal, draft, or experiment.
         experiment_type = 17 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        The experimentType.
      • hasBaseCampaign

        boolean hasBaseCampaign()
         Output only. The resource name of the base campaign of a draft or
         experiment campaign. For base campaigns, this is equal to `resource_name`.
         This field is read-only.
        optional string base_campaign = 56 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        Whether the baseCampaign field is set.
      • getBaseCampaign

        java.lang.String getBaseCampaign()
         Output only. The resource name of the base campaign of a draft or
         experiment campaign. For base campaigns, this is equal to `resource_name`.
         This field is read-only.
        optional string base_campaign = 56 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        The baseCampaign.
      • getBaseCampaignBytes getBaseCampaignBytes()
         Output only. The resource name of the base campaign of a draft or
         experiment campaign. For base campaigns, this is equal to `resource_name`.
         This field is read-only.
        optional string base_campaign = 56 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        The bytes for baseCampaign.
      • hasCampaignBudget

        boolean hasCampaignBudget()
         The budget of the campaign.
        optional string campaign_budget = 62 [(.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        Whether the campaignBudget field is set.
      • getCampaignBudget

        java.lang.String getCampaignBudget()
         The budget of the campaign.
        optional string campaign_budget = 62 [(.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        The campaignBudget.
      • getCampaignBudgetBytes getCampaignBudgetBytes()
         The budget of the campaign.
        optional string campaign_budget = 62 [(.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        The bytes for campaignBudget.
      • getBiddingStrategyTypeValue

        int getBiddingStrategyTypeValue()
         Output only. The type of bidding strategy.
         A bidding strategy can be created by setting either the bidding scheme to
         create a standard bidding strategy or the `bidding_strategy` field to
         create a portfolio bidding strategy.
         This field is read-only.
         bidding_strategy_type = 22 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        The enum numeric value on the wire for biddingStrategyType.
      • getBiddingStrategyType

        BiddingStrategyTypeEnum.BiddingStrategyType getBiddingStrategyType()
         Output only. The type of bidding strategy.
         A bidding strategy can be created by setting either the bidding scheme to
         create a standard bidding strategy or the `bidding_strategy` field to
         create a portfolio bidding strategy.
         This field is read-only.
         bidding_strategy_type = 22 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        The biddingStrategyType.
      • getAccessibleBiddingStrategy

        java.lang.String getAccessibleBiddingStrategy()
         Output only. Resource name of AccessibleBiddingStrategy, a read-only view
         of the unrestricted attributes of the attached portfolio bidding strategy
         identified by 'bidding_strategy'. Empty, if the campaign does not use a
         portfolio strategy. Unrestricted strategy attributes are available to all
         customers with whom the strategy is shared and are read from the
         AccessibleBiddingStrategy resource. In contrast, restricted attributes are
         only available to the owner customer of the strategy and their managers.
         Restricted attributes can only be read from the BiddingStrategy resource.
        string accessible_bidding_strategy = 71 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        The accessibleBiddingStrategy.
      • getAccessibleBiddingStrategyBytes getAccessibleBiddingStrategyBytes()
         Output only. Resource name of AccessibleBiddingStrategy, a read-only view
         of the unrestricted attributes of the attached portfolio bidding strategy
         identified by 'bidding_strategy'. Empty, if the campaign does not use a
         portfolio strategy. Unrestricted strategy attributes are available to all
         customers with whom the strategy is shared and are read from the
         AccessibleBiddingStrategy resource. In contrast, restricted attributes are
         only available to the owner customer of the strategy and their managers.
         Restricted attributes can only be read from the BiddingStrategy resource.
        string accessible_bidding_strategy = 71 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        The bytes for accessibleBiddingStrategy.
      • hasStartDate

        boolean hasStartDate()
         The date when campaign started in serving customer's timezone in YYYY-MM-DD
        optional string start_date = 63;
        Whether the startDate field is set.
      • getStartDate

        java.lang.String getStartDate()
         The date when campaign started in serving customer's timezone in YYYY-MM-DD
        optional string start_date = 63;
        The startDate.
      • getStartDateBytes getStartDateBytes()
         The date when campaign started in serving customer's timezone in YYYY-MM-DD
        optional string start_date = 63;
        The bytes for startDate.
      • hasCampaignGroup

        boolean hasCampaignGroup()
         The campaign group this campaign belongs to.
        optional string campaign_group = 76 [(.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        Whether the campaignGroup field is set.
      • getCampaignGroup

