Class ResourceNames

  • public class ResourceNames
    extends java.lang.Object
    Utilities for generating resource names. Offers several advantages over the utilities in the various *Name classes.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static java.lang.String accessibleBiddingStrategy​(long customerId, long biddingStrategyId)
      Returns the Accessible Bidding Strategy resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String accountBudget​(long customerId, long accountBudgetId)
      Returns the account budget resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String accountBudgetProposal​(long customerId, long accountBudgetProposalId)
      Returns the account budget proposal resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String accountLink​(long customerId, long accountLinkId)
      Returns the Account Link resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String ad​(long customerId, long adId)
      Returns the ad resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String adGroup​(long customerId, long adGroupId)
      Returns the ad group resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String adGroupAd​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long adId)
      Returns the ad group ad resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String adGroupAdAssetView​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long adId, long assetId, AssetFieldTypeEnum.AssetFieldType fieldType)
      Returns the Ad Group Ad Asset View resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String adGroupAdLabel​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long adId, long labelId)
      Returns the ad group ad label for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String adGroupAsset​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long assetId, AssetFieldTypeEnum.AssetFieldType fieldType)
      Returns the Ad Group Asset resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String adGroupAudienceView​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long criterionId)
      Returns the ad group audience view resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String adGroupBidModifier​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long criterionId)
      Returns the ad group bid modifier resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String adGroupCriterion​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long criterionId)
      Returns the ad group criterion resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String adGroupCriterionCustomizer​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long criterionId, long customizerAttributeId)
      Returns the Ad Group Criterion Customizer resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String adGroupCriterionLabel​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long criterionId, long labelId)
      Returns the ad group criterion label for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String adGroupCriterionSimulation​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long criterionId, SimulationTypeEnum.SimulationType type, SimulationModificationMethodEnum.SimulationModificationMethod method, java.lang.String startDate, java.lang.String endDate)
      Returns the Ad Group Criterion Simulation resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String adGroupCustomizer​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long customizerId)
      Returns the Ad Group Customizer resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String adGroupExtensionSetting​(long customerId, long adGroupId, ExtensionTypeEnum.ExtensionType extensionType)
      Returns the ad group extension setting for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String adGroupFeed​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long feedId)
      Returns the ad group feed resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String adGroupLabel​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long labelId)
      Returns the ad group label for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String adGroupSimulation​(long customerId, long adGroupId, SimulationTypeEnum.SimulationType type, SimulationModificationMethodEnum.SimulationModificationMethod method, java.lang.String startDate, java.lang.String endDate)
      Returns the Ad Group Simulation resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String adParameter​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long criterionId, long parameterIndex)
      Returns the ad parameter resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String adScheduleView​(long customerId, long campaignId, long criterionId)
      Returns the ad schedule view resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String ageRangeView​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long criterionId)
      Returns the age range view resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String asset​(long customerId, long assetId)
      Returns the Asset resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String assetFieldTypeView​(long customerId, AssetFieldTypeEnum.AssetFieldType fieldType)
      Returns the Asset Field Type View resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String assetGroup​(long customerId, long assetGroupId)
      Returns the Asset Group resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String assetGroupAsset​(long customerId, long assetGroupId, long assetId, AssetFieldTypeEnum.AssetFieldType fieldType)
      Returns the Asset Group Asset resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String assetGroupListingGroupFilter​(long customerId, long assetGroupId, long listingGroupFilterId)
      Returns the Asset Group Listing Group Filter resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String assetGroupProductGroupView​(long customerId, long assetGroupId, long listingGroupFilterId)
      Returns the Asset Group Product Group View resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String assetSet​(long customerId, long assetSetId)
      Returns the Asset Set resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String assetSetAsset​(long customerId, long assetSetId, long assetId)
      Returns the Asset Set Asset resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String batchJob​(long customerId, long mutateJobId)
      Returns the batch job for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String biddingDataExclusion​(long customerId, long seasonalityEventId)
      Returns the Bidding Data Exclusion resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String biddingSeasonalityAdjustment​(long customerId, long seasonalityEventId)
      Returns the Bidding Seasonality Adjustment resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String biddingStrategy​(long customerId, long biddingStrategyId)
      Returns the bidding strategy resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String biddingStrategySimulation​(long customerId, long biddingStrategyId, SimulationTypeEnum.SimulationType type, SimulationModificationMethodEnum.SimulationModificationMethod modificationMethod, java.lang.String startDate, java.lang.String endDate)
      Returns the Bidding Strategy Simulation resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String billingSetup​(long customerId, long billingSetupId)
      Returns the billing setup resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String callView​(long customerId, long callDetailId)
      Returns the Call View resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String campaign​(long customerId, long campaignId)
      Returns the campaign resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String campaignAsset​(long customerId, long campaignId, long assetId, AssetFieldTypeEnum.AssetFieldType fieldType)
      Returns the Campaign Asset resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String campaignAssetSet​(long customerId, long campaignId, long assetSetId)
      Returns the Campaign Asset Set resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String campaignAudienceView​(long customerId, long campaignId, long criterionId)
      Returns the campaign audience view resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String campaignBidModifier​(long customerId, long campaignId, long criterionId)
      Returns the campaign bid modifier resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String campaignBudget​(long customerId, long budgetId)
      Returns the campaign budget resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String campaignConversionGoal​(long customerId, long capmaignId, ConversionActionCategoryEnum.ConversionActionCategory category, ConversionOriginEnum.ConversionOrigin origin)
      Returns the Campaign Conversion Goal resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String campaignCriterion​(long customerId, long campaignId, long criterionId)
