Interface RequestLatencyStatsOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
RequestLatencyStats, RequestLatencyStats.Builder

public interface RequestLatencyStatsOrBuilder extends
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The latency measured by the frontend server handling this request, from when the request was received, to when this value is sent back in the response.
    The latency measured by the frontend server handling this request, from when the request was received, to when this value is sent back in the response.
    The latency measured by the frontend server handling this request, from when the request was received, to when this value is sent back in the response.

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • hasFrontendServerLatency

      boolean hasFrontendServerLatency()
       The latency measured by the frontend server handling this request, from
       when the request was received, to when this value is sent back in the
       response. For more context on the component that is measuring this latency,
       Note: This value may be slightly shorter than the value reported into
       aggregate latency metrics in Monitoring for this request
       ( as this value
       needs to be sent in the response before the latency measurement including
       that transmission is finalized.
       Note: This value includes the end-to-end latency of contacting nodes in
       the targeted cluster, e.g. measuring from when the first byte arrives at
       the frontend server, to when this value is sent back as the last value in
       the response, including any latency incurred by contacting nodes, waiting
       for results from nodes, and finally sending results from nodes back to the
      .google.protobuf.Duration frontend_server_latency = 1;
      Whether the frontendServerLatency field is set.
    • getFrontendServerLatency getFrontendServerLatency()
       The latency measured by the frontend server handling this request, from
       when the request was received, to when this value is sent back in the
       response. For more context on the component that is measuring this latency,
       Note: This value may be slightly shorter than the value reported into
       aggregate latency metrics in Monitoring for this request
       ( as this value
       needs to be sent in the response before the latency measurement including
       that transmission is finalized.
       Note: This value includes the end-to-end latency of contacting nodes in
       the targeted cluster, e.g. measuring from when the first byte arrives at
       the frontend server, to when this value is sent back as the last value in
       the response, including any latency incurred by contacting nodes, waiting
       for results from nodes, and finally sending results from nodes back to the
      .google.protobuf.Duration frontend_server_latency = 1;
      The frontendServerLatency.
    • getFrontendServerLatencyOrBuilder getFrontendServerLatencyOrBuilder()
       The latency measured by the frontend server handling this request, from
       when the request was received, to when this value is sent back in the
       response. For more context on the component that is measuring this latency,
       Note: This value may be slightly shorter than the value reported into
       aggregate latency metrics in Monitoring for this request
       ( as this value
       needs to be sent in the response before the latency measurement including
       that transmission is finalized.
       Note: This value includes the end-to-end latency of contacting nodes in
       the targeted cluster, e.g. measuring from when the first byte arrives at
       the frontend server, to when this value is sent back as the last value in
       the response, including any latency incurred by contacting nodes, waiting
       for results from nodes, and finally sending results from nodes back to the
      .google.protobuf.Duration frontend_server_latency = 1;