        java.lang.String getCampaignGroup()
         The campaign group this campaign belongs to.
        optional string campaign_group = 76 [(.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        The campaignGroup.
      • getCampaignGroupBytes getCampaignGroupBytes()
         The campaign group this campaign belongs to.
        optional string campaign_group = 76 [(.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        The bytes for campaignGroup.
      • hasEndDate

        boolean hasEndDate()
         The last day of the campaign in serving customer's timezone in YYYY-MM-DD
         format. On create, defaults to 2037-12-30, which means the campaign will
         run indefinitely. To set an existing campaign to run indefinitely, set this
         field to 2037-12-30.
        optional string end_date = 64;
        Whether the endDate field is set.
      • getEndDate

        java.lang.String getEndDate()
         The last day of the campaign in serving customer's timezone in YYYY-MM-DD
         format. On create, defaults to 2037-12-30, which means the campaign will
         run indefinitely. To set an existing campaign to run indefinitely, set this
         field to 2037-12-30.
        optional string end_date = 64;
        The endDate.
      • getEndDateBytes getEndDateBytes()
         The last day of the campaign in serving customer's timezone in YYYY-MM-DD
         format. On create, defaults to 2037-12-30, which means the campaign will
         run indefinitely. To set an existing campaign to run indefinitely, set this
         field to 2037-12-30.
        optional string end_date = 64;
        The bytes for endDate.
      • hasFinalUrlSuffix

        boolean hasFinalUrlSuffix()
         Suffix used to append query parameters to landing pages that are served
         with parallel tracking.
        optional string final_url_suffix = 65;
        Whether the finalUrlSuffix field is set.
      • getFinalUrlSuffix

        java.lang.String getFinalUrlSuffix()
         Suffix used to append query parameters to landing pages that are served
         with parallel tracking.
        optional string final_url_suffix = 65;
        The finalUrlSuffix.
      • getFinalUrlSuffixBytes getFinalUrlSuffixBytes()
         Suffix used to append query parameters to landing pages that are served
         with parallel tracking.
        optional string final_url_suffix = 65;
        The bytes for finalUrlSuffix.
      • getFrequencyCapsList

        java.util.List<FrequencyCapEntry> getFrequencyCapsList()
         A list that limits how often each user will see this campaign's ads.
        repeated frequency_caps = 40;
      • getFrequencyCaps

        FrequencyCapEntry getFrequencyCaps​(int index)
         A list that limits how often each user will see this campaign's ads.
        repeated frequency_caps = 40;
      • getFrequencyCapsCount

        int getFrequencyCapsCount()
         A list that limits how often each user will see this campaign's ads.
        repeated frequency_caps = 40;
      • getFrequencyCapsOrBuilderList

        java.util.List<? extends FrequencyCapEntryOrBuilder> getFrequencyCapsOrBuilderList()
         A list that limits how often each user will see this campaign's ads.
        repeated frequency_caps = 40;
      • getFrequencyCapsOrBuilder

        FrequencyCapEntryOrBuilder getFrequencyCapsOrBuilder​(int index)
         A list that limits how often each user will see this campaign's ads.
        repeated frequency_caps = 40;
      • getVideoBrandSafetySuitabilityValue

        int getVideoBrandSafetySuitabilityValue()
         Output only. 3-Tier Brand Safety setting for the campaign.
         video_brand_safety_suitability = 42 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        The enum numeric value on the wire for videoBrandSafetySuitability.
      • getVideoBrandSafetySuitability

        BrandSafetySuitabilityEnum.BrandSafetySuitability getVideoBrandSafetySuitability()
         Output only. 3-Tier Brand Safety setting for the campaign.
         video_brand_safety_suitability = 42 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        The videoBrandSafetySuitability.
      • hasVanityPharma

        boolean hasVanityPharma()
         Describes how unbranded pharma ads will be displayed.
         vanity_pharma = 44;
        Whether the vanityPharma field is set.
      • getVanityPharma

        Campaign.VanityPharma getVanityPharma()
         Describes how unbranded pharma ads will be displayed.
         vanity_pharma = 44;
        The vanityPharma.
      • getVanityPharmaOrBuilder

