Class BatchJobServiceGrpc.BatchJobServiceBlockingStub

    • Method Detail

      • mutateBatchJob

        public MutateBatchJobResponse mutateBatchJob​(MutateBatchJobRequest request)
         Mutates a batch job.
         List of thrown errors:
      • listBatchJobResults

        public ListBatchJobResultsResponse listBatchJobResults​(ListBatchJobResultsRequest request)
         Returns the results of the batch job. The job must be done.
         Supports standard list paging.
         List of thrown errors:
      • runBatchJob

        public runBatchJob​(RunBatchJobRequest request)
         Runs the batch job.
         The Operation.metadata field type is BatchJobMetadata. When finished, the
         long running operation will not contain errors or a response. Instead, use
         ListBatchJobResults to get the results of the job.
         List of thrown errors:
      • addBatchJobOperations

        public AddBatchJobOperationsResponse addBatchJobOperations​(AddBatchJobOperationsRequest request)
         Add operations to the batch job.
         List of thrown errors: