Interface QueryOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
Query, Query.Builder

public interface QueryOrBuilder extends
  • Method Details

    • getProjectionList

      List<Projection> getProjectionList()
       The projection to return. Defaults to returning all properties.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.Projection projection = 2;
    • getProjection

      Projection getProjection(int index)
       The projection to return. Defaults to returning all properties.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.Projection projection = 2;
    • getProjectionCount

      int getProjectionCount()
       The projection to return. Defaults to returning all properties.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.Projection projection = 2;
    • getProjectionOrBuilderList

      List<? extends ProjectionOrBuilder> getProjectionOrBuilderList()
       The projection to return. Defaults to returning all properties.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.Projection projection = 2;
    • getProjectionOrBuilder

      ProjectionOrBuilder getProjectionOrBuilder(int index)
       The projection to return. Defaults to returning all properties.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.Projection projection = 2;
    • getKindList

      List<KindExpression> getKindList()
       The kinds to query (if empty, returns entities of all kinds).
       Currently at most 1 kind may be specified.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.KindExpression kind = 3;
    • getKind

      KindExpression getKind(int index)
       The kinds to query (if empty, returns entities of all kinds).
       Currently at most 1 kind may be specified.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.KindExpression kind = 3;
    • getKindCount

      int getKindCount()
       The kinds to query (if empty, returns entities of all kinds).
       Currently at most 1 kind may be specified.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.KindExpression kind = 3;
    • getKindOrBuilderList

      List<? extends KindExpressionOrBuilder> getKindOrBuilderList()
       The kinds to query (if empty, returns entities of all kinds).
       Currently at most 1 kind may be specified.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.KindExpression kind = 3;
    • getKindOrBuilder

      KindExpressionOrBuilder getKindOrBuilder(int index)
       The kinds to query (if empty, returns entities of all kinds).
       Currently at most 1 kind may be specified.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.KindExpression kind = 3;
    • hasFilter

      boolean hasFilter()
       The filter to apply.
      .google.datastore.v1.Filter filter = 4;
      Whether the filter field is set.
    • getFilter

      Filter getFilter()
       The filter to apply.
      .google.datastore.v1.Filter filter = 4;
      The filter.
    • getFilterOrBuilder

      FilterOrBuilder getFilterOrBuilder()
       The filter to apply.
      .google.datastore.v1.Filter filter = 4;
    • getOrderList

      List<PropertyOrder> getOrderList()
       The order to apply to the query results (if empty, order is unspecified).
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.PropertyOrder order = 5;
    • getOrder

      PropertyOrder getOrder(int index)
       The order to apply to the query results (if empty, order is unspecified).
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.PropertyOrder order = 5;
    • getOrderCount

      int getOrderCount()
       The order to apply to the query results (if empty, order is unspecified).
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.PropertyOrder order = 5;
    • getOrderOrBuilderList

      List<? extends PropertyOrderOrBuilder> getOrderOrBuilderList()
       The order to apply to the query results (if empty, order is unspecified).
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.PropertyOrder order = 5;
    • getOrderOrBuilder

      PropertyOrderOrBuilder getOrderOrBuilder(int index)
       The order to apply to the query results (if empty, order is unspecified).
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.PropertyOrder order = 5;
    • getDistinctOnList

      List<PropertyReference> getDistinctOnList()
       The properties to make distinct. The query results will contain the first
       result for each distinct combination of values for the given properties
       (if empty, all results are returned).
       * If `order` is specified, the set of distinct on properties must appear
       before the non-distinct on properties in `order`.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.PropertyReference distinct_on = 6;
    • getDistinctOn

      PropertyReference getDistinctOn(int index)
       The properties to make distinct. The query results will contain the first
       result for each distinct combination of values for the given properties
       (if empty, all results are returned).
       * If `order` is specified, the set of distinct on properties must appear
       before the non-distinct on properties in `order`.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.PropertyReference distinct_on = 6;
    • getDistinctOnCount

      int getDistinctOnCount()
       The properties to make distinct. The query results will contain the first
       result for each distinct combination of values for the given properties
       (if empty, all results are returned).
       * If `order` is specified, the set of distinct on properties must appear
       before the non-distinct on properties in `order`.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.PropertyReference distinct_on = 6;
    • getDistinctOnOrBuilderList

      List<? extends PropertyReferenceOrBuilder> getDistinctOnOrBuilderList()
       The properties to make distinct. The query results will contain the first
       result for each distinct combination of values for the given properties
       (if empty, all results are returned).
       * If `order` is specified, the set of distinct on properties must appear
       before the non-distinct on properties in `order`.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.PropertyReference distinct_on = 6;
    • getDistinctOnOrBuilder

      PropertyReferenceOrBuilder getDistinctOnOrBuilder(int index)
       The properties to make distinct. The query results will contain the first
       result for each distinct combination of values for the given properties
       (if empty, all results are returned).
       * If `order` is specified, the set of distinct on properties must appear
       before the non-distinct on properties in `order`.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.PropertyReference distinct_on = 6;
    • getStartCursor getStartCursor()
       A starting point for the query results. Query cursors are
       returned in query result batches and
       [can only be used to continue the same
      bytes start_cursor = 7;
      The startCursor.
    • getEndCursor getEndCursor()
       An ending point for the query results. Query cursors are
       returned in query result batches and
       [can only be used to limit the same
      bytes end_cursor = 8;
      The endCursor.
    • getOffset

      int getOffset()
       The number of results to skip. Applies before limit, but after all other
       constraints. Optional. Must be >= 0 if specified.
      int32 offset = 10;
      The offset.
    • hasLimit

      boolean hasLimit()
       The maximum number of results to return. Applies after all other
       constraints. Optional.
       Unspecified is interpreted as no limit.
       Must be >= 0 if specified.
      .google.protobuf.Int32Value limit = 12;
      Whether the limit field is set.
    • getLimit getLimit()
       The maximum number of results to return. Applies after all other
       constraints. Optional.
       Unspecified is interpreted as no limit.
       Must be >= 0 if specified.
      .google.protobuf.Int32Value limit = 12;
      The limit.
    • getLimitOrBuilder getLimitOrBuilder()
       The maximum number of results to return. Applies after all other
       constraints. Optional.
       Unspecified is interpreted as no limit.
       Must be >= 0 if specified.
      .google.protobuf.Int32Value limit = 12;