Interface CommitRequestOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
CommitRequest, CommitRequest.Builder

public interface CommitRequestOrBuilder extends
  • Method Details

    • getProjectId

      String getProjectId()
       Required. The ID of the project against which to make the request.
      string project_id = 8 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      The projectId.
    • getProjectIdBytes getProjectIdBytes()
       Required. The ID of the project against which to make the request.
      string project_id = 8 [(.google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED];
      The bytes for projectId.
    • getDatabaseId

      String getDatabaseId()
       The ID of the database against which to make the request.
       '(default)' is not allowed; please use empty string '' to refer the default
      string database_id = 9;
      The databaseId.
    • getDatabaseIdBytes getDatabaseIdBytes()
       The ID of the database against which to make the request.
       '(default)' is not allowed; please use empty string '' to refer the default
      string database_id = 9;
      The bytes for databaseId.
    • getModeValue

      int getModeValue()
       The type of commit to perform. Defaults to `TRANSACTIONAL`.
      .google.datastore.v1.CommitRequest.Mode mode = 5;
      The enum numeric value on the wire for mode.
    • getMode

       The type of commit to perform. Defaults to `TRANSACTIONAL`.
      .google.datastore.v1.CommitRequest.Mode mode = 5;
      The mode.
    • hasTransaction

      boolean hasTransaction()
       The identifier of the transaction associated with the commit. A
       transaction identifier is returned by a call to
      bytes transaction = 1;
      Whether the transaction field is set.
    • getTransaction getTransaction()
       The identifier of the transaction associated with the commit. A
       transaction identifier is returned by a call to
      bytes transaction = 1;
      The transaction.
    • hasSingleUseTransaction

      boolean hasSingleUseTransaction()
       Options for beginning a new transaction for this request.
       The transaction is committed when the request completes. If specified,
       [TransactionOptions.mode][google.datastore.v1.TransactionOptions] must be
      .google.datastore.v1.TransactionOptions single_use_transaction = 10;
      Whether the singleUseTransaction field is set.
    • getSingleUseTransaction

      TransactionOptions getSingleUseTransaction()
       Options for beginning a new transaction for this request.
       The transaction is committed when the request completes. If specified,
       [TransactionOptions.mode][google.datastore.v1.TransactionOptions] must be
      .google.datastore.v1.TransactionOptions single_use_transaction = 10;
      The singleUseTransaction.
    • getSingleUseTransactionOrBuilder

      TransactionOptionsOrBuilder getSingleUseTransactionOrBuilder()
       Options for beginning a new transaction for this request.
       The transaction is committed when the request completes. If specified,
       [TransactionOptions.mode][google.datastore.v1.TransactionOptions] must be
      .google.datastore.v1.TransactionOptions single_use_transaction = 10;
    • getMutationsList

      List<Mutation> getMutationsList()
       The mutations to perform.
       When mode is `TRANSACTIONAL`, mutations affecting a single entity are
       applied in order. The following sequences of mutations affecting a single
       entity are not permitted in a single `Commit` request:
       - `insert` followed by `insert`
       - `update` followed by `insert`
       - `upsert` followed by `insert`
       - `delete` followed by `update`
       When mode is `NON_TRANSACTIONAL`, no two mutations may affect a single
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.Mutation mutations = 6;
    • getMutations

      Mutation getMutations(int index)
       The mutations to perform.
       When mode is `TRANSACTIONAL`, mutations affecting a single entity are
       applied in order. The following sequences of mutations affecting a single
       entity are not permitted in a single `Commit` request:
       - `insert` followed by `insert`
       - `update` followed by `insert`
       - `upsert` followed by `insert`
       - `delete` followed by `update`
       When mode is `NON_TRANSACTIONAL`, no two mutations may affect a single
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.Mutation mutations = 6;
    • getMutationsCount

      int getMutationsCount()
       The mutations to perform.
       When mode is `TRANSACTIONAL`, mutations affecting a single entity are
       applied in order. The following sequences of mutations affecting a single
       entity are not permitted in a single `Commit` request:
       - `insert` followed by `insert`
       - `update` followed by `insert`
       - `upsert` followed by `insert`
       - `delete` followed by `update`
       When mode is `NON_TRANSACTIONAL`, no two mutations may affect a single
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.Mutation mutations = 6;
    • getMutationsOrBuilderList

      List<? extends MutationOrBuilder> getMutationsOrBuilderList()
       The mutations to perform.
       When mode is `TRANSACTIONAL`, mutations affecting a single entity are
       applied in order. The following sequences of mutations affecting a single
       entity are not permitted in a single `Commit` request:
       - `insert` followed by `insert`
       - `update` followed by `insert`
       - `upsert` followed by `insert`
       - `delete` followed by `update`
       When mode is `NON_TRANSACTIONAL`, no two mutations may affect a single
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.Mutation mutations = 6;
    • getMutationsOrBuilder

      MutationOrBuilder getMutationsOrBuilder(int index)
       The mutations to perform.
       When mode is `TRANSACTIONAL`, mutations affecting a single entity are
       applied in order. The following sequences of mutations affecting a single
       entity are not permitted in a single `Commit` request:
       - `insert` followed by `insert`
       - `update` followed by `insert`
       - `upsert` followed by `insert`
       - `delete` followed by `update`
       When mode is `NON_TRANSACTIONAL`, no two mutations may affect a single
      repeated .google.datastore.v1.Mutation mutations = 6;
    • getTransactionSelectorCase

      CommitRequest.TransactionSelectorCase getTransactionSelectorCase()