        Campaign.VanityPharmaOrBuilder getVanityPharmaOrBuilder()
         Describes how unbranded pharma ads will be displayed.
         vanity_pharma = 44;
      • hasSelectiveOptimization

        boolean hasSelectiveOptimization()
         Selective optimization setting for this campaign, which includes a set of
         conversion actions to optimize this campaign towards.
         This feature only applies to app campaigns that use MULTI_CHANNEL as
         AdvertisingChannelType and APP_CAMPAIGN or APP_CAMPAIGN_FOR_ENGAGEMENT as
         selective_optimization = 45;
        Whether the selectiveOptimization field is set.
      • getSelectiveOptimization

        Campaign.SelectiveOptimization getSelectiveOptimization()
         Selective optimization setting for this campaign, which includes a set of
         conversion actions to optimize this campaign towards.
         This feature only applies to app campaigns that use MULTI_CHANNEL as
         AdvertisingChannelType and APP_CAMPAIGN or APP_CAMPAIGN_FOR_ENGAGEMENT as
         selective_optimization = 45;
        The selectiveOptimization.
      • getSelectiveOptimizationOrBuilder

        Campaign.SelectiveOptimizationOrBuilder getSelectiveOptimizationOrBuilder()
         Selective optimization setting for this campaign, which includes a set of
         conversion actions to optimize this campaign towards.
         This feature only applies to app campaigns that use MULTI_CHANNEL as
         AdvertisingChannelType and APP_CAMPAIGN or APP_CAMPAIGN_FOR_ENGAGEMENT as
         selective_optimization = 45;
      • hasOptimizationGoalSetting

        boolean hasOptimizationGoalSetting()
         Optimization goal setting for this campaign, which includes a set of
         optimization goal types.
         optimization_goal_setting = 54;
        Whether the optimizationGoalSetting field is set.
      • getOptimizationGoalSetting

        Campaign.OptimizationGoalSetting getOptimizationGoalSetting()
         Optimization goal setting for this campaign, which includes a set of
         optimization goal types.
         optimization_goal_setting = 54;
        The optimizationGoalSetting.
      • getOptimizationGoalSettingOrBuilder

        Campaign.OptimizationGoalSettingOrBuilder getOptimizationGoalSettingOrBuilder()
         Optimization goal setting for this campaign, which includes a set of
         optimization goal types.
         optimization_goal_setting = 54;
      • hasTrackingSetting

        boolean hasTrackingSetting()
         Output only. Campaign-level settings for tracking information.
         tracking_setting = 46 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        Whether the trackingSetting field is set.
      • getTrackingSetting

        Campaign.TrackingSetting getTrackingSetting()
         Output only. Campaign-level settings for tracking information.
         tracking_setting = 46 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        The trackingSetting.
      • getTrackingSettingOrBuilder

        Campaign.TrackingSettingOrBuilder getTrackingSettingOrBuilder()
         Output only. Campaign-level settings for tracking information.
         tracking_setting = 46 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
      • getPaymentModeValue

        int getPaymentModeValue()
         Payment mode for the campaign.
         payment_mode = 52;
        The enum numeric value on the wire for paymentMode.
      • getPaymentMode

        PaymentModeEnum.PaymentMode getPaymentMode()
         Payment mode for the campaign.
         payment_mode = 52;
        The paymentMode.
      • hasOptimizationScore

        boolean hasOptimizationScore()
         Output only. Optimization score of the campaign.
         Optimization score is an estimate of how well a campaign is set to perform.
         It ranges from 0% (0.0) to 100% (1.0), with 100% indicating that the
         campaign is performing at full potential. This field is null for unscored
         See "About optimization score" at
         This field is read-only.
        optional double optimization_score = 66 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        Whether the optimizationScore field is set.
      • getOptimizationScore

        double getOptimizationScore()
         Output only. Optimization score of the campaign.
         Optimization score is an estimate of how well a campaign is set to perform.
         It ranges from 0% (0.0) to 100% (1.0), with 100% indicating that the
         campaign is performing at full potential. This field is null for unscored
         See "About optimization score" at
         This field is read-only.
        optional double optimization_score = 66 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        The optimizationScore.
      • getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesList

        java.util.List<AssetFieldTypeEnum.AssetFieldType> getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesList()
         The asset field types that should be excluded from this campaign. Asset
         links with these field types will not be inherited by this campaign from
         the upper level.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_field_types = 69;
        A list containing the excludedParentAssetFieldTypes.
      • getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesCount

        int getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesCount()
         The asset field types that should be excluded from this campaign. Asset
         links with these field types will not be inherited by this campaign from
         the upper level.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_field_types = 69;
        The count of excludedParentAssetFieldTypes.
      • getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypes

        AssetFieldTypeEnum.AssetFieldType getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypes​(int index)
         The asset field types that should be excluded from this campaign. Asset
         links with these field types will not be inherited by this campaign from
         the upper level.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_field_types = 69;
        index - The index of the element to return.
        The excludedParentAssetFieldTypes at the given index.
      • getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesValueList

        java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesValueList()
         The asset field types that should be excluded from this campaign. Asset
         links with these field types will not be inherited by this campaign from
         the upper level.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_field_types = 69;
        A list containing the enum numeric values on the wire for excludedParentAssetFieldTypes.
      • getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesValue

        int getExcludedParentAssetFieldTypesValue​(int index)
         The asset field types that should be excluded from this campaign. Asset
         links with these field types will not be inherited by this campaign from
         the upper level.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_field_types = 69;
        index - The index of the value to return.
        The enum numeric value on the wire of excludedParentAssetFieldTypes at the given index.
      • getExcludedParentAssetSetTypesList

        java.util.List<AssetSetTypeEnum.AssetSetType> getExcludedParentAssetSetTypesList()
         The asset set types that should be excluded from this campaign. Asset set
         links with these types will not be inherited by this campaign from
         the upper level.
         Location group types (GMB_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP,
         LOCATION_SYNC. Therefore, if LOCATION_SYNC is set for this field, all
         location group asset sets are not allowed to be linked to this campaign,
         and all Location Extension (LE) and Affiliate Location Extensions (ALE)
         will not be served under this campaign.
         Only LOCATION_SYNC is currently supported.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_set_types = 80;
        A list containing the excludedParentAssetSetTypes.
      • getExcludedParentAssetSetTypesCount

        int getExcludedParentAssetSetTypesCount()
         The asset set types that should be excluded from this campaign. Asset set
         links with these types will not be inherited by this campaign from
         the upper level.
         Location group types (GMB_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP,
         LOCATION_SYNC. Therefore, if LOCATION_SYNC is set for this field, all
         location group asset sets are not allowed to be linked to this campaign,
         and all Location Extension (LE) and Affiliate Location Extensions (ALE)
         will not be served under this campaign.
         Only LOCATION_SYNC is currently supported.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_set_types = 80;
        The count of excludedParentAssetSetTypes.
      • getExcludedParentAssetSetTypes

        AssetSetTypeEnum.AssetSetType getExcludedParentAssetSetTypes​(int index)
         The asset set types that should be excluded from this campaign. Asset set
         links with these types will not be inherited by this campaign from
         the upper level.
         Location group types (GMB_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP,
         LOCATION_SYNC. Therefore, if LOCATION_SYNC is set for this field, all
         location group asset sets are not allowed to be linked to this campaign,
         and all Location Extension (LE) and Affiliate Location Extensions (ALE)
         will not be served under this campaign.
         Only LOCATION_SYNC is currently supported.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_set_types = 80;
        index - The index of the element to return.
        The excludedParentAssetSetTypes at the given index.
      • getExcludedParentAssetSetTypesValueList

        java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> getExcludedParentAssetSetTypesValueList()
         The asset set types that should be excluded from this campaign. Asset set
         links with these types will not be inherited by this campaign from
         the upper level.
         Location group types (GMB_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP,
         LOCATION_SYNC. Therefore, if LOCATION_SYNC is set for this field, all
         location group asset sets are not allowed to be linked to this campaign,
         and all Location Extension (LE) and Affiliate Location Extensions (ALE)
         will not be served under this campaign.
         Only LOCATION_SYNC is currently supported.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_set_types = 80;
        A list containing the enum numeric values on the wire for excludedParentAssetSetTypes.
      • getExcludedParentAssetSetTypesValue

        int getExcludedParentAssetSetTypesValue​(int index)
         The asset set types that should be excluded from this campaign. Asset set
         links with these types will not be inherited by this campaign from
         the upper level.
         Location group types (GMB_DYNAMIC_LOCATION_GROUP,
         LOCATION_SYNC. Therefore, if LOCATION_SYNC is set for this field, all
         location group asset sets are not allowed to be linked to this campaign,
         and all Location Extension (LE) and Affiliate Location Extensions (ALE)
         will not be served under this campaign.
         Only LOCATION_SYNC is currently supported.
        repeated excluded_parent_asset_set_types = 80;
        index - The index of the value to return.
        The enum numeric value on the wire of excludedParentAssetSetTypes at the given index.
      • hasUrlExpansionOptOut

