Interface DeadLetterPolicyOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
DeadLetterPolicy, DeadLetterPolicy.Builder

public interface DeadLetterPolicyOrBuilder extends
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The name of the topic to which dead letter messages should be published.
    The name of the topic to which dead letter messages should be published.
    The maximum number of delivery attempts for any message.

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • getDeadLetterTopic

      String getDeadLetterTopic()
       The name of the topic to which dead letter messages should be published.
       Format is `projects/{project}/topics/{topic}`.The Cloud Pub/Sub service
       account associated with the enclosing subscription's parent project (i.e.,
       service-{project_number} must have
       permission to Publish() to this topic.
       The operation will fail if the topic does not exist.
       Users should ensure that there is a subscription attached to this topic
       since messages published to a topic with no subscriptions are lost.
      string dead_letter_topic = 1;
      The deadLetterTopic.
    • getDeadLetterTopicBytes getDeadLetterTopicBytes()
       The name of the topic to which dead letter messages should be published.
       Format is `projects/{project}/topics/{topic}`.The Cloud Pub/Sub service
       account associated with the enclosing subscription's parent project (i.e.,
       service-{project_number} must have
       permission to Publish() to this topic.
       The operation will fail if the topic does not exist.
       Users should ensure that there is a subscription attached to this topic
       since messages published to a topic with no subscriptions are lost.
      string dead_letter_topic = 1;
      The bytes for deadLetterTopic.
    • getMaxDeliveryAttempts

      int getMaxDeliveryAttempts()
       The maximum number of delivery attempts for any message. The value must be
       between 5 and 100.
       The number of delivery attempts is defined as 1 + (the sum of number of
       NACKs and number of times the acknowledgement deadline has been exceeded
       for the message).
       A NACK is any call to ModifyAckDeadline with a 0 deadline. Note that
       client libraries may automatically extend ack_deadlines.
       This field will be honored on a best effort basis.
       If this parameter is 0, a default value of 5 is used.
      int32 max_delivery_attempts = 2;
      The maxDeliveryAttempts.