Interface LookupResponseOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
LookupResponse, LookupResponse.Builder

public interface LookupResponseOrBuilder extends
  • Method Details

    • getFoundList

      List<EntityResult> getFoundList()
       Entities found as `ResultType.FULL` entities. The order of results in this
       field is undefined and has no relation to the order of the keys in the
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.EntityResult found = 1;
    • getFound

      EntityResult getFound(int index)
       Entities found as `ResultType.FULL` entities. The order of results in this
       field is undefined and has no relation to the order of the keys in the
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.EntityResult found = 1;
    • getFoundCount

      int getFoundCount()
       Entities found as `ResultType.FULL` entities. The order of results in this
       field is undefined and has no relation to the order of the keys in the
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.EntityResult found = 1;
    • getFoundOrBuilderList

      List<? extends EntityResultOrBuilder> getFoundOrBuilderList()
       Entities found as `ResultType.FULL` entities. The order of results in this
       field is undefined and has no relation to the order of the keys in the
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.EntityResult found = 1;
    • getFoundOrBuilder

      EntityResultOrBuilder getFoundOrBuilder(int index)
       Entities found as `ResultType.FULL` entities. The order of results in this
       field is undefined and has no relation to the order of the keys in the
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.EntityResult found = 1;
    • getMissingList

      List<EntityResult> getMissingList()
       Entities not found as `ResultType.KEY_ONLY` entities. The order of results
       in this field is undefined and has no relation to the order of the keys
       in the input.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.EntityResult missing = 2;
    • getMissing

      EntityResult getMissing(int index)
       Entities not found as `ResultType.KEY_ONLY` entities. The order of results
       in this field is undefined and has no relation to the order of the keys
       in the input.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.EntityResult missing = 2;
    • getMissingCount

      int getMissingCount()
       Entities not found as `ResultType.KEY_ONLY` entities. The order of results
       in this field is undefined and has no relation to the order of the keys
       in the input.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.EntityResult missing = 2;
    • getMissingOrBuilderList

      List<? extends EntityResultOrBuilder> getMissingOrBuilderList()
       Entities not found as `ResultType.KEY_ONLY` entities. The order of results
       in this field is undefined and has no relation to the order of the keys
       in the input.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.EntityResult missing = 2;
    • getMissingOrBuilder

      EntityResultOrBuilder getMissingOrBuilder(int index)
       Entities not found as `ResultType.KEY_ONLY` entities. The order of results
       in this field is undefined and has no relation to the order of the keys
       in the input.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.EntityResult missing = 2;
    • getDeferredList

      List<Key> getDeferredList()
       A list of keys that were not looked up due to resource constraints. The
       order of results in this field is undefined and has no relation to the
       order of the keys in the input.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.Key deferred = 3;
    • getDeferred

      Key getDeferred(int index)
       A list of keys that were not looked up due to resource constraints. The
       order of results in this field is undefined and has no relation to the
       order of the keys in the input.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.Key deferred = 3;
    • getDeferredCount

      int getDeferredCount()
       A list of keys that were not looked up due to resource constraints. The
       order of results in this field is undefined and has no relation to the
       order of the keys in the input.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.Key deferred = 3;
    • getDeferredOrBuilderList

      List<? extends KeyOrBuilder> getDeferredOrBuilderList()
       A list of keys that were not looked up due to resource constraints. The
       order of results in this field is undefined and has no relation to the
       order of the keys in the input.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.Key deferred = 3;
    • getDeferredOrBuilder

      KeyOrBuilder getDeferredOrBuilder(int index)
       A list of keys that were not looked up due to resource constraints. The
       order of results in this field is undefined and has no relation to the
       order of the keys in the input.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.Key deferred = 3;
    • getTransaction getTransaction()
       The identifier of the transaction that was started as part of this Lookup
       Set only when
       was set in
      bytes transaction = 5;
      The transaction.
    • hasReadTime

      boolean hasReadTime()
       The time at which these entities were read or found missing.
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp read_time = 7;
      Whether the readTime field is set.
    • getReadTime getReadTime()
       The time at which these entities were read or found missing.
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp read_time = 7;
      The readTime.
    • getReadTimeOrBuilder getReadTimeOrBuilder()
       The time at which these entities were read or found missing.
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp read_time = 7;