Interface InsightsAudienceOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    InsightsAudience, InsightsAudience.Builder

    public interface InsightsAudienceOrBuilder
    • Method Detail

      • getCountryLocationsList

        java.util.List<LocationInfo> getCountryLocationsList()
         Required. The countries for the audience.
        repeated country_locations = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      • getCountryLocations

        LocationInfo getCountryLocations​(int index)
         Required. The countries for the audience.
        repeated country_locations = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      • getCountryLocationsCount

        int getCountryLocationsCount()
         Required. The countries for the audience.
        repeated country_locations = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      • getCountryLocationsOrBuilderList

        java.util.List<? extends LocationInfoOrBuilder> getCountryLocationsOrBuilderList()
         Required. The countries for the audience.
        repeated country_locations = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      • getCountryLocationsOrBuilder

        LocationInfoOrBuilder getCountryLocationsOrBuilder​(int index)
         Required. The countries for the audience.
        repeated country_locations = 1 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      • getSubCountryLocationsList

        java.util.List<LocationInfo> getSubCountryLocationsList()
         Sub-country geographic location attributes.  If present, each of these
         must be contained in one of the countries in this audience.  If absent, the
         audience is geographically to the country_locations and no further.
        repeated sub_country_locations = 2;
      • getSubCountryLocations

        LocationInfo getSubCountryLocations​(int index)
         Sub-country geographic location attributes.  If present, each of these
         must be contained in one of the countries in this audience.  If absent, the
         audience is geographically to the country_locations and no further.
        repeated sub_country_locations = 2;
      • getSubCountryLocationsCount

        int getSubCountryLocationsCount()
         Sub-country geographic location attributes.  If present, each of these
         must be contained in one of the countries in this audience.  If absent, the
         audience is geographically to the country_locations and no further.
        repeated sub_country_locations = 2;
      • getSubCountryLocationsOrBuilderList

        java.util.List<? extends LocationInfoOrBuilder> getSubCountryLocationsOrBuilderList()
         Sub-country geographic location attributes.  If present, each of these
         must be contained in one of the countries in this audience.  If absent, the
         audience is geographically to the country_locations and no further.
        repeated sub_country_locations = 2;
      • getSubCountryLocationsOrBuilder

        LocationInfoOrBuilder getSubCountryLocationsOrBuilder​(int index)
         Sub-country geographic location attributes.  If present, each of these
         must be contained in one of the countries in this audience.  If absent, the
         audience is geographically to the country_locations and no further.
        repeated sub_country_locations = 2;
      • hasGender

        boolean hasGender()
         Gender for the audience.  If absent, the audience does not restrict by
         gender = 3;
        Whether the gender field is set.
      • getGender

        GenderInfo getGender()
         Gender for the audience.  If absent, the audience does not restrict by
         gender = 3;
        The gender.
      • getGenderOrBuilder

        GenderInfoOrBuilder getGenderOrBuilder()
         Gender for the audience.  If absent, the audience does not restrict by
         gender = 3;
      • getAgeRangesList

        java.util.List<AgeRangeInfo> getAgeRangesList()
         Age ranges for the audience.  If absent, the audience represents all people
         over 18 that match the other attributes.
        repeated age_ranges = 4;
      • getAgeRanges

        AgeRangeInfo getAgeRanges​(int index)
         Age ranges for the audience.  If absent, the audience represents all people
         over 18 that match the other attributes.
        repeated age_ranges = 4;
      • getAgeRangesCount

        int getAgeRangesCount()
         Age ranges for the audience.  If absent, the audience represents all people
         over 18 that match the other attributes.
        repeated age_ranges = 4;
      • getAgeRangesOrBuilderList

        java.util.List<? extends AgeRangeInfoOrBuilder> getAgeRangesOrBuilderList()
         Age ranges for the audience.  If absent, the audience represents all people
         over 18 that match the other attributes.
        repeated age_ranges = 4;
      • getAgeRangesOrBuilder

        AgeRangeInfoOrBuilder getAgeRangesOrBuilder​(int index)
         Age ranges for the audience.  If absent, the audience represents all people
         over 18 that match the other attributes.
        repeated age_ranges = 4;
      • hasParentalStatus

        boolean hasParentalStatus()
         Parental status for the audience.  If absent, the audience does not
         restrict by parental status.
         parental_status = 5;
        Whether the parentalStatus field is set.
      • getParentalStatus

        ParentalStatusInfo getParentalStatus()
         Parental status for the audience.  If absent, the audience does not
         restrict by parental status.
         parental_status = 5;
        The parentalStatus.
      • getParentalStatusOrBuilder

        ParentalStatusInfoOrBuilder getParentalStatusOrBuilder()
         Parental status for the audience.  If absent, the audience does not
         restrict by parental status.
         parental_status = 5;
      • getIncomeRangesList

        java.util.List<IncomeRangeInfo> getIncomeRangesList()
         Household income percentile ranges for the audience.  If absent, the
         audience does not restrict by household income range.
        repeated income_ranges = 6;
      • getIncomeRanges