        boolean hasUrlExpansionOptOut()
         Represents opting out of URL expansion to more targeted URLs. If opted out
         (true), only the final URLs in the asset group or URLs specified in the
         advertiser's Google Merchant Center or business data feeds are targeted.
         If opted in (false), the entire domain will be targeted. This field can
         only be set for Performance Max campaigns, where the default value is
        optional bool url_expansion_opt_out = 72;
        Whether the urlExpansionOptOut field is set.
      • getUrlExpansionOptOut

        boolean getUrlExpansionOptOut()
         Represents opting out of URL expansion to more targeted URLs. If opted out
         (true), only the final URLs in the asset group or URLs specified in the
         advertiser's Google Merchant Center or business data feeds are targeted.
         If opted in (false), the entire domain will be targeted. This field can
         only be set for Performance Max campaigns, where the default value is
        optional bool url_expansion_opt_out = 72;
        The urlExpansionOptOut.
      • hasPerformanceMaxUpgrade

        boolean hasPerformanceMaxUpgrade()
         Output only. Information about campaigns being upgraded to Performance Max.
         performance_max_upgrade = 77 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        Whether the performanceMaxUpgrade field is set.
      • getPerformanceMaxUpgrade

        Campaign.PerformanceMaxUpgrade getPerformanceMaxUpgrade()
         Output only. Information about campaigns being upgraded to Performance Max.
         performance_max_upgrade = 77 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
        The performanceMaxUpgrade.
      • getPerformanceMaxUpgradeOrBuilder

        Campaign.PerformanceMaxUpgradeOrBuilder getPerformanceMaxUpgradeOrBuilder()
         Output only. Information about campaigns being upgraded to Performance Max.
         performance_max_upgrade = 77 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
      • hasHotelPropertyAssetSet

        boolean hasHotelPropertyAssetSet()
         Immutable. The set of hotel properties for Performance Max for travel goals
        optional string hotel_property_asset_set = 83 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        Whether the hotelPropertyAssetSet field is set.
      • getHotelPropertyAssetSet

        java.lang.String getHotelPropertyAssetSet()
         Immutable. The set of hotel properties for Performance Max for travel goals
        optional string hotel_property_asset_set = 83 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        The hotelPropertyAssetSet.
      • getHotelPropertyAssetSetBytes getHotelPropertyAssetSetBytes()
         Immutable. The set of hotel properties for Performance Max for travel goals
        optional string hotel_property_asset_set = 83 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE, (.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        The bytes for hotelPropertyAssetSet.
      • hasListingType

        boolean hasListingType()
         Immutable. Listing type of ads served for this campaign.
         Field is restricted for usage with Performance Max campaigns.
        optional listing_type = 86 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
        Whether the listingType field is set.
      • getListingTypeValue

        int getListingTypeValue()
         Immutable. Listing type of ads served for this campaign.
         Field is restricted for usage with Performance Max campaigns.
        optional listing_type = 86 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
        The enum numeric value on the wire for listingType.
      • getListingType

        ListingTypeEnum.ListingType getListingType()
         Immutable. Listing type of ads served for this campaign.
         Field is restricted for usage with Performance Max campaigns.
        optional listing_type = 86 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE];
        The listingType.
      • hasBiddingStrategy

        boolean hasBiddingStrategy()
         Portfolio bidding strategy used by campaign.
        string bidding_strategy = 67 [(.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        Whether the biddingStrategy field is set.
      • getBiddingStrategy

        java.lang.String getBiddingStrategy()
         Portfolio bidding strategy used by campaign.
        string bidding_strategy = 67 [(.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        The biddingStrategy.
      • getBiddingStrategyBytes getBiddingStrategyBytes()
         Portfolio bidding strategy used by campaign.
        string bidding_strategy = 67 [(.google.api.resource_reference) = { ... }
        The bytes for biddingStrategy.
      • hasCommission

        boolean hasCommission()
         Commission is an automatic bidding strategy in which the advertiser pays
         a certain portion of the conversion value.
         commission = 49;
        Whether the commission field is set.
      • getCommission

        Commission getCommission()
         Commission is an automatic bidding strategy in which the advertiser pays
         a certain portion of the conversion value.
         commission = 49;
        The commission.
      • getCommissionOrBuilder

        CommissionOrBuilder getCommissionOrBuilder()
         Commission is an automatic bidding strategy in which the advertiser pays
         a certain portion of the conversion value.
         commission = 49;
      • hasManualCpa

        boolean hasManualCpa()
         Standard Manual CPA bidding strategy.
         Manual bidding strategy that allows advertiser to set the bid per
         advertiser-specified action. Supported only for Local Services campaigns.
         manual_cpa = 74;
        Whether the manualCpa field is set.
      • getManualCpa

        ManualCpa getManualCpa()
         Standard Manual CPA bidding strategy.
         Manual bidding strategy that allows advertiser to set the bid per
         advertiser-specified action. Supported only for Local Services campaigns.
         manual_cpa = 74;
        The manualCpa.
      • getManualCpaOrBuilder

        ManualCpaOrBuilder getManualCpaOrBuilder()
         Standard Manual CPA bidding strategy.
         Manual bidding strategy that allows advertiser to set the bid per
         advertiser-specified action. Supported only for Local Services campaigns.
         manual_cpa = 74;
      • hasManualCpc

        boolean hasManualCpc()
         Standard Manual CPC bidding strategy.
         Manual click-based bidding where user pays per click.
         manual_cpc = 24;
        Whether the manualCpc field is set.
      • getManualCpc

        ManualCpc getManualCpc()
         Standard Manual CPC bidding strategy.
         Manual click-based bidding where user pays per click.
         manual_cpc = 24;
        The manualCpc.
      • getManualCpcOrBuilder

        ManualCpcOrBuilder getManualCpcOrBuilder()
         Standard Manual CPC bidding strategy.
         Manual click-based bidding where user pays per click.
         manual_cpc = 24;
      • hasManualCpm

        boolean hasManualCpm()
         Standard Manual CPM bidding strategy.
         Manual impression-based bidding where user pays per thousand
         manual_cpm = 25;
        Whether the manualCpm field is set.
      • getManualCpm

        ManualCpm getManualCpm()
         Standard Manual CPM bidding strategy.
         Manual impression-based bidding where user pays per thousand
         manual_cpm = 25;
        The manualCpm.
      • getManualCpmOrBuilder

        ManualCpmOrBuilder getManualCpmOrBuilder()
         Standard Manual CPM bidding strategy.
         Manual impression-based bidding where user pays per thousand
         manual_cpm = 25;
      • hasManualCpv

        boolean hasManualCpv()
         A bidding strategy that pays a configurable amount per video view.
         manual_cpv = 37;
        Whether the manualCpv field is set.
      • getManualCpv

        ManualCpv getManualCpv()
         A bidding strategy that pays a configurable amount per video view.
         manual_cpv = 37;
        The manualCpv.
      • getManualCpvOrBuilder

        ManualCpvOrBuilder getManualCpvOrBuilder()
         A bidding strategy that pays a configurable amount per video view.
         manual_cpv = 37;
      • hasMaximizeConversions

        boolean hasMaximizeConversions()
         Standard Maximize Conversions bidding strategy that automatically
         maximizes number of conversions while spending your budget.
         maximize_conversions = 30;
        Whether the maximizeConversions field is set.
      • getMaximizeConversions

        MaximizeConversions getMaximizeConversions()
         Standard Maximize Conversions bidding strategy that automatically
         maximizes number of conversions while spending your budget.
         maximize_conversions = 30;
        The maximizeConversions.
      • getMaximizeConversionsOrBuilder

        MaximizeConversionsOrBuilder getMaximizeConversionsOrBuilder()
         Standard Maximize Conversions bidding strategy that automatically
         maximizes number of conversions while spending your budget.
         maximize_conversions = 30;
      • hasMaximizeConversionValue

        boolean hasMaximizeConversionValue()
         Standard Maximize Conversion Value bidding strategy that automatically
         sets bids to maximize revenue while spending your budget.
         maximize_conversion_value = 31;
        Whether the maximizeConversionValue field is set.
      • getMaximizeConversionValue

        MaximizeConversionValue getMaximizeConversionValue()
         Standard Maximize Conversion Value bidding strategy that automatically
         sets bids to maximize revenue while spending your budget.
         maximize_conversion_value = 31;
        The maximizeConversionValue.
      • getMaximizeConversionValueOrBuilder

