Interface ReadOptionsOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
ReadOptions, ReadOptions.Builder

public interface ReadOptionsOrBuilder extends
  • Method Details

    • hasReadConsistency

      boolean hasReadConsistency()
       The non-transactional read consistency to use.
      .google.datastore.v1.ReadOptions.ReadConsistency read_consistency = 1;
      Whether the readConsistency field is set.
    • getReadConsistencyValue

      int getReadConsistencyValue()
       The non-transactional read consistency to use.
      .google.datastore.v1.ReadOptions.ReadConsistency read_consistency = 1;
      The enum numeric value on the wire for readConsistency.
    • getReadConsistency

      ReadOptions.ReadConsistency getReadConsistency()
       The non-transactional read consistency to use.
      .google.datastore.v1.ReadOptions.ReadConsistency read_consistency = 1;
      The readConsistency.
    • hasTransaction

      boolean hasTransaction()
       The identifier of the transaction in which to read. A
       transaction identifier is returned by a call to
      bytes transaction = 2;
      Whether the transaction field is set.
    • getTransaction getTransaction()
       The identifier of the transaction in which to read. A
       transaction identifier is returned by a call to
      bytes transaction = 2;
      The transaction.
    • hasNewTransaction

      boolean hasNewTransaction()
       Options for beginning a new transaction for this request.
       The new transaction identifier will be returned in the corresponding
       response as either
      .google.datastore.v1.TransactionOptions new_transaction = 3;
      Whether the newTransaction field is set.
    • getNewTransaction

      TransactionOptions getNewTransaction()
       Options for beginning a new transaction for this request.
       The new transaction identifier will be returned in the corresponding
       response as either
      .google.datastore.v1.TransactionOptions new_transaction = 3;
      The newTransaction.
    • getNewTransactionOrBuilder

      TransactionOptionsOrBuilder getNewTransactionOrBuilder()
       Options for beginning a new transaction for this request.
       The new transaction identifier will be returned in the corresponding
       response as either
      .google.datastore.v1.TransactionOptions new_transaction = 3;
    • hasReadTime

      boolean hasReadTime()
       Reads entities as they were at the given time. This value is only
       supported for Cloud Firestore in Datastore mode.
       This must be a microsecond precision timestamp within the past one hour,
       or if Point-in-Time Recovery is enabled, can additionally be a whole
       minute timestamp within the past 7 days.
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp read_time = 4;
      Whether the readTime field is set.
    • getReadTime getReadTime()
       Reads entities as they were at the given time. This value is only
       supported for Cloud Firestore in Datastore mode.
       This must be a microsecond precision timestamp within the past one hour,
       or if Point-in-Time Recovery is enabled, can additionally be a whole
       minute timestamp within the past 7 days.
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp read_time = 4;
      The readTime.
    • getReadTimeOrBuilder getReadTimeOrBuilder()
       Reads entities as they were at the given time. This value is only
       supported for Cloud Firestore in Datastore mode.
       This must be a microsecond precision timestamp within the past one hour,
       or if Point-in-Time Recovery is enabled, can additionally be a whole
       minute timestamp within the past 7 days.
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp read_time = 4;
    • getConsistencyTypeCase

      ReadOptions.ConsistencyTypeCase getConsistencyTypeCase()