Interface MessageStoragePolicyOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
MessageStoragePolicy, MessageStoragePolicy.Builder

public interface MessageStoragePolicyOrBuilder extends
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    A list of IDs of GCP regions where messages that are published to the topic may be persisted in storage.
    A list of IDs of GCP regions where messages that are published to the topic may be persisted in storage.
    A list of IDs of GCP regions where messages that are published to the topic may be persisted in storage.
    A list of IDs of GCP regions where messages that are published to the topic may be persisted in storage.

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • getAllowedPersistenceRegionsList

      List<String> getAllowedPersistenceRegionsList()
       A list of IDs of GCP regions where messages that are published to the topic
       may be persisted in storage. Messages published by publishers running in
       non-allowed GCP regions (or running outside of GCP altogether) will be
       routed for storage in one of the allowed regions. An empty list means that
       no regions are allowed, and is not a valid configuration.
      repeated string allowed_persistence_regions = 1;
      A list containing the allowedPersistenceRegions.
    • getAllowedPersistenceRegionsCount

      int getAllowedPersistenceRegionsCount()
       A list of IDs of GCP regions where messages that are published to the topic
       may be persisted in storage. Messages published by publishers running in
       non-allowed GCP regions (or running outside of GCP altogether) will be
       routed for storage in one of the allowed regions. An empty list means that
       no regions are allowed, and is not a valid configuration.
      repeated string allowed_persistence_regions = 1;
      The count of allowedPersistenceRegions.
    • getAllowedPersistenceRegions

      String getAllowedPersistenceRegions(int index)
       A list of IDs of GCP regions where messages that are published to the topic
       may be persisted in storage. Messages published by publishers running in
       non-allowed GCP regions (or running outside of GCP altogether) will be
       routed for storage in one of the allowed regions. An empty list means that
       no regions are allowed, and is not a valid configuration.
      repeated string allowed_persistence_regions = 1;
      index - The index of the element to return.
      The allowedPersistenceRegions at the given index.
    • getAllowedPersistenceRegionsBytes getAllowedPersistenceRegionsBytes(int index)
       A list of IDs of GCP regions where messages that are published to the topic
       may be persisted in storage. Messages published by publishers running in
       non-allowed GCP regions (or running outside of GCP altogether) will be
       routed for storage in one of the allowed regions. An empty list means that
       no regions are allowed, and is not a valid configuration.
      repeated string allowed_persistence_regions = 1;
      index - The index of the value to return.
      The bytes of the allowedPersistenceRegions at the given index.