      Returns the campaign criterion resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String campaignCriterionSimulation​(long customerId, long campaignId, long criterionId, SimulationTypeEnum.SimulationType type, SimulationModificationMethodEnum.SimulationModificationMethod method, java.lang.String startDate, java.lang.String endDate)
      Returns the Campaign Criterion Simulation resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String campaignCustomizer​(long customerId, long campaignId, long customizerAttributeId)
      Returns the Campaign Customizer resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String campaignDraft​(long customerId, long baseCampaignId, long draftId)
      Returns the Campaign Draft resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String campaignExperiment​(long customerId, long campaignExperimentId)
      Returns the Campaign Experiment resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String campaignExtensionSetting​(long customerId, long campaignId, ExtensionTypeEnum.ExtensionType extensionType)
      Returns the campaign extension setting for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String campaignFeed​(long customerId, long campaignId, long feedId)
      Returns the campaign feed resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String campaignLabel​(long customerId, long campaignId, long labelId)
      Returns the campaign label for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String campaignSharedSet​(long customerId, long campaignId, long sharedSetId)
      Returns the campaign shared set resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String campaignSimulation​(long customerId, long campaignId, SimulationTypeEnum.SimulationType type, SimulationModificationMethodEnum.SimulationModificationMethod modificationMethod, java.lang.String startDate, java.lang.String endDate)
      Returns the Campaign Simulation resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String carrierConstant​(long criterionId)
      Returns the carrier constant resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String changeEvent​(long customerId, long timestampMicros, long commandIndex, long mutateIndex)
      Returns the Change Event resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String changeStatus​(long customerId, java.lang.String changeStatusId)
      Returns the change status resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String clickView​(long customerId, java.lang.String date, java.lang.String gclid)
      Returns the click view for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String combinedAudience​(long customerId, long combinedAudienceId)
      Returns the Combined Audience resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String conversionAction​(long customerId, long conversionActionId)
      Returns the conversion action resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String conversionCustomVariable​(long customerId, long conversionCustomVariableId)
      Returns the Conversion Custom Variable resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String conversionGoalCampaignConfig​(long customerId, long campaignId)
      Returns the Conversion Goal Campaign Config resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String conversionValueRule​(long customerId, long conversionValueRuleId)
      Returns the Conversion Value Rule resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String conversionValueRuleSet​(long customerId, long conversionValueRuleSetId)
      Returns the Conversion Value Rule Set resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String currencyConstant​(java.lang.String currencyCode)
      Returns the currency constant resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String customAudience​(long customerId, long customAudienceId)
      Returns the Custom Audience resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String customConversionGoal​(long customerId, long goalId)
      Returns the Custom Conversion Goal resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String customer​(long customerId)
      Returns the customer resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String customerAsset​(long customerId, long assetId, AssetFieldTypeEnum.AssetFieldType fieldType)
      Returns the Customer Asset resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String customerClient​(long customerId, long clientCustomerId)
      Returns the customer client resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String customerClientLink​(long customerId, long clientCustomerId, long managerLinkId)
      Returns the customer client link resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String customerConversionGoal​(long customerId, ConversionActionCategoryEnum.ConversionActionCategory category, ConversionOriginEnum.ConversionOrigin source)
      Returns the Customer Conversion Goal resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String customerCustomizer​(long customerId, long customizerAttributeId)
      Returns the Customer Customizer resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String customerExtensionSetting​(long customerId, ExtensionTypeEnum.ExtensionType extensionType)
      Returns the customer extension setting for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String customerFeed​(long customerId, long feedId)
      Returns the customer feed resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String customerLabel​(long customerId, long labelId)
      Returns the customer label for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String customerManagerLink​(long customerId, long managerCustomerId, long managerLinkId)
      Returns the customer manager link resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String customerNegativeCriteria​(long customerId, long criterionId)
      static java.lang.String customerNegativeCriterion​(long customerId, long criterionId)
      Returns the customer negative criterion for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String customerUserAccess​(long customerId, long userId)
      Returns the Customer User Access resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String customerUserAccessInvitation​(long customerId, long invitationId)
      Returns the Customer User Access Invitation resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String customInterest​(long customerId, long customInterestId)
      Returns the custom interest for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String customizerAttribute​(long customerId, long customizerAttributeId)
      Returns the Customizer Attribute resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String detailedDemographic​(long customerId, long detailedDemographicId)
      Returns the Detailed Demographic resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String detailPlacementView​(long customerId, long adGroupId, java.lang.String placementBase64)
      Returns the detail placement view for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String displayKeywordView​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long criterionId)
      Returns the display keyword view resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String distanceView​(long customerId, long chainId, DistanceBucketEnum.DistanceBucket distanceBucket)
      Returns the Distance View resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String domainCategory​(long customerId, long campaignId, java.lang.String categoryBase64, java.lang.String languageCode)
      Returns the domain category for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String dynamicSearchAdsSearchTermView​(long customerId, long adGroupId, java.lang.String searchTermFingerprint, java.lang.String headlineFingerprint, java.lang.String landingPageFingerprint, java.lang.String pageUrlFingerprint)
      Returns the dynamic search ads search term view for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String expandedLandingPageView​(long customerId, java.lang.String expandedFinalUrlFingerprint)
      Returns the Expanded Landing Page View resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String extensionFeedItem​(long customerId, long feedItemId)
      Returns the extension feed item for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String feed​(long customerId, long feedId)
      Returns the feed resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String feedItem​(long customerId, long feedId, long feedItemId)
      Returns the feed item resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String feedItemSet​(long customerId, long feedId, long feedItemSetId)
      Returns the feed item set resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String feedItemSetLink​(long customerId, long feedId, long feedItemSetId, long feedItemId)
