Interface QueryResultBatchOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
QueryResultBatch, QueryResultBatch.Builder

public interface QueryResultBatchOrBuilder extends
  • Method Details

    • getSkippedResults

      int getSkippedResults()
       The number of results skipped, typically because of an offset.
      int32 skipped_results = 6;
      The skippedResults.
    • getSkippedCursor getSkippedCursor()
       A cursor that points to the position after the last skipped result.
       Will be set when `skipped_results` != 0.
      bytes skipped_cursor = 3;
      The skippedCursor.
    • getEntityResultTypeValue

      int getEntityResultTypeValue()
       The result type for every entity in `entity_results`.
      .google.datastore.v1.EntityResult.ResultType entity_result_type = 1;
      The enum numeric value on the wire for entityResultType.
    • getEntityResultType

      EntityResult.ResultType getEntityResultType()
       The result type for every entity in `entity_results`.
      .google.datastore.v1.EntityResult.ResultType entity_result_type = 1;
      The entityResultType.
    • getEntityResultsList

      List<EntityResult> getEntityResultsList()
       The results for this batch.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.EntityResult entity_results = 2;
    • getEntityResults

      EntityResult getEntityResults(int index)
       The results for this batch.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.EntityResult entity_results = 2;
    • getEntityResultsCount

      int getEntityResultsCount()
       The results for this batch.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.EntityResult entity_results = 2;
    • getEntityResultsOrBuilderList

      List<? extends EntityResultOrBuilder> getEntityResultsOrBuilderList()
       The results for this batch.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.EntityResult entity_results = 2;
    • getEntityResultsOrBuilder

      EntityResultOrBuilder getEntityResultsOrBuilder(int index)
       The results for this batch.
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.EntityResult entity_results = 2;
    • getEndCursor getEndCursor()
       A cursor that points to the position after the last result in the batch.
      bytes end_cursor = 4;
      The endCursor.
    • getMoreResultsValue

      int getMoreResultsValue()
       The state of the query after the current batch.
      .google.datastore.v1.QueryResultBatch.MoreResultsType more_results = 5;
      The enum numeric value on the wire for moreResults.
    • getMoreResults

       The state of the query after the current batch.
      .google.datastore.v1.QueryResultBatch.MoreResultsType more_results = 5;
      The moreResults.
    • getSnapshotVersion

      long getSnapshotVersion()
       The version number of the snapshot this batch was returned from.
       This applies to the range of results from the query's `start_cursor` (or
       the beginning of the query if no cursor was given) to this batch's
       `end_cursor` (not the query's `end_cursor`).
       In a single transaction, subsequent query result batches for the same query
       can have a greater snapshot version number. Each batch's snapshot version
       is valid for all preceding batches.
       The value will be zero for eventually consistent queries.
      int64 snapshot_version = 7;
      The snapshotVersion.
    • hasReadTime

      boolean hasReadTime()
       Read timestamp this batch was returned from.
       This applies to the range of results from the query's `start_cursor` (or
       the beginning of the query if no cursor was given) to this batch's
       `end_cursor` (not the query's `end_cursor`).
       In a single transaction, subsequent query result batches for the same query
       can have a greater timestamp. Each batch's read timestamp
       is valid for all preceding batches.
       This value will not be set for eventually consistent queries in Cloud
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp read_time = 8;
      Whether the readTime field is set.
    • getReadTime getReadTime()
       Read timestamp this batch was returned from.
       This applies to the range of results from the query's `start_cursor` (or
       the beginning of the query if no cursor was given) to this batch's
       `end_cursor` (not the query's `end_cursor`).
       In a single transaction, subsequent query result batches for the same query
       can have a greater timestamp. Each batch's read timestamp
       is valid for all preceding batches.
       This value will not be set for eventually consistent queries in Cloud
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp read_time = 8;
      The readTime.
    • getReadTimeOrBuilder getReadTimeOrBuilder()
       Read timestamp this batch was returned from.
       This applies to the range of results from the query's `start_cursor` (or
       the beginning of the query if no cursor was given) to this batch's
       `end_cursor` (not the query's `end_cursor`).
       In a single transaction, subsequent query result batches for the same query
       can have a greater timestamp. Each batch's read timestamp
       is valid for all preceding batches.
       This value will not be set for eventually consistent queries in Cloud
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp read_time = 8;