        IncomeRangeInfo getIncomeRanges​(int index)
         Household income percentile ranges for the audience.  If absent, the
         audience does not restrict by household income range.
        repeated income_ranges = 6;
      • getIncomeRangesCount

        int getIncomeRangesCount()
         Household income percentile ranges for the audience.  If absent, the
         audience does not restrict by household income range.
        repeated income_ranges = 6;
      • getIncomeRangesOrBuilderList

        java.util.List<? extends IncomeRangeInfoOrBuilder> getIncomeRangesOrBuilderList()
         Household income percentile ranges for the audience.  If absent, the
         audience does not restrict by household income range.
        repeated income_ranges = 6;
      • getIncomeRangesOrBuilder

        IncomeRangeInfoOrBuilder getIncomeRangesOrBuilder​(int index)
         Household income percentile ranges for the audience.  If absent, the
         audience does not restrict by household income range.
        repeated income_ranges = 6;
      • getDynamicLineupsList

        java.util.List<AudienceInsightsDynamicLineup> getDynamicLineupsList()
         Dynamic lineups representing the YouTube content viewed by the audience.
        repeated dynamic_lineups = 7;
      • getDynamicLineups

        AudienceInsightsDynamicLineup getDynamicLineups​(int index)
         Dynamic lineups representing the YouTube content viewed by the audience.
        repeated dynamic_lineups = 7;
      • getDynamicLineupsCount

        int getDynamicLineupsCount()
         Dynamic lineups representing the YouTube content viewed by the audience.
        repeated dynamic_lineups = 7;
      • getDynamicLineupsOrBuilderList

        java.util.List<? extends AudienceInsightsDynamicLineupOrBuilder> getDynamicLineupsOrBuilderList()
         Dynamic lineups representing the YouTube content viewed by the audience.
        repeated dynamic_lineups = 7;
      • getDynamicLineupsOrBuilder

        AudienceInsightsDynamicLineupOrBuilder getDynamicLineupsOrBuilder​(int index)
         Dynamic lineups representing the YouTube content viewed by the audience.
        repeated dynamic_lineups = 7;
      • getTopicAudienceCombinationsList

        java.util.List<InsightsAudienceAttributeGroup> getTopicAudienceCombinationsList()
         A combination of entity, category and user interest attributes defining the
         audience. The combination has a logical AND-of-ORs structure: Attributes
         within each InsightsAudienceAttributeGroup are combined with OR, and
         the combinations themselves are combined together with AND.  For example,
         the expression (Entity OR Affinity) AND (In-Market OR Category) can be
         formed using two InsightsAudienceAttributeGroups with two Attributes
        repeated topic_audience_combinations = 8;
      • getTopicAudienceCombinations

        InsightsAudienceAttributeGroup getTopicAudienceCombinations​(int index)
         A combination of entity, category and user interest attributes defining the
         audience. The combination has a logical AND-of-ORs structure: Attributes
         within each InsightsAudienceAttributeGroup are combined with OR, and
         the combinations themselves are combined together with AND.  For example,
         the expression (Entity OR Affinity) AND (In-Market OR Category) can be
         formed using two InsightsAudienceAttributeGroups with two Attributes
        repeated topic_audience_combinations = 8;
      • getTopicAudienceCombinationsCount

        int getTopicAudienceCombinationsCount()
         A combination of entity, category and user interest attributes defining the
         audience. The combination has a logical AND-of-ORs structure: Attributes
         within each InsightsAudienceAttributeGroup are combined with OR, and
         the combinations themselves are combined together with AND.  For example,
         the expression (Entity OR Affinity) AND (In-Market OR Category) can be
         formed using two InsightsAudienceAttributeGroups with two Attributes
        repeated topic_audience_combinations = 8;
      • getTopicAudienceCombinationsOrBuilderList

        java.util.List<? extends InsightsAudienceAttributeGroupOrBuilder> getTopicAudienceCombinationsOrBuilderList()
         A combination of entity, category and user interest attributes defining the
         audience. The combination has a logical AND-of-ORs structure: Attributes
         within each InsightsAudienceAttributeGroup are combined with OR, and
         the combinations themselves are combined together with AND.  For example,
         the expression (Entity OR Affinity) AND (In-Market OR Category) can be
         formed using two InsightsAudienceAttributeGroups with two Attributes
        repeated topic_audience_combinations = 8;
      • getTopicAudienceCombinationsOrBuilder

        InsightsAudienceAttributeGroupOrBuilder getTopicAudienceCombinationsOrBuilder​(int index)
         A combination of entity, category and user interest attributes defining the
         audience. The combination has a logical AND-of-ORs structure: Attributes
         within each InsightsAudienceAttributeGroup are combined with OR, and
         the combinations themselves are combined together with AND.  For example,
         the expression (Entity OR Affinity) AND (In-Market OR Category) can be
         formed using two InsightsAudienceAttributeGroups with two Attributes
        repeated topic_audience_combinations = 8;