        MaximizeConversionValueOrBuilder getMaximizeConversionValueOrBuilder()
         Standard Maximize Conversion Value bidding strategy that automatically
         sets bids to maximize revenue while spending your budget.
         maximize_conversion_value = 31;
      • hasTargetCpa

        boolean hasTargetCpa()
         Standard Target CPA bidding strategy that automatically sets bids to
         help get as many conversions as possible at the target
         cost-per-acquisition (CPA) you set.
         target_cpa = 26;
        Whether the targetCpa field is set.
      • getTargetCpa

        TargetCpa getTargetCpa()
         Standard Target CPA bidding strategy that automatically sets bids to
         help get as many conversions as possible at the target
         cost-per-acquisition (CPA) you set.
         target_cpa = 26;
        The targetCpa.
      • getTargetCpaOrBuilder

        TargetCpaOrBuilder getTargetCpaOrBuilder()
         Standard Target CPA bidding strategy that automatically sets bids to
         help get as many conversions as possible at the target
         cost-per-acquisition (CPA) you set.
         target_cpa = 26;
      • hasTargetImpressionShare

        boolean hasTargetImpressionShare()
         Target Impression Share bidding strategy. An automated bidding strategy
         that sets bids to achieve a chosen percentage of impressions.
         target_impression_share = 48;
        Whether the targetImpressionShare field is set.
      • getTargetImpressionShare

        TargetImpressionShare getTargetImpressionShare()
         Target Impression Share bidding strategy. An automated bidding strategy
         that sets bids to achieve a chosen percentage of impressions.
         target_impression_share = 48;
        The targetImpressionShare.
      • getTargetImpressionShareOrBuilder

        TargetImpressionShareOrBuilder getTargetImpressionShareOrBuilder()
         Target Impression Share bidding strategy. An automated bidding strategy
         that sets bids to achieve a chosen percentage of impressions.
         target_impression_share = 48;
      • hasTargetRoas

        boolean hasTargetRoas()
         Standard Target ROAS bidding strategy that automatically maximizes
         revenue while averaging a specific target return on ad spend (ROAS).
         target_roas = 29;
        Whether the targetRoas field is set.
      • getTargetRoas

        TargetRoas getTargetRoas()
         Standard Target ROAS bidding strategy that automatically maximizes
         revenue while averaging a specific target return on ad spend (ROAS).
         target_roas = 29;
        The targetRoas.
      • getTargetRoasOrBuilder

        TargetRoasOrBuilder getTargetRoasOrBuilder()
         Standard Target ROAS bidding strategy that automatically maximizes
         revenue while averaging a specific target return on ad spend (ROAS).
         target_roas = 29;
      • hasTargetSpend

        boolean hasTargetSpend()
         Standard Target Spend bidding strategy that automatically sets your bids
         to help get as many clicks as possible within your budget.
         target_spend = 27;
        Whether the targetSpend field is set.
      • getTargetSpend

        TargetSpend getTargetSpend()
         Standard Target Spend bidding strategy that automatically sets your bids
         to help get as many clicks as possible within your budget.
         target_spend = 27;
        The targetSpend.
      • getTargetSpendOrBuilder

        TargetSpendOrBuilder getTargetSpendOrBuilder()
         Standard Target Spend bidding strategy that automatically sets your bids
         to help get as many clicks as possible within your budget.
         target_spend = 27;
      • hasPercentCpc

        boolean hasPercentCpc()
         Standard Percent Cpc bidding strategy where bids are a fraction of the
         advertised price for some good or service.
         percent_cpc = 34;
        Whether the percentCpc field is set.
      • getPercentCpc

        PercentCpc getPercentCpc()
         Standard Percent Cpc bidding strategy where bids are a fraction of the
         advertised price for some good or service.
         percent_cpc = 34;
        The percentCpc.
      • getPercentCpcOrBuilder

        PercentCpcOrBuilder getPercentCpcOrBuilder()
         Standard Percent Cpc bidding strategy where bids are a fraction of the
         advertised price for some good or service.
         percent_cpc = 34;
      • hasTargetCpm

        boolean hasTargetCpm()
         A bidding strategy that automatically optimizes cost per thousand
         target_cpm = 41;
        Whether the targetCpm field is set.
      • getTargetCpm

        TargetCpm getTargetCpm()
         A bidding strategy that automatically optimizes cost per thousand
         target_cpm = 41;
        The targetCpm.
      • getTargetCpmOrBuilder

        TargetCpmOrBuilder getTargetCpmOrBuilder()
         A bidding strategy that automatically optimizes cost per thousand
         target_cpm = 41;