      Returns the feed item set link resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String feedItemTarget​(long customerId, long feedId, long feedItemId, FeedItemTargetTypeEnum.FeedItemTargetType targetType, long feedItemTargetId)
      Returns the feed item target for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String feedMapping​(long customerId, long feedId, long feedMappingId)
      Returns the feed mapping resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String feedPlaceholderView​(long customerId, PlaceholderTypeEnum.PlaceholderType placeholderType)
      Returns the feed placeholder view for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String genderView​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long criterionId)
      Returns the gender view resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String geographicView​(long customerId, long countryCriterionId, GeoTargetingTypeEnum.GeoTargetingType targetType)
      Returns the geographic view for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String geoTargetConstant​(long criterionId)
      Returns the geo target constant resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String googleAdsField​(java.lang.String field)
      Returns the google ads field resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String groupPlacementView​(long customerId, long adGroupId, java.lang.String placementBase64)
      Returns the group placement view for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String hotelGroupView​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long criterionId)
      Returns the hotel group view resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String hotelPerformanceView​(long customerId)
      Returns the hotel performance view resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String hotelReconciliation​(long customerId, long commisionId)
      Returns the Hotel Reconciliation resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String incomeRangeView​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long criterionId)
      Returns the Income Range View resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String invoice​(long customerId, long invoiceId)
      Returns the Invoice resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String keywordPlan​(long customerId, long kpPlanId)
      Returns the keyword plan resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String keywordPlanAdGroup​(long customerId, long kpAdGroupId)
      Returns the keyword plan ad group resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String keywordPlanAdGroupKeyword​(long customerId, long kpAdGroupKeywordId)
      Returns the keyword plan keyword resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String keywordPlanCampaign​(long customerId, long kpCampaignId)
      Returns the keyword plan campaign resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String keywordPlanCampaignKeyword​(long customerId, long kpCampaignKeywordId)
      Returns the keyword plan negative keyword resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String keywordThemeConstant​(long customerId, long expressSubCategoryId)
      Returns the Keyword Theme Constant resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String keywordView​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long criterionId)
      Returns the keyword view resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String label​(long customerId, long labelId)
      Returns the label for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String landingPageView​(long customerId, java.lang.String unexpandedFinalUrlFingerprint)
      Returns the Landing Page View resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String languageConstant​(long criterionId)
      Returns the language constant resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String lifeEvent​(long customerId, long lifeEventId)
      Returns the Life Event resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String locationView​(long customerId, long campaignId, long criterionId)
      Returns the location view for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String managedPlacementView​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long criterionId)
      Returns the managed placement view resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String mediaFile​(long customerId, long mediaId)
      Returns the media file resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String merchantCenterLink​(long customerId, long merchantCenterId)
      Returns the merchant center link for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String mobileAppCategoryConstant​(long mobileAppCategoryId)
      Returns the mobile app category constant resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String mobileDeviceConstant​(long criterionId)
      Returns the mobile device constant resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String offlineUserDataJob​(long customerId, long offlineUserDataJobId)
      Returns the Offline User Data Job resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String operatingSystemVersionConstant​(long criterionId)
      Returns the operation system version constant resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String paidOrganicSearchTermView​(long customerId, long campaignId, long adGroupId, java.lang.String searchTermBase64)
      Returns the Paid Organic Search Term View resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String parentalStatusView​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long criterionId)
      Returns the parental status view resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String paymentsAccount​(long customerId, java.lang.String paymentsAccountId)
      Returns the payments account resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String productBiddingCategoryConstant​(java.lang.String countryCode, ProductBiddingCategoryLevelEnum.ProductBiddingCategoryLevel level, long constantId)
      Returns the product bidding category constant for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String productGroupView​(long customerId, long adgroupId, long criterionId)
      Returns the product group view resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String recommendation​(long customerId, java.lang.String recommendationId)
      Returns the recommendation resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String remarketingAction​(long customerId, long remarketingActionId)
      Returns the remarketing action resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String searchTermView​(long customerId, long campaignId, long adGroupId, java.lang.String query)
      Returns the search term view resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String sharedCriterion​(long customerId, long sharedSetId, long criterionId)
      Returns the shared criterion resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String sharedSet​(long customerId, long sharedSetId)
      Returns the shared set resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String shoppingPerformanceView​(long customerId)
      Returns the Shopping Performance View resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String smartCampaignSearchTermView​(long customerId, long campaignId, java.lang.String query)
      Returns the Smart Campaign Search Term View resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String smartCampaignSetting​(long customerId, long campaignId)
      Returns the Smart Campaign Setting resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String thirdPartyAppAnalyticsLink​(long customerId, long customerLinkId)
      Returns the Third Party App Analytics Link resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String topicConstant​(long verticalId)
      Returns the topic constant resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String topicView​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long criterionId)
      Returns the topic view resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String userInterest​(long customerId, long categoryId)
      Returns the user interest resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String userList​(long customerId, long userListId)
      Returns the user list resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String userLocationView​(long customerId, long countryCriterionId, boolean isTargetingLocation)
      Returns the User Location View resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String video​(long customerId, java.lang.String videoId)
      Returns the video resource name for the specified components.
      static java.lang.String webpageView​(long customerId, long adGroupId, long criterionId)
      Returns the Webpage View resource name for the specified components.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ResourceNames

        public ResourceNames()
    • Method Detail

      • accessibleBiddingStrategy

        public static java.lang.String accessibleBiddingStrategy​(long customerId,
                                                                 long biddingStrategyId)
        Returns the Accessible Bidding Strategy resource name for the specified components.
      • accountLink

        public static java.lang.String accountLink​(long customerId,
                                                   long accountLinkId)
        Returns the Account Link resource name for the specified components.
      • accountBudget

        public static java.lang.String accountBudget​(long customerId,
                                                     long accountBudgetId)
        Returns the account budget resource name for the specified components.
      • accountBudgetProposal

        public static java.lang.String accountBudgetProposal​(long customerId,
                                                             long accountBudgetProposalId)
        Returns the account budget proposal resource name for the specified components.
      • ad

        public static java.lang.String ad​(long customerId,
                                          long adId)
        Returns the ad resource name for the specified components.
      • adGroup

        public static java.lang.String adGroup​(long customerId,
                                               long adGroupId)
        Returns the ad group resource name for the specified components.
      • adGroupAd

        public static java.lang.String adGroupAd​(long customerId,
                                                 long adGroupId,
                                                 long adId)
        Returns the ad group ad resource name for the specified components.
      • adGroupAdAssetView

        public static java.lang.String adGroupAdAssetView​(long customerId,
                                                          long adGroupId,
                                                          long adId,
                                                          long assetId,
                                                          AssetFieldTypeEnum.AssetFieldType fieldType)
        Returns the Ad Group Ad Asset View resource name for the specified components.
      • adGroupAdLabel

        public static java.lang.String adGroupAdLabel​(long customerId,
                                                      long adGroupId,
                                                      long adId,
                                                      long labelId)
        Returns the ad group ad label for the specified components.
      • adGroupAsset

        public static java.lang.String adGroupAsset​(long customerId,
                                                    long adGroupId,
                                                    long assetId,
                                                    AssetFieldTypeEnum.AssetFieldType fieldType)
        Returns the Ad Group Asset resource name for the specified components.
      • adGroupAudienceView

        public static java.lang.String adGroupAudienceView​(long customerId,
                                                           long adGroupId,
                                                           long criterionId)
        Returns the ad group audience view resource name for the specified components.
      • adGroupBidModifier

        public static java.lang.String adGroupBidModifier​(long customerId,
                                                          long adGroupId,
                                                          long criterionId)
        Returns the ad group bid modifier resource name for the specified components.
      • adGroupCriterion

        public static java.lang.String adGroupCriterion​(long customerId,
                                                        long adGroupId,
                                                        long criterionId)
        Returns the ad group criterion resource name for the specified components.
      • adGroupCriterionCustomizer

        public static java.lang.String adGroupCriterionCustomizer​(long customerId,
                                                                  long adGroupId,
                                                                  long criterionId,
                                                                  long customizerAttributeId)
        Returns the Ad Group Criterion Customizer resource name for the specified components.
      • adGroupCustomizer

        public static java.lang.String adGroupCustomizer​(long customerId,
                                                         long adGroupId,
                                                         long customizerId)
        Returns the Ad Group Customizer resource name for the specified components.
      • adGroupCriterionLabel

        public static java.lang.String adGroupCriterionLabel​(long customerId,
                                                             long adGroupId,
                                                             long criterionId,
                                                             long labelId)
        Returns the ad group criterion label for the specified components.
      • adGroupExtensionSetting

        public static java.lang.String adGroupExtensionSetting​(long customerId,
                                                               long adGroupId,
                                                               ExtensionTypeEnum.ExtensionType extensionType)
        Returns the ad group extension setting for the specified components.
      • adGroupFeed

        public static java.lang.String adGroupFeed​(long customerId,
                                                   long adGroupId,
                                                   long feedId)
        Returns the ad group feed resource name for the specified components.
      • adGroupLabel

        public static java.lang.String adGroupLabel​(long customerId,
                                                    long adGroupId,
                                                    long labelId)
        Returns the ad group label for the specified components.
      • adParameter

        public static java.lang.String adParameter​(long customerId,
                                                   long adGroupId,
                                                   long criterionId,
                                                   long parameterIndex)
        Returns the ad parameter resource name for the specified components.
      • adScheduleView

        public static java.lang.String adScheduleView​(long customerId,
                                                      long campaignId,
                                                      long criterionId)
        Returns the ad schedule view resource name for the specified components.
      • ageRangeView

        public static java.lang.String ageRangeView​(long customerId,
                                                    long adGroupId,
                                                    long criterionId)
        Returns the age range view resource name for the specified components.
      • asset

        public static java.lang.String asset​(long customerId,
                                             long assetId)
        Returns the Asset resource name for the specified components.
      • assetFieldTypeView

        public static java.lang.String assetFieldTypeView​(long customerId,
                                                          AssetFieldTypeEnum.AssetFieldType fieldType)
        Returns the Asset Field Type View resource name for the specified components.
      • assetGroup

        public static java.lang.String assetGroup​(long customerId,
                                                  long assetGroupId)
        Returns the Asset Group resource name for the specified components.
      • assetGroupAsset

        public static java.lang.String assetGroupAsset​(long customerId,
                                                       long assetGroupId,
                                                       long assetId,
                                                       AssetFieldTypeEnum.AssetFieldType fieldType)
        Returns the Asset Group Asset resource name for the specified components.
      • assetGroupListingGroupFilter

        public static java.lang.String assetGroupListingGroupFilter​(long customerId,
                                                                    long assetGroupId,
                                                                    long listingGroupFilterId)
        Returns the Asset Group Listing Group Filter resource name for the specified components.
      • assetGroupProductGroupView

        public static java.lang.String assetGroupProductGroupView​(long customerId,
                                                                  long assetGroupId,
                                                                  long listingGroupFilterId)
        Returns the Asset Group Product Group View resource name for the specified components.
      • assetSet

        public static java.lang.String assetSet​(long customerId,
                                                long assetSetId)
        Returns the Asset Set resource name for the specified components.
      • assetSetAsset

        public static java.lang.String assetSetAsset​(long customerId,
                                                     long assetSetId,
                                                     long assetId)
        Returns the Asset Set Asset resource name for the specified components.
      • biddingDataExclusion

        public static java.lang.String biddingDataExclusion​(long customerId,
                                                            long seasonalityEventId)
        Returns the Bidding Data Exclusion resource name for the specified components.
      • biddingSeasonalityAdjustment

        public static java.lang.String biddingSeasonalityAdjustment​(long customerId,
                                                                    long seasonalityEventId)
        Returns the Bidding Seasonality Adjustment resource name for the specified components.
      • biddingStrategy

        public static java.lang.String biddingStrategy​(long customerId,
                                                       long biddingStrategyId)
        Returns the bidding strategy resource name for the specified components.
      • billingSetup

        public static java.lang.String billingSetup​(long customerId,
                                                    long billingSetupId)
        Returns the billing setup resource name for the specified components.
      • callView

        public static java.lang.String callView​(long customerId,
                                                long callDetailId)
        Returns the Call View resource name for the specified components.
      • campaign

        public static java.lang.String campaign​(long customerId,
                                                long campaignId)
        Returns the campaign resource name for the specified components.
      • campaignAsset

        public static java.lang.String campaignAsset​(long customerId,
                                                     long campaignId,
                                                     long assetId,
                                                     AssetFieldTypeEnum.AssetFieldType fieldType)
        Returns the Campaign Asset resource name for the specified components.
      • campaignAssetSet

        public static java.lang.String campaignAssetSet​(long customerId,
                                                        long campaignId,
                                                        long assetSetId)
        Returns the Campaign Asset Set resource name for the specified components.
      • campaignCustomizer

        public static java.lang.String campaignCustomizer​(long customerId,
                                                          long campaignId,
                                                          long customizerAttributeId)
        Returns the Campaign Customizer resource name for the specified components.
      • campaignAudienceView

        public static java.lang.String campaignAudienceView​(long customerId,
                                                            long campaignId,
                                                            long criterionId)
        Returns the campaign audience view resource name for the specified components.
      • campaignBidModifier

        public static java.lang.String campaignBidModifier​(long customerId,
                                                           long campaignId,
                                                           long criterionId)
        Returns the campaign bid modifier resource name for the specified components.
      • campaignBudget

        public static java.lang.String campaignBudget​(long customerId,
                                                      long budgetId)
        Returns the campaign budget resource name for the specified components.
      • campaignCriterion

        public static java.lang.String campaignCriterion​(long customerId,
                                                         long campaignId,
                                                         long criterionId)
        Returns the campaign criterion resource name for the specified components.
      • customerUserAccessInvitation

        public static java.lang.String customerUserAccessInvitation​(long customerId,
                                                                    long invitationId)
        Returns the Customer User Access Invitation resource name for the specified components.
      • campaignDraft

        public static java.lang.String campaignDraft​(long customerId,
                                                     long baseCampaignId,
                                                     long draftId)
        Returns the Campaign Draft resource name for the specified components.
      • campaignExperiment

        public static java.lang.String campaignExperiment​(long customerId,
                                                          long campaignExperimentId)
        Returns the Campaign Experiment resource name for the specified components.
      • campaignExtensionSetting

        public static java.lang.String campaignExtensionSetting​(long customerId,
                                                                long campaignId,
                                                                ExtensionTypeEnum.ExtensionType extensionType)
        Returns the campaign extension setting for the specified components.
      • campaignFeed

        public static java.lang.String campaignFeed​(long customerId,
                                                    long campaignId,
                                                    long feedId)
        Returns the campaign feed resource name for the specified components.
      • campaignLabel

        public static java.lang.String campaignLabel​(long customerId,
                                                     long campaignId,
                                                     long labelId)
        Returns the campaign label for the specified components.
      • campaignSharedSet

        public static java.lang.String campaignSharedSet​(long customerId,
                                                         long campaignId,
                                                         long sharedSetId)
        Returns the campaign shared set resource name for the specified components.
      • carrierConstant

        public static java.lang.String carrierConstant​(long criterionId)
        Returns the carrier constant resource name for the specified components.
      • changeEvent

        public static java.lang.String changeEvent​(long customerId,
                                                   long timestampMicros,
                                                   long commandIndex,
                                                   long mutateIndex)
        Returns the Change Event resource name for the specified components.
      • changeStatus

        public static java.lang.String changeStatus​(long customerId,
                                                    java.lang.String changeStatusId)
        Returns the change status resource name for the specified components.
      • clickView

        public static java.lang.String clickView​(long customerId,
                                                 java.lang.String date,
                                                 java.lang.String gclid)
        Returns the click view for the specified components.
      • combinedAudience

        public static java.lang.String combinedAudience​(long customerId,
                                                        long combinedAudienceId)
        Returns the Combined Audience resource name for the specified components.
      • conversionAction

        public static java.lang.String conversionAction​(long customerId,
                                                        long conversionActionId)
        Returns the conversion action resource name for the specified components.
      • conversionCustomVariable

        public static java.lang.String conversionCustomVariable​(long customerId,
                                                                long conversionCustomVariableId)
        Returns the Conversion Custom Variable resource name for the specified components.
      • conversionGoalCampaignConfig

        public static java.lang.String conversionGoalCampaignConfig​(long customerId,
                                                                    long campaignId)
        Returns the Conversion Goal Campaign Config resource name for the specified components.
      • conversionValueRule

        public static java.lang.String conversionValueRule​(long customerId,
                                                           long conversionValueRuleId)
        Returns the Conversion Value Rule resource name for the specified components.
      • conversionValueRuleSet

        public static java.lang.String conversionValueRuleSet​(long customerId,
                                                              long conversionValueRuleSetId)
        Returns the Conversion Value Rule Set resource name for the specified components.
      • customConversionGoal

        public static java.lang.String customConversionGoal​(long customerId,
                                                            long goalId)
        Returns the Custom Conversion Goal resource name for the specified components.
      • customerCustomizer

        public static java.lang.String customerCustomizer​(long customerId,
                                                          long customizerAttributeId)
        Returns the Customer Customizer resource name for the specified components.
      • customizerAttribute

        public static java.lang.String customizerAttribute​(long customerId,
                                                           long customizerAttributeId)
        Returns the Customizer Attribute resource name for the specified components.
      • hotelReconciliation

        public static java.lang.String hotelReconciliation​(long customerId,
                                                           long commisionId)
        Returns the Hotel Reconciliation resource name for the specified components.
      • currencyConstant

        public static java.lang.String currencyConstant​(java.lang.String currencyCode)
        Returns the currency constant resource name for the specified components.
      • customAudience

        public static java.lang.String customAudience​(long customerId,
                                                      long customAudienceId)
        Returns the Custom Audience resource name for the specified components.
      • customInterest

        public static java.lang.String customInterest​(long customerId,
                                                      long customInterestId)
        Returns the custom interest for the specified components.
      • customer

        public static java.lang.String customer​(long customerId)
        Returns the customer resource name for the specified components.
      • customerAsset

        public static java.lang.String customerAsset​(long customerId,
                                                     long assetId,
                                                     AssetFieldTypeEnum.AssetFieldType fieldType)
        Returns the Customer Asset resource name for the specified components.
      • customerClient

        public static java.lang.String customerClient​(long customerId,
                                                      long clientCustomerId)
        Returns the customer client resource name for the specified components.
      • customerClientLink

        public static java.lang.String customerClientLink​(long customerId,
                                                          long clientCustomerId,
                                                          long managerLinkId)
        Returns the customer client link resource name for the specified components.
      • customerExtensionSetting

        public static java.lang.String customerExtensionSetting​(long customerId,
                                                                ExtensionTypeEnum.ExtensionType extensionType)
        Returns the customer extension setting for the specified components.
      • customerFeed

        public static java.lang.String customerFeed​(long customerId,
                                                    long feedId)
        Returns the customer feed resource name for the specified components.
      • customerLabel

        public static java.lang.String customerLabel​(long customerId,
                                                     long labelId)
        Returns the customer label for the specified components.
      • customerManagerLink

        public static java.lang.String customerManagerLink​(long customerId,
                                                           long managerCustomerId,
                                                           long managerLinkId)
        Returns the customer manager link resource name for the specified components.
      • customerNegativeCriteria

        public static java.lang.String customerNegativeCriteria​(long customerId,
                                                                long criterionId)
        Returns the customer negative criterion for the specified components.
      • customerNegativeCriterion

        public static java.lang.String customerNegativeCriterion​(long customerId,
                                                                 long criterionId)
        Returns the customer negative criterion for the specified components.
      • customerUserAccess

        public static java.lang.String customerUserAccess​(long customerId,
                                                          long userId)
        Returns the Customer User Access resource name for the specified components.
      • detailedDemographic

        public static java.lang.String detailedDemographic​(long customerId,
                                                           long detailedDemographicId)
        Returns the Detailed Demographic resource name for the specified components.
      • detailPlacementView

        public static java.lang.String detailPlacementView​(long customerId,
                                                           long adGroupId,
                                                           java.lang.String placementBase64)
        Returns the detail placement view for the specified components.
      • displayKeywordView

        public static java.lang.String displayKeywordView​(long customerId,
                                                          long adGroupId,
                                                          long criterionId)
        Returns the display keyword view resource name for the specified components.
      • distanceView

        public static java.lang.String distanceView​(long customerId,
                                                    long chainId,
                                                    DistanceBucketEnum.DistanceBucket distanceBucket)
        Returns the Distance View resource name for the specified components.
      • domainCategory

        public static java.lang.String domainCategory​(long customerId,
                                                      long campaignId,
                                                      java.lang.String categoryBase64,
                                                      java.lang.String languageCode)
        Returns the domain category for the specified components.
      • dynamicSearchAdsSearchTermView

        public static java.lang.String dynamicSearchAdsSearchTermView​(long customerId,
                                                                      long adGroupId,
                                                                      java.lang.String searchTermFingerprint,
                                                                      java.lang.String headlineFingerprint,
                                                                      java.lang.String landingPageFingerprint,
                                                                      java.lang.String pageUrlFingerprint)
        Returns the dynamic search ads search term view for the specified components.
      • expandedLandingPageView

        public static java.lang.String expandedLandingPageView​(long customerId,
                                                               java.lang.String expandedFinalUrlFingerprint)
        Returns the Expanded Landing Page View resource name for the specified components.
      • extensionFeedItem

        public static java.lang.String extensionFeedItem​(long customerId,
                                                         long feedItemId)
        Returns the extension feed item for the specified components.
      • feed

        public static java.lang.String feed​(long customerId,
                                            long feedId)
        Returns the feed resource name for the specified components.
      • feedItem

        public static java.lang.String feedItem​(long customerId,
                                                long feedId,
                                                long feedItemId)
        Returns the feed item resource name for the specified components.
      • feedItemSet

        public static java.lang.String feedItemSet​(long customerId,
                                                   long feedId,
                                                   long feedItemSetId)
        Returns the feed item set resource name for the specified components.
      • feedItemSetLink

        public static java.lang.String feedItemSetLink​(long customerId,
                                                       long feedId,
                                                       long feedItemSetId,
                                                       long feedItemId)
        Returns the feed item set link resource name for the specified components.
      • feedItemTarget

        public static java.lang.String feedItemTarget​(long customerId,
                                                      long feedId,
                                                      long feedItemId,
                                                      FeedItemTargetTypeEnum.FeedItemTargetType targetType,
                                                      long feedItemTargetId)
        Returns the feed item target for the specified components.
      • feedMapping

        public static java.lang.String feedMapping​(long customerId,
                                                   long feedId,
                                                   long feedMappingId)
        Returns the feed mapping resource name for the specified components.
      • feedPlaceholderView

        public static java.lang.String feedPlaceholderView​(long customerId,
                                                           PlaceholderTypeEnum.PlaceholderType placeholderType)
        Returns the feed placeholder view for the specified components.
      • genderView

        public static java.lang.String genderView​(long customerId,
                                                  long adGroupId,
                                                  long criterionId)
        Returns the gender view resource name for the specified components.
      • geoTargetConstant

        public static java.lang.String geoTargetConstant​(long criterionId)
        Returns the geo target constant resource name for the specified components.
      • geographicView

        public static java.lang.String geographicView​(long customerId,
                                                      long countryCriterionId,
                                                      GeoTargetingTypeEnum.GeoTargetingType targetType)
        Returns the geographic view for the specified components.
      • googleAdsField

        public static java.lang.String googleAdsField​(java.lang.String field)
        Returns the google ads field resource name for the specified components.
      • groupPlacementView

        public static java.lang.String groupPlacementView​(long customerId,
                                                          long adGroupId,
                                                          java.lang.String placementBase64)
        Returns the group placement view for the specified components.
      • hotelGroupView

        public static java.lang.String hotelGroupView​(long customerId,
                                                      long adGroupId,
                                                      long criterionId)
        Returns the hotel group view resource name for the specified components.
      • hotelPerformanceView

        public static java.lang.String hotelPerformanceView​(long customerId)
        Returns the hotel performance view resource name for the specified components.
      • incomeRangeView

        public static java.lang.String incomeRangeView​(long customerId,
                                                       long adGroupId,
                                                       long criterionId)
        Returns the Income Range View resource name for the specified components.
      • invoice

        public static java.lang.String invoice​(long customerId,
                                               long invoiceId)
        Returns the Invoice resource name for the specified components.
      • keywordPlan

        public static java.lang.String keywordPlan​(long customerId,
                                                   long kpPlanId)
        Returns the keyword plan resource name for the specified components.
      • keywordPlanAdGroup

        public static java.lang.String keywordPlanAdGroup​(long customerId,
                                                          long kpAdGroupId)
        Returns the keyword plan ad group resource name for the specified components.
      • keywordPlanCampaign

        public static java.lang.String keywordPlanCampaign​(long customerId,
                                                           long kpCampaignId)
        Returns the keyword plan campaign resource name for the specified components.
      • keywordPlanAdGroupKeyword

        public static java.lang.String keywordPlanAdGroupKeyword​(long customerId,
                                                                 long kpAdGroupKeywordId)
        Returns the keyword plan keyword resource name for the specified components.
      • keywordPlanCampaignKeyword

        public static java.lang.String keywordPlanCampaignKeyword​(long customerId,
                                                                  long kpCampaignKeywordId)
        Returns the keyword plan negative keyword resource name for the specified components.
      • keywordThemeConstant

        public static java.lang.String keywordThemeConstant​(long customerId,
                                                            long expressSubCategoryId)
        Returns the Keyword Theme Constant resource name for the specified components.
      • keywordView

        public static java.lang.String keywordView​(long customerId,
                                                   long adGroupId,
                                                   long criterionId)
        Returns the keyword view resource name for the specified components.
      • label

        public static java.lang.String label​(long customerId,
                                             long labelId)
        Returns the label for the specified components.
      • landingPageView

        public static java.lang.String landingPageView​(long customerId,
                                                       java.lang.String unexpandedFinalUrlFingerprint)
        Returns the Landing Page View resource name for the specified components.
      • languageConstant

