Interface ListSubscriptionsResponseOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
ListSubscriptionsResponse, ListSubscriptionsResponse.Builder

public interface ListSubscriptionsResponseOrBuilder extends
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    If not empty, indicates that there may be more subscriptions that match the request; this value should be passed in a new `ListSubscriptionsRequest` to get more subscriptions.
    If not empty, indicates that there may be more subscriptions that match the request; this value should be passed in a new `ListSubscriptionsRequest` to get more subscriptions.
    getSubscriptions(int index)
    The subscriptions that match the request.
    The subscriptions that match the request.
    The subscriptions that match the request.
    The subscriptions that match the request.
    The subscriptions that match the request.

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • getSubscriptionsList

      List<Subscription> getSubscriptionsList()
       The subscriptions that match the request.
      repeated .google.pubsub.v1.Subscription subscriptions = 1;
    • getSubscriptions

      Subscription getSubscriptions(int index)
       The subscriptions that match the request.
      repeated .google.pubsub.v1.Subscription subscriptions = 1;
    • getSubscriptionsCount

      int getSubscriptionsCount()
       The subscriptions that match the request.
      repeated .google.pubsub.v1.Subscription subscriptions = 1;
    • getSubscriptionsOrBuilderList

      List<? extends SubscriptionOrBuilder> getSubscriptionsOrBuilderList()
       The subscriptions that match the request.
      repeated .google.pubsub.v1.Subscription subscriptions = 1;
    • getSubscriptionsOrBuilder

      SubscriptionOrBuilder getSubscriptionsOrBuilder(int index)
       The subscriptions that match the request.
      repeated .google.pubsub.v1.Subscription subscriptions = 1;
    • getNextPageToken

      String getNextPageToken()
       If not empty, indicates that there may be more subscriptions that match
       the request; this value should be passed in a new
       `ListSubscriptionsRequest` to get more subscriptions.
      string next_page_token = 2;
      The nextPageToken.
    • getNextPageTokenBytes getNextPageTokenBytes()
       If not empty, indicates that there may be more subscriptions that match
       the request; this value should be passed in a new
       `ListSubscriptionsRequest` to get more subscriptions.
      string next_page_token = 2;
      The bytes for nextPageToken.