Interface AudienceTargetingOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AudienceTargeting, AudienceTargeting.Builder

    public interface AudienceTargetingOrBuilder
    • Method Detail

      • getUserInterestList

        java.util.List<UserInterestInfo> getUserInterestList()
         List of audiences based on user interests to be targeted.
        repeated user_interest = 1;
      • getUserInterest

        UserInterestInfo getUserInterest​(int index)
         List of audiences based on user interests to be targeted.
        repeated user_interest = 1;
      • getUserInterestCount

        int getUserInterestCount()
         List of audiences based on user interests to be targeted.
        repeated user_interest = 1;
      • getUserInterestOrBuilderList

        java.util.List<? extends UserInterestInfoOrBuilder> getUserInterestOrBuilderList()
         List of audiences based on user interests to be targeted.
        repeated user_interest = 1;
      • getUserInterestOrBuilder

        UserInterestInfoOrBuilder getUserInterestOrBuilder​(int index)
         List of audiences based on user interests to be targeted.
        repeated user_interest = 1;