        public static java.lang.String languageConstant​(long criterionId)
        Returns the language constant resource name for the specified components.
      • lifeEvent

        public static java.lang.String lifeEvent​(long customerId,
                                                 long lifeEventId)
        Returns the Life Event resource name for the specified components.
      • locationView

        public static java.lang.String locationView​(long customerId,
                                                    long campaignId,
                                                    long criterionId)
        Returns the location view for the specified components.
      • managedPlacementView

        public static java.lang.String managedPlacementView​(long customerId,
                                                            long adGroupId,
                                                            long criterionId)
        Returns the managed placement view resource name for the specified components.
      • mediaFile

        public static java.lang.String mediaFile​(long customerId,
                                                 long mediaId)
        Returns the media file resource name for the specified components.
      • merchantCenterLink

        public static java.lang.String merchantCenterLink​(long customerId,
                                                          long merchantCenterId)
        Returns the merchant center link for the specified components.
      • mobileAppCategoryConstant

        public static java.lang.String mobileAppCategoryConstant​(long mobileAppCategoryId)
        Returns the mobile app category constant resource name for the specified components.
      • mobileDeviceConstant

        public static java.lang.String mobileDeviceConstant​(long criterionId)
        Returns the mobile device constant resource name for the specified components.
      • batchJob

        public static java.lang.String batchJob​(long customerId,
                                                long mutateJobId)
        Returns the batch job for the specified components.
      • offlineUserDataJob

        public static java.lang.String offlineUserDataJob​(long customerId,
                                                          long offlineUserDataJobId)
        Returns the Offline User Data Job resource name for the specified components.
      • operatingSystemVersionConstant

        public static java.lang.String operatingSystemVersionConstant​(long criterionId)
        Returns the operation system version constant resource name for the specified components.
      • paidOrganicSearchTermView

        public static java.lang.String paidOrganicSearchTermView​(long customerId,
                                                                 long campaignId,
                                                                 long adGroupId,
                                                                 java.lang.String searchTermBase64)
        Returns the Paid Organic Search Term View resource name for the specified components.
      • parentalStatusView

        public static java.lang.String parentalStatusView​(long customerId,
                                                          long adGroupId,
                                                          long criterionId)
        Returns the parental status view resource name for the specified components.
      • paymentsAccount

        public static java.lang.String paymentsAccount​(long customerId,
                                                       java.lang.String paymentsAccountId)
        Returns the payments account resource name for the specified components.
      • productGroupView

        public static java.lang.String productGroupView​(long customerId,
                                                        long adgroupId,
                                                        long criterionId)
        Returns the product group view resource name for the specified components.
      • recommendation

        public static java.lang.String recommendation​(long customerId,
                                                      java.lang.String recommendationId)
        Returns the recommendation resource name for the specified components.
      • remarketingAction

        public static java.lang.String remarketingAction​(long customerId,
                                                         long remarketingActionId)
        Returns the remarketing action resource name for the specified components.
      • searchTermView

        public static java.lang.String searchTermView​(long customerId,
                                                      long campaignId,
                                                      long adGroupId,
                                                      java.lang.String query)
        Returns the search term view resource name for the specified components.
      • sharedCriterion

        public static java.lang.String sharedCriterion​(long customerId,
                                                       long sharedSetId,
                                                       long criterionId)
        Returns the shared criterion resource name for the specified components.
      • sharedSet

        public static java.lang.String sharedSet​(long customerId,
                                                 long sharedSetId)
        Returns the shared set resource name for the specified components.
      • shoppingPerformanceView

        public static java.lang.String shoppingPerformanceView​(long customerId)
        Returns the Shopping Performance View resource name for the specified components.
      • smartCampaignSearchTermView

        public static java.lang.String smartCampaignSearchTermView​(long customerId,
                                                                   long campaignId,
                                                                   java.lang.String query)
        Returns the Smart Campaign Search Term View resource name for the specified components.
      • smartCampaignSetting

        public static java.lang.String smartCampaignSetting​(long customerId,
                                                            long campaignId)
        Returns the Smart Campaign Setting resource name for the specified components.
      • thirdPartyAppAnalyticsLink

        public static java.lang.String thirdPartyAppAnalyticsLink​(long customerId,
                                                                  long customerLinkId)
        Returns the Third Party App Analytics Link resource name for the specified components.
      • topicConstant

        public static java.lang.String topicConstant​(long verticalId)
        Returns the topic constant resource name for the specified components.
      • topicView

        public static java.lang.String topicView​(long customerId,
                                                 long adGroupId,
                                                 long criterionId)
        Returns the topic view resource name for the specified components.
      • userInterest

        public static java.lang.String userInterest​(long customerId,
                                                    long categoryId)
        Returns the user interest resource name for the specified components.
      • userList

        public static java.lang.String userList​(long customerId,
                                                long userListId)
        Returns the user list resource name for the specified components.
      • userLocationView

        public static java.lang.String userLocationView​(long customerId,
                                                        long countryCriterionId,
                                                        boolean isTargetingLocation)
        Returns the User Location View resource name for the specified components.
      • video

        public static java.lang.String video​(long customerId,
                                             java.lang.String videoId)
        Returns the video resource name for the specified components.
      • webpageView

        public static java.lang.String webpageView​(long customerId,
                                                   long adGroupId,
                                                   long criterionId)
        Returns the Webpage View resource